Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
A look at the philosophies behind two great cultures
Published on March 4, 2004 By Draginol In International

Blogs occasionally seem to have a Europe vs. United States mentality. I've seen it since the beginning of blogging. Why is that? Why is so much scorn reserved for Americans from Europeans? Why is such contempt shown for Europeans? I think I have the answer: Drastically different philosophies on life.

Europeans are focused on fairness. Americans are focused on freedom.  Europeans look at Americans as a bunch of uncultured barbarians running amok in their country and worse, through the world spreading their vulgar culture around. Americans see Europeans as a bunch of sissies whose people meekly except regulations and massive taxation in an effort to make life more "fair" for everyone.  The American response would typically be "Hey, life ain't fair!" to which the European might answer "But it should be!" And so it goes from there.

But because so many Europeans like individual Americans (and vice versa) the argument usually gets shifted to the "administrations" of the various countries.  The typical American is a nice guy right? It's not his fault that the United States is full of gun toting, capital punishment supporting, SUV driving, CO2 producing zealots. What do you expect with Bush in charge? And "Old Europe" is a mess not because of the typical Belgian or German or Frenchman, it's cynical and corrupt politicians like Chirac or Schroeder that make it seem so crummy to us.

What both fail to realize that in a democracy, the people get what they want. Sometimes it takes awhile but eventually their cultures will get a government that represents them. Some people are aghast that the United States has capital punishment. But an overwhelming majority of Americans supports capital punishment. So we elect leaders who support it. Both Kerry and Bush support capital punishment. They have to. They wouldn't get elected otherwise. But why do Americans support capital punishment? Because we're a bunch of "Cowboys"? No. It's because we believe in having a great deal of freedom in our lives but we also believe that freedom comes with a price -- personal responsibility.

Great freedom requiring personal responsibility is one of the cornerstones of American culture. And it is a relatively foreign concept to Europeans (not personal responsibility but the relationship between the two).  We pretty much allow people to do what they want here.  You can own a gun with few exceptions. There are few regulations in being an entrepreneur.  But at the same time, there are few regulations to keep a company from simply bombing on its own.  People in the United States aren't taxed very much relatively speaking. They're free to make decisions on how they want to spend the money they earn. But on the other side of the coin, they also are free to make poor choices and end up in the gutter.

I don't mean this as a criticism of Europe but Europeans have never had the kinds of freedoms Americans have. Even today. It was, after all, a big reason why so many Europeans came to the United States in the first place. The US government is formed on the basis of the federal government essentially providing a handful of essential services. It's actually the weakest central government in the industrialized world in terms of its domestic power. But Europeans have not demanded the kinds of freedoms Americans want. A European might correctly point out that too much freedom leads to chaos and anarchy. And that Europeans have chosen to pull back a bit from the brink that Americans seem so readily to jump over in order to try to create a more just society.

Remember, the French revolution cry was not freedom or death as it was in the United States. It was split amongst 3 principles: liberty, equality, fraternity. Much of "old Europe" could be described in this way. The government exists to help make things more fair -- more equal. It's not fair for some people to be incredibly rich while others are incredibly poor. A European would look at the gap between the richest Americans and the poorest Americans as evidence that the American system isn't working. An American would look at the same evidence and point out that it is working as designed. The only concern Americans would have is if the rich got rich from cheating the system in some way. Americans, generally, do not envy the rich because they believe they have a shot at being one of them if they play their cards right. And even if they don't, odds are they'll end up doing pretty well.

The descendants of Europe who live in the United States have a significantly better standard of living than anywhere else in the world. And the American system works so well that descendents from Africa have the highest standard of living of any people with African heritage in the world -- despite having been slaves only a bit over a century ago. But there's a catch (isn't there always?) The poorest Americans live pretty darn poorly compared to people in similar situations in Europe. If life were an obstacle course where 90% of the people were able to compete it and 10% didn't, the 90% in the US are rewarded far more than the 90% in Europe. But at the same time, the 10% who can't do it suffer more in the US than they do in Europe. So which path do you take?

