There are 3 Americas. The rich. The middle class and the poor.
From the 1995 Census Bureau:
The rich: 6 million households
The middle class: 52 million households
The poor: 8 illion households
The rich: 4 out of 5 are married
The middle class: 4 out of 5 are married
The poor: 2 out of 5 are married
The rich: <5% are single parents
The middle class: <5% are single parents
The poor: nearly 2 out of 3 are single parents
The rich: >9 out of 10 finished high school
The middle class: 9 out of 10 finished high school
The poor: half of them didn't finish high school
The rich: 97% work full time
The middle class: 97% work full time
The poor: 23% work full time
Anyone see a pattern?