Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
There is no easy way...
Published on September 28, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

When you're a game developer, life is easy. Make customers happy. That's pretty much the only thing you have control over.  Few (very few) developers are also their own publishers. And publishers have a very different set of criteria -- making sure the retailers are happy too which may involve contradictory approaches.

Stardock has one thing going for it that most publishers don't -- a mature and popular digital distribution network ( on the game side). This has helped us keep some leverage. After all, who the heck is Stardock anyway? But because we sell millions of dollars a year in software via our own digital distribution network, we have alternatives.  That is why, for instance, WindowBlinds hasn't been at retail.  For years, various distributors have tried to make us do deals that would be bad for our customers and bad for us but very good for them.  Historically, distributors had all the clout along with the retailers so the developer/publisher pretty much had to accept whatever was offered.  But digital distribution gives us more options.  WindowBlinds, for example, sells more copies -- even today -- than Galactic Civilizations II.  And GalCiv II has sold very well. Well into the six figure range by the end of last June.  So you can imagine how well WindowBlinds sells and that's direct from Stardock.

This brings us to some of the things we want to do.

We want to lower the price of GalCiv II during the Christmas season. That probably sounds insane. But here's the thing, we want new players to feel like they're part of the rest of the community and hence be able to get Dark Avatar when it's available. And we don't want those users to be spending $70 at once.  As a gamer, I can deal with $40 to $50 at once and then $25 to $30 half a year or more later.  But expecting to put up $70 or more at once is too much for me. 

I know of a lot of cool games I've heard about via word of mouth over the years that I didn't end up buying because I wasn't willing to just get the base game when there was an expansion pack out.  Yes, I know I could just live with the regular game and get the expansion later. But I suspect I'm not the only one who feels this way -- if I'm going to get a game, I'm going to get the whole thing.

So now we talk about where the retailers come in.  Retail shelf space is tight.  So one idea was to expand Dark Avatar even further. Put in MORE features than we have listed there. Make it not quite a sequel but far more than a typical expansion pack...

..and then, thanks to digital distribution release the upgrade as the expansion pack digitally so people who bought the original game could get the full new version of GalCiv II at a discount and make the retail version a compilation that includes it all in a single box.  This would make retailers happy and new users happy but it would mean dealying the expansion pack until after Christmas (we'd do an open beta this Fall so people who wanted to start playing it before Christmas could play, it would be "Beta" only in name really, no buggier than a 1.x beta has been which means, some bugs but nothing huge typically).

But doing so brings the question of what to call the new stand alone version? GalCiv II: Gold? GalCiv II: Dark Avatar? There is likely to be some confusion either way.  One of the benefits is that having an expansion pack and compilation version out at the same time would help sales at retail since that's when all the editiorial coverage and advertising would be taking place.  But again, the question returns - what to call the stand alone compilation vs. what to call the expansion pack.

So what got us thinking down this track in the first place? The contest. No single entry per se but reading through there just inspired us to want to come up wtih more features to put in. But at a certain point, the features become so long that they're almost a quasi-sequel being made with the same underlying game engine.

We'd love to hear your thoughts...

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 30, 2006
For me, I have no shortage of great games to play, with about a half-dozen more being released in the near future.

Lucky you. Can't afford to spend that much on games myself. I was going to be loyal to Stardock and save my money for them. Now that's looking less likely.

I still say: Pre-Xmas Release + Post-Xmas Patch.
on Sep 30, 2006
My 2Cents

There is nothing more Disappointing than a game that is rushed out the door and you find out they cut out features just to make a date on the calander.
Always makes my feel like the game is half done even if it is a good game because i know it is not what the developers wanted.
on Sep 30, 2006
My opinion is that ya'll should finish Dark Avatar, release it and add new features for download later. A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.
on Sep 30, 2006
I really see very little difference between "release DA as planned, and expand it after Christmas" and "release a beta this fall, and the final after Christmas." It seems to be mostly semantics. GalCiv2 betas have been very stable in the past (more stable than a good number of RELEASE versions of other software). I realize some people are reluctant to play betas, but perhaps this would be a good time to break that self-imposed rule.

One problem with "release DA as planned, and expand it after Christmas" is that it can't really be advertised as having the features that will be expanded later. It would be a shorter feature list, and therefore potentially less appealing to the average customer that has no clue about the planned additions to it.

So come on, give a beta version a try this fall! Your head's not going to fall off, or anything!
on Sep 30, 2006
I still say: Pre-Xmas Release + Post-Xmas Patch.