As an American, I've been instilled with its cultural values. So I prefer freedom to fairness. I have sympathy for those who haven't been able to make the cut in American society but I also don't want to see our freedoms further eroded in order to prop them up. I don't like the way things are in "old Europe". My views aren't shared by all Americans. But they are shared by most Americans. And vice versa in Europe. And the result of democracy in action (or representative government if you're anal retentive) is that the system is set up to reflect our values -- just like the French and Germans and Belgians and so on have governments that reflect theirs. And that's a good thing.

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on Oct 10, 2008

Not sure if this was some anti EU troll blog or what but here goes.

You are new here. You forgot to give a source for your numbers.


  The UK average wage is $42,000 a year with 4.8 weeks payed leave. The average wage in the USA is $38,000 a year and no payed leave.

When was that? According to, the average employment income in 2005 were

US$42,000 (USA)

US$32,600 (UK)

(According to the same source Germany is US$34,900 but I believe UK is higher than Germany. I know Ireland is.)


  The UK has less than 500 people living rough per evening and 0 long term rough sleepers. The USA has 860,000 long term sleeping rough and up to 1.5 million people sleeping rough per evening.



  The UK has 46% of people in university, the USA has less than 33%.

That doesn't surprise me. Economies that offer free third-level education always end up with many students financed and supported by the rest of the economy. It's a bad sign if there are too many people in university rather than production.


  If the UK and the USA both had the same population the USA would not be able to compete with the UK, therefore the Uk is a better ran, more free and far far more fair country than the USA. Also a more successful country.

The reason the USA have a greater population than the UK is because they did compete in the 19th century and the US won.

The EU and US compete now, and the US is doing better. More people are moving from the EU to the US than vice versa. If the situation were as you describe it, migration would be reversed.

Fact is that doctors leave Germany for Scandinavia and Ireland and Europe is running out of network and IT specialists. The UK is not doing much better. Ireland is.

I myself moved from Germany to Ireland for at partly economic reasons (I make more money in Ireland). I would move to the US if they gave me a Green Card. And the same is true for many many others.

But on the other hand, you do not have people queueing up in Virginia waiting for a chance to move to Europe.



If the USA had 60 million people and the UK 300 million, we would not be talking as the USA would be so far behind we would struggle to remember who exactly you are.

If the USA had 60 million people and European countries had 300 million, the English would be speaking German now.



The UK is 10 years ahead fo the USA whichever way you look at it, I am afraid.

Perhaps, but the US do not want to go down that road and neither do most other countries. If Thatcher hadn't turned the UK economy around, nobody would even consider the UK as an example for anything any more.


I don't know how much actual experience you have with these things. I have seen the differences between countries. I have lived and worked in two countries and studied in three. What's your background?



on Oct 12, 2008

1.  GDP PPP is not average wage just an attempt by anti English characters like yourself to rig stats. The USA government has their stats for average wage...

USA = $38,651.41

UK = $42,000

Keeping in mind americans work far longer hours than the UK and still earn less money and have less payed leave.

2. Universities in the UK are per head of population far superior to the USA and anywhere else.

  The UK has 3 of the top 5 in the world, we only have 60 million people. Oxford and Cambridge are the most respected Universities in the world. Bill Clinton sent his daughter to one of them as he thought it was better than Yale, where Dubya went.

3. Only the poor or mega rich entertainers move to the USA. More USA citizens moved to the UK in the last 5 years than the other wyaa round.

 In fact the UK usually move to france, spain, australia more than the USA due to high crime levels in the USA people are put off.

The entertainers only go because the USA has a higher population and thus more money to be made.

4. If the UK and the USA ahd the same numbers then yes the UK would be way ahead.

  If the UK had not stood up to hitler then yes the world would be speaking german.

5. The Irish pay less tax than the UK and USA and get higher wages than the USA. The Irish have copied the UK's service based economy and done well.

  Mervin King turned the UK's economy around and thats the way it is.

  If the USA had 60 million poeple it would be on a par with Italy. Way behind the UK.

