Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Flavor text
Published on January 30, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

We've talked about this in previous entries but in GalCiv II you play as any of 10 races and depending on which race you pick the AI will choose different dialog to talk to you with.  Moreover, depending on your ethical alignment and their ethical alignment you will get different variations.  There's plenty of "generic" dialog in there as well but there are pages and pages of unique dialog that only show up if you play as the right race.

So tonight I was playing as the Drengin Empire -- the evil scum of the galaxy.  The humans had this to say:

on Jan 30, 2006
"Don't see many wheeled vehicles anymore on Earth anymore."?

Better grammar check that bad boy.

-- B
on Jan 31, 2006
Nice! I really like the snarky comments you often get when dealing with other races that don't like you very much.
on Jan 31, 2006
Of course you could always blame it on the universal translator. Bound to have some hickups, glitches and hickups, glitches, and hickups...
on Jan 31, 2006
Brilliant! It's the little touches that make this game rock.
on Jan 31, 2006
Well he IS the president...I mean look at George W. Bush's grammar......
on Jan 31, 2006
"Don't see many wheeled vehicles anymore on Earth anymore."?

Better grammar check that bad boy.

Keep stuff like that it adds Charm to the game Besides humans naturally *SUCK* at grammer (well the ones in power...)
even then its fun to leave in a few "Easter Eggs" in games Like for The Sims 2 for instance it adds a unique touch just so long as there not turn bugs or CTDs as are so common. lol just the thought...(PersonA:Hey i found a CTD YEH!!!Person B:What are you talking about thats bad! Person A:umm i meant CTD as in Crazy Tupe Discoclub )
on Feb 01, 2006
Alan Bradley = descendant of G. Dubya rofl.

I do have to say one thing about the humor. KEEP IT COMING. great stuff. The manual, the tech descriptions.. everything. Glad there's humour in diplomacy too.
on Feb 01, 2006
LOL good one!!
on Feb 02, 2006
Hey what is wrong with using anymore two times, I do that very offten anymore!!! I am human, descendant of humans and I speak as I see fit, so you don't like my engklish scum Drengin???
on Feb 03, 2006
Hehe I really like this example since the turtle was used before to demonstrate the different moralities of all the major races.