People with fancy new monitors make me mad. That's because I don't have a fancy new monitor. But Paul Boyer, the UI designer behind GalCiv II has a new one. See the screenshot there? That's from his monitor.
There's been so much going on. I didn't get to bed until 5am last night. The number of touches, tweaks, and enhancements to make the game "fun" has been immense.
For me, I'm been working on balance. Making sure the game is fun and challenging. This has mainly meant changes to the economics, weapons, costs, and most importantly, the computer AI.
I have to say, GalCiv II's AI is the finest AI that I have ever developed in my career. I've done a lot of AI over the years and a lot of it has really culminated here. For me, computer AI is not about making the AI win. That's easy. What I want is an AI that plays like a human being would - minus the swearing, disconnects, etc. The AI isn't quite human yet, there's coordination stuff that can be improved. But it's leaps and bounders better than anything we've done before. Given that our games are best known for computer AI, I think that says a lot.
The test this week has been what we're calling the Drengin/Human wars. Duels. One on One. Can the AI adapt from dealing with a large galaxy with 9 other players to a tiny galaxy with only one player that wants to kill them? The answer for the first GalCiv was no. We never even tested dueling. Not enough time. This time, the AI not only has multiple C++ personalities (our AIs aren't scripted). They have multiple random sub-classes to call upon in order to deal with different situations.

The AI in GalCiv scales based on its intelligence. As you increase the intelligence, new algorithms get unlocked. At Beginner, the AI is really crippled (but fast). At "Intelligent" it is playing its best game with the same stuff you've got. My goal in testing it is to be able to have a hard time beating the AI at Intelligent.
For players who have Beta 5, the AI metric we had would be what we'd call around a 20%. That is, around 40% of players would be able to beat the AI at "Intelligent". When we redid the AI during the holidays, we brought that number down to 20%. At this point, I think we're getting down to around 5%. And best of all, as we've improved the AI, we've been able to take away crutches. In GalCiv I, the AI knew where the good planets were. In GalCiv II, they don't. They have to scout them just like everyone else.
At first, I smoked the Drengin on intelligent. Raising the difficulty to "Genius" made is to that I could only win if I got very good starting conditions. But as I debugged and debugged I was able to make tweaks. The hardest part is having the AI research the right technologies. A good human strategy gamer often has a "build order". But we don't want to get down with "Research this, then this, then this". That's not AI. That' s a script. We want the AI to choose good technologies based on analysis of the map, the situation its in, and then conclude that they need X. So it's easy to tell the AI "Get weapons, then get invasion, then build transport and take human out." That might work for the particular situation, but it's not useful for the thousands of other scenarios out there. That's why most single player games get boring -- scripted AIs. You figure out their trick eventually and counter them.
If anyone is interested, I can write up the results of one of my recent tests.