  America is big not great. Next you will be telling me how great China and India are. They are also just big and not great.


on Oct 12, 2008

1.  GDP PPP is not average wage just an attempt by anti English characters like yourself to rig stats. The USA government has their stats for average wage...

I was quoting average income, not GDP/P. What's anti-English about that?

USA = $38,651.41

That's the average wage index, a value used for determining social security entitlements. I don't know how it relates to average income, but it's lower.


UK = $42,000

The site you wanted to link to ( speaks of a median income of GBP 457 per week, i.e. 24000 per year. That is US$ 41000, but doesn't include the unemployed and part-time workers ( surveys full-time workers for that number). I assume if you do the calculations to include the unemployed etc, you arrive at the number quote.


Keeping in mind americans work far longer hours than the UK and still earn less money and have less payed leave.

But they don't earn less money.

And the current dollar value helps you here. I myself was happy to see that I suddenly made nearly 6 digits in US dollars. But goods remained expensive here and my money (in dollars) was worth less than the same amount would be in the US. How many Big Macs can I buy for an average UK income? And how many for an average US income?

(And what will you do when the dollar and pound fluctuate again? Switch sides?)


2. Universities in the UK are per head of population far superior to the USA and anywhere else.

  The UK has 3 of the top 5 in the world, we only have 60 million people. Oxford and Cambridge are the most respected Universities in the world. Bill Clinton sent his daughter to one of them as he thought it was better than Yale, where Dubya went.

Just wait where those universities are heading...

3. Only the poor or mega rich entertainers move to the USA. More USA citizens moved to the UK in the last 5 years than the other wyaa round.

Actually, mega rich entertainers tend to move from the US to France, but that's besides the point.

Where exactly are you getting your numbers from?


Anyway, better learn German. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it!


on Oct 12, 2008

This is interesting:


Ten fastest earned

  1. Tokyo, Japan - 10 minutes
  2. Los Angeles, United States - 11 minutes
  3. Chicago, United States - 12 minutes
  4. Miami, United States - 12 minutes
  5. New York City, United States - 13 minutes
  6. Auckland, New Zealand - 14 minutes
  7. Sydney, Australia - 14 minutes
  8. Toronto, Canada - 14 minutes
  9. Zürich, Switzerland - 15 minutes
  10. Dublin, Ireland - 15 minutes
I the US the average worker has to work 13 minutes for a Big Mac, in Ireland 15 minutes. The UK is not even in the list.
But New York has higher rents than Dublin, so I'd rather live here than there, money-wise.
Most everyday things cost twice as much in Ireland and the UK than in the US. Should we half the average income of the UK to take that into account?

on Oct 12, 2008

1. Average wage is average wage, you do not get a higher income than your wage. And yes it takes into account all people working. Not sure why youw nat to know what wage people who do not get a wage get.

  Benefits in the UK are higher, the site I showed shows this.

  You will say anything to prove some anti EU/UK agenda, you have been proven wrong.

2." Just wait where those universities are heading..." not sure what that is supposed to mean.

3. "mega rich move to France"...Again an invalid. Europes top destination for mega rich are Monaco, Swtzerland or Ireland all low tax.

  Brad and Ange are not earning in France just living.

  America is were TV producers, actors and directors from the UK go because of the larger population. Thus more money to be made.

4. Big Mac index shows goods cost more in the UK and we also have the richest minimum wage, no long term rough sleepers and well taken care of disabled. The USA fails on all three sadly, you have little human dignity.

5. Go to wikipedia minimum wage page [I can't paste anything on here]. Britains is nearly double the USA and goods are only 30% higher.

  Basically amerians work lomge rhours, have less time off and get paid less.They pay less for goods at the expense of thir own people who are treated like dirt.

  Hence why Obama wants america to be mroe european.

on Oct 12, 2008

Companies pay British workers more money per hour and give them 4.8 weeks payed leave than US workers.

  Americans work more hours than UK workers, get paid less per hour and get less paid leave.

  The government of the Uk add VAT onto goods so we pay more. This means the UK has 0 long term homeless, wealthy well housed poor, cared for diabled people and many more people in higher education.

