Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
A look the cause and effects of life choices
Published on February 25, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

There are 3 Americas. The rich. The middle class and the poor.

From the 1995 Census Bureau:

The rich: 6 million households
The middle class: 52 million households
The poor: 8 illion households

The rich: 4 out of 5 are married
The middle class: 4 out of 5 are married
The poor: 2 out of 5 are married

The rich: <5% are single parents
The middle class: <5% are single parents
The poor: nearly 2 out of 3 are single parents

The rich: >9 out of 10 finished high school
The middle class: 9 out of 10 finished high school
The poor: half of them didn't finish high school

The rich: 97% work full time
The middle class: 97% work full time
The poor: 23% work full time

Anyone see a pattern?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 25, 2004
What were the monetary cut-offs for the rich, middle class and poor.

on Feb 25, 2004
Rich: More than $100,000

The Poor: Less than $15,569.
on Feb 25, 2004

That most of the poor are gay and can't get married?  

on Feb 25, 2004

I assume the pattern you were reaching for was that education is the key to making money. And that making money is the key to success and happiness.   And the world would be a better place if those damn poor people would just get educated.    But dont help them out with any tax curve that would actually help the situation.

on Feb 25, 2004
In retort to Jeremy's statement about tax curves or cuts, how in the hell can you cut taxes tht the poor aren't even paying? Give them money (tax credits) for not getting off their butts? How insensitive we must be not to just hand over our money hand over fist to support the fringe lazy. If you really study this poor situation, you will find that the poor don't stay poor very long. The vast majority are only going through a phase. Poor is a very dynamic population.
on Feb 25, 2004

The first step that the poor need to take is to get jobs.

If they can't get jobs, the second question is to find out why they can't get jobs.

To me, the most telling part is this:

97% of BOTH the rich and middle class work full time. But only 23% of the poor work full time.

The stats don't tell WHY they don't work. But it seems pretty clear: Poor people don't generally have full time jobs.

on Feb 25, 2004
Are you saying it makes you higher class to be married? That pisses me off a little. THat part of the stat's doesn't fit.

on Feb 25, 2004
"97% of BOTH the rich and middle class work full time. But only 23% of the poor work full time. "

man you are the master of stating the obvious. so if you have a job you get money and if you don't, you don't?? is that your point? so i could say 97% of caucasians have white skin. man that is brilliant.
on Feb 25, 2004
and if you look around some, you'll see that current job growth can't even keep up with the population. people can't get jobs because there are fewer and fewer available. there is this thing we live in called Reality.
on Feb 25, 2004

Why do the poor need more money to help them pass high school? When I went to high school, everything was free.

on Feb 25, 2004

man you are the master of stating the obvious. so if you have a job you get money and if you don't, you don't?? is that your point? so i could say 97% of caucasians have white skin. man that is brilliant.

It does disprove the theory that the poor are hardworking individuals with 80 hour jobs who are being screwed by the system.

and if you look around some, you'll see that current job growth can't even keep up with the population. people can't get jobs because there are fewer and fewer available. there is this thing we live in called Reality.

Don't poor people have more children than rich people? If so, it seems as though they're digging their own graves.

on Feb 25, 2004

Indeed. I assume from here on out that Jeff will leap to my defense when I state "the obvious" that the reason why most poor people are poor is becaue they don't work. You have left wing extremists claiming that the poor are hard working people who have gotten screwed big corporations or some other imaginary boogeyman.

As for being married or not -- well, given that both rich and middle class people tend to be married and poor people tend to be single, it does indicate that being married helps.

on Feb 25, 2004
In the first place, this is almost ten years old. In the second place, LMAO about the middle class, and in the third place so what?

But do you feel better now?
on Feb 25, 2004
So, you are effectively saying that 77% of America's poor are just lazy?

There couldn't possibly be any mitigating circumstances as to why they aren't working full time whatsoever? that would be a gross assumption... wasn't their an article about homemakeing being a job? Try and call those stay at home mums who earn Less than $15,569 lazy...

I guess they really need a kick up the backside, eveidently that would solve all the social problems.

on Feb 25, 2004
Brad Wardell- You are the first person I have ever said so what to. I have always thought of so and so what as snotty, rude comments and I said it to you. Why do I feel like every time I post something about poverty, you take as it as a personal attack against you? So what is not in my nature.
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