I think it has been noted by now...
on Sep 30, 2006
There is nothing more Disappointing than a game that is rushed out the door and you find out they cut out features just to make a date on the calander.

Exactly Most games released just before Chistmas suck.

I still say: Pre-Xmas Release + Post-Xmas Patch.

Has anyone from Stardock mentioned this as an option? If not, is seems people may be assuming this is feasable when it may not be. I don't think Stardock puts major features into patches.
on Sep 30, 2006
How about fixing for a final relase on bugs for 1.31 then release the game in November before christmas hits, call the game Galatic Civilization 2: Avatars Judgement and get T.V. stations such as XPLAY, or have the CEO or designers like AKA Cari Elf to go on Attack of the show, on the G4 channel to show your game that way everyone and there dog gets the game because they see that you guys rock. Or release the game and make sure it has the fixes for bugs beyond 1.31. Thats all I hope for and more. Thanx Stardock. --Viithtrump
on Sep 30, 2006

I still say: Pre-Xmas Release + Post-Xmas Patch.

Won't happen. Reviews of the expansion pack are based on the 1.0, not some future patch.

The options would be the expansion pack we originally discussed pre-Christmas or a significantly enhanced expansion pack post-Christmas.  We're leaning towards having a beta pre-Christmas so people can effectively play the game with the final expansion being in February.

on Sep 30, 2006
Would the pre-xmas beta pretty much be DA as was planned before the contest? If so, sounds good.
on Sep 30, 2006
Question- for those who pre-ordered, are they going to have to pay more, or is the price "locked" for them?
on Sep 30, 2006
Despite my usual long patience, understanding and want of better end products, I have been looking forward to DA coming out on time in a few weeks. I'd be disapointed if I had to wait another 3-4 months for it. I ordered it months ago as it is, it's a long time to wait.

I'd be quite happy if DA landed with the features already promised. It's enough and shoiuld be value for money. This extra stuff would be great but I don't think Stardock owe it to us to put so much in. I would be happy to get DA as adverised on schedule and the rest of it to go into the next expansion to come out 6-7 months or so down the road.

Alternatively, put some of it into DA updates as bonus content like we have had with GC2. Point is I don't want it to delay DA when I didn't expect to get it in the first place. What ever is left goes into expansion pack 2.

Now, forgetting the fact I have it on pre-order, lets think about new players. GC2 has been out for some time now, the release hype and media coverage is over. Sales now are probably being driven by word of mouth. I think the longer the gap is between GC2 news the more the game will slip from the limelight. Expansion packs attract attention, a higher profile boosts sales in the run up to christmas. Also, existing players will have time to drift away and forget about GC2, when the expansion finally turns up less people will still be interested in getting it.

Get the goods out on time as promised, get the media interest before GC2 becomes old news, release expansion 2 sooner than you would if DA's release was pushed back 4 months.

As always, I'm glad to see you guys standing up for a quality end product by being willing to go the extra mile. Just don't get carried away and make problems for yourselves you don't need.
on Sep 30, 2006

Has anyone from Stardock mentioned this as an option? If not, is seems people may be assuming this is feasable when it may not be. I don't think Stardock puts major features into patches.

The ship design interface was completely redesigned post-release, some pretty big changes have gone into those updates.
on Sep 30, 2006
I will throw in my vote for holding off and doing the DA release after Christmas. Having more built into the game rarely seems to hurt.

The idea of people that pre-paided getting to play the BETA is cool too.
Personally I have not pre-ordered yet myself, financial reasons, but to show the loyal and supportative customers some appreciation makes big difference.
on Sep 30, 2006
The ship design interface was completely redesigned post-release, some pretty big changes have gone into those updates.

Well, Brad just said it ain't gonna happen.

I think people would be more supportive of holding off for more features if they knew what those feature were.

People who want it NOW no matter what seem to be people who play nothing but GC2 and so need a steady stream of content to keep them going. I play lots of different games and can go weeks or months without touching GC2. Whenever DA is released I'll buy it if it's good. I don't even care what they charge for it. Good games are a bargain when you spend hundereds of hours playing them.
on Sep 30, 2006
The options would be the expansion pack we originally discussed pre-Christmas or a significantly enhanced expansion pack post-Christmas. We're leaning towards having a beta pre-Christmas so people can effectively play the game with the final expansion being in February.

My vote would be for the enhanced expansion pack post-Christmas, with a playable beta pre-Christmas.
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