  The UK is in the top 8 for science, maths and English. [nation master website, education stats.] The USA is not even in the top 15.

 Britain has bad weather and the USA has mainly better weather, but also hurricanes, earthquakes and rattlesnakes.

  Gun deaths in the USA are on a par with thrid world countries, the UK has the lowest gun deaths per person in Europe.

  Most immigrants to the USA are poor uneducated people from latin america or asia. The Europeans rarely move tot he USA nowadays. Many USA citizens do move to London to work in the worlds number one stock market, London.

  The premier league is the world most watched sports league. NFL [gridiron] is no where close.

on Oct 13, 2008




Look for the Downing Street memo. It is the minutes of a meeting between Bush and Blair where they discuss the best way to sell the war in Iraq. Topics included Humanitarianism, WMD's, Terrorism, Al Queida, etc. Further more the information for WMD's came from a leak of mid level inteligence officers from Germany. The source dubbed Curveball was deemed unreliable by German inteliigence, and a good amount of the US intelligence community as well. There was also a former minister from Iraq who was paid for and coached to signing a "blank check" confession supporting  administration lines untill curveball came along.  There was also the fake pictures and container of salt Colin Powel was sent to the UN with. No actual proof was offered going into Iraq, and none has been provided since. Lastly I refer you to the Project for the New American Century. A guideline for America to dominate this century beginning with the Invasion of Iraq(and continuing on to Iran). It was written by a more than healthy amount of members in the Bush Administration, including Dick Cheney(also the first man to give a speech on the issue of going to war with Iraq). Sidenote: The was also a memo from Spain dating in the beginning of March 2003, that wanted to know if Spain would support us in the war the president had decided was nessescery, while still publicly claiming he was attempting to exhuast all diplomatic options before commiting Our military to war. None of this was heard in Our, America's, "liberal" media though.

on Oct 13, 2008

You will say anything to prove some anti EU/UK agenda, you have been proven wrong.

So will you give sources for any of your claims?

Just giving a link to a Web site that, frankly, gives different numbers than you claim it does, and a broken link to another site is not enough.

I told you you are new here. You have to get used to giving sources.


No actual proof was offered going into Iraq

That's funny because when I was there the Kurdish officials kept telling me how Saddam gased their people and the UN officials kept claiming that Saddam didn't disclose the location of the poison gas labs and factories.

How come you "know" all this stuff if your sources are the media you are accusing of misrepresenting or ignoring facts?


on Oct 13, 2008

A guideline for America to dominate this century beginning with the Invasion of Iraq

Speaking as someone who grew up in American-occupied Berlin in a country liberated from fascism by an American invasion, I cannot say that I have a problem with American domination.

It has so far been absolutely excellent. We even managed to have fewer wars than before in Europe.


on Oct 13, 2008

Oh, boy:

External debt, total (million US$) and per nose (US$):

United States     13,773,135     42,343
United Kingdom     11,502,8002     189,855
Ireland     2,200,0003     509,529
Germany     4,489,000     54,604

Personally, I find Ireland's external debt shocking. No wonder we could afford the new tram and all that stuff!

What does this tell us? If the US had only 60 million people, its debt would be one fifth of the UK's.



on Oct 13, 2008


A guideline for America to dominate this century beginning with the Invasion of Iraq

Speaking as someone who grew up in American-occupied Berlin in a country liberated from fascism by an American invasion, I cannot say that I have a problem with American domination.

It has so far been absolutely excellent. We even managed to have fewer wars than before in Europe.



hey buddy hows it going?


First on the media, I was criticizing the Main Stream Media organizations, like FOX, MSNBC, CNN and their various affiiates, and the various news papers and magizines also owned by the same corporations. The media I referred to was independant media. for which there is much documentation that you can feel free to look up for yourself.  The downing street memo had alot of coverage in the UK atleast, same with Spain and many Spaininsh outlets talking about it. The US MSM is very closed off and reluctant to educate its public about things outside of the US, mainly because the next britney spears or paris hilton story will gain them more ratings, as they see it atleast.


WW2 is one of the three nessecery wars I believe America fought, the others were guided by imperialism and putting money before soldiers and civilians. My problems with Project for the American Century is it continues the tradition of putting money before soldier and civillian(of any nationality, At least Americans seem to have a strange care less attitude when civilians die in a war zone, you hear nothing about estimated million dead Iraqi civilians, mainly thanks to the Bush adminstration policies of not counting civilian deaths in the country we were going to "liberate" becuase they threatend us with WMD's, no proof of which has been found.) You could call me an Isolationist. I tend to believe in George Washington's policies, some of which he eloquently outlined in his fare well address. Like we should only hold trade relationships with other countries and avoid being drawn into entanglements and allainces, playing off Europes history at the time. It is not the reposncibilty of the US to go in nations like cowboys to supposedly liberate(in stead of rape their land for the corporations while the US installs a puppet ruler. The US has a tradition of over throwing democratically elected leaders in favor of dictators with pro-US buisness interests. If there is truly a nessicity to liberate a country, then an alliance can be temporarily formed in the international community. I don't want the troops serving to protect to me to be put in harms way for the interests of money, and not national security(though that is how wars are usually sold, I mean you can find the same justifications and rhetoric dating back through out the history of wars).

on Oct 13, 2008

double post my bad

on Oct 13, 2008

Britains national debt is 43%.

USA is 61%.

  I knew you would come up with some sort of anti English stats. The national debt of the UK is small, the recommendation in the EU is not to exceed 60%, the UK is well within that.

  The government webpage showed that the USA average wage was indeed $38,000 and the UK's $42,000, with the UK working less hours per week.

  The big mac nonsense was childish and was not the average wage, just GDP PPP, which no government uses, just trolls like this guy.

UK national debt...43%

USA national debt...61%

  The UK workers work less hours, get paid more, have more paid leave and we have no long term homelessness and little gun deaths.

  Thats why more yanks are moving to europe and few going the other way.

 In future please use stats that governments use not right wing troll stats, thanks.


on Oct 13, 2008


Britains national debt is 43%.

USA is 61%.

  I knew you would come up with some sort of anti English stats. The national debt of the UK is small, the recommendation in the EU is not to exceed 60%, the UK is well within that.

  The government webpage showed that the USA average wage was indeed $38,000 and the UK's $42,000, with the UK working less hours per week.

  The big mac nonsense was childish and was not the average wage, just GDP PPP, which no government uses, just trolls like this guy.

UK national debt...43%

USA national debt...61%

  The UK workers work less hours, get paid more, have more paid leave and we have no long term homelessness and little gun deaths.

  Thats why more yanks are moving to europe and few going the other way.

 In future please use stats that governments use not right wing troll stats, thanks.



I am interested if you have a stat for disposable income's. The big argument over here, in the states, is usually, what seems like a gross exageration, the just about all of your incomes go taxes. Also how much of a refund do you usually get. Excuse if I have confused the UK economy with another more "socialist" economy in Europe.

on Oct 13, 2008

I am interested if you have a stat for disposable income's. The big argument over here, in the states, is usually, what seems like a gross exageration, the just about all of your incomes go taxes. Also how much of a refund do you usually get. Excuse if I have confused the UK economy with another more "socialist" economy in Europe.

Taxation can be found on wikipedia under taxation, I struggle to post links for some reason on this website.

 They are similar in the Uk to the USA. Except yanks pay for health care after they get their wage and thus pay out more than the UK.

 However electronic goods are 20% more epensive in the UK than the USA.

But that extra money is VAT which pays for the poor to get health care and to make sure all citizens have a home. No long term homeless in the UK, the first major country to guarantee this that I am aware of.

Germany and France pay way higher taxes, wikipedia taxation page.

Britain is a free market with social justice. The UK struggled with this in the 70's and 80's but now are doing great, pre credit crunch.

  I guess all countries could improve though.

  On social justice the Uk is about 10 years ahead of the USA. On wages the UK is about $2.50 more per hour than the USA, and with 4.8 weeks paid elave per year we gets lots of break from work.

  However the weather int he UK is terrible and the government cannot change that.



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