Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

We have so many ideas that we've documented based on player feedback that we could keep doing expansion packs indefinitely.

Some people might say, "Why not do a sequel?" but as a practical matter, whole new games are much more expensive to do than expansion packs are. 

In the case of Galactic Civilizations, the soonest a GalCiv III would come out would be like 2010 and that would be a best-case scenario.  That's because the bulk of our development resources are working on the unannounced fantasy strategy game.

But expansion packs can be done with smaller staffs since you have the basic game there to do.  But that raises the question, how many expansion packs do people want and how radical should they be?

For example, I would be open to revamping the whole economic system in a future expansion pack to help streamline it.  I'd also like to expand the United Planets to allow civilizations to submit "bills" to the UP to vote on.  I'd also like to see more types of ship components, more diplomatic options, and so on.

Other players have requested things like multiplayer, tactical battles, fast carriers, invasion improvements, and so forth. 

But the question is, would players be interested in another 2 or 3 or more expansion packs in the future?  (or put another way, would there be enough players interested to pay for the cost of development)?  Or would it make more sense to have Twilight of the Arnor be the final expansion pack and move fully on to other projects and do a sequel in 3 or 4 years?

What do you think?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 08, 2007
I will keeping buying expansion packs as long as they add to gameplay. Twilight does add to gameplay as it adds the esential feature of difference to each race (Ps if you can make the interface different for each race I will be very very very happy.

One thing I would like is dead simple, many game have it, and I am sure it can't be that long to code. AI govener auto-build option, I love playing the huge maps, and felling like I rule a galaxy, not just a few soler sytems, but late into the game having to mange 10-30 build orders a turn really bugs me. This will be even more anoying with the new TA size. I think that a tick box option for an AI govener (who makes dessions based one the dedicate options for planets [not sure what the real name is]). CIV4, and MTW2 (Both Turn Based Games) have such an option. If you do this I will be won over and will buy every Gal Civ II, and III expansion pack.

Another thing I would like would be Colonies (Not very important, but more realistic).

Some more late game gameplay changes.

on Sep 08, 2007
I think they should be thinking on making GalciV III, so twilight of the Arnor should be the last expansion but I'm open to the idea of regular updates with stardock central for GalciV II after the expansion. I mean look at Heroes series, they went up to Heroes 6 I believe and they haven't missed a beat, granted the company has changed. But you have to try our new ideas, the only way is a game from scratch, personally espionage is important to me. I can't wait to see the update were going to get regarding espionage before the expansion. Frankly, althought were greatfull of the expansions were getting for GalciV II, but some ideas like mine and others are to sophisticated to be implimented in an expansion. But if stardock decides to continue with expansions beyond Twilight of the arnor, it's not like I'm not going to buy them either.
on Sep 09, 2007
I like to see more expansion packs.

I like the idea of carriers, battle stratagies before battle, and some upgrade to UP.

What I really like is a new modules for ships, each modules give the ship a bodyguard and act like a support for the ship,kinda like battle drone from Command & Conquer: Generals. if the main ship that the modules is equip with are gone the drone are gone as well. The drone can be design and customize just like the main ship.

The drone modules can add new gameplay to GCII
can use to act as a decoy so the main ship won't take too much damages.
can help increase the ship def for every drones that have shield def on.
can help increase the ship repair rate.
if the drone modules are use on a large or capital size ship it can act as a carriers.

The drones can be cheap to expensive depending on the component that are use to make it and if it get destroy it can be rebuilt inside the ship ( automatic button for it would be nice) or at a planet for quicker rebuilt time.
on Sep 09, 2007
This game is already coming out. It's called Spore.

Wow, that game looks awesome. I just wish the creatures looked a little more realistic. They look like clay Dr. Seuss creatures. Has a real good concept though and I might get it for that reason.

It actually looks like black and white I a little.
on Sep 10, 2007
I dont think TA will fully satisfy the potential of galciv2
which is a great title. With the active forum like this game has, certainly not.

Yes, I will be fidel to StarDock and buy another expansion as long as
company maintains their service/quality.  

For multiplay: I guess given the company's faith in good ai
and relatively small percentage of potential customer who wants
multiplayer mode, MPmode wont see the day of light.
(by the way, even the hotseat/e-mail modes are demandeing feature?)

Carrier: Carrier means fighters. Not small ships which acts exactly same
as huge/large ships.
I've read on tactical game sticky board, but bring the maneuvability.
Every type of wapon should have area of coverage. Can huge canon
pointing at one direction can hit fast moving small vessels?
Ever played homeworld?
on Sep 10, 2007
I have not preordered the TA expansion because it has been said to be content expansion pack mainly. I buy expansion packs for the gameplay enchantments, not content. Anyways DA was way too buggy for my taste, so I´ll probably get TA bit later on.

I definatly would like to see more expansion packs for GC2. Any of the next things will make buy a expansion pack:

- Better diplomacy / UP
- Tactical battles
- Better ground combat
- Better gameplay (stuff like: Space bar moves all automoves etc)
- Better UI

Well I guess people get the picture from that small list
on Sep 10, 2007
I dont think TA will fully satisfy the potential of galciv2
which is a great title. With the active forum like this game has, certainly not.

Yes, I will be fidel to StarDock and buy another expansion as long as
company maintains their service/quality.  

For multiplay: I guess given the company's faith in good ai
and relatively small percentage of potential customer who wants
multiplayer mode, MPmode wont see the day of light.
(by the way, even the hotseat/e-mail modes are demandeing feature?)

Carrier: Carrier means fighters. Not small ships which acts exactly same
as huge/large ships.
I've read on tactical game sticky board, but bring the maneuvability.
Every type of wapon should have area of coverage. Can huge canon
pointing at one direction can hit fast moving small vessels?
Ever played homeworld?

What you are talking about is firing arcs. I don't know the devs stand on that issue.
on Sep 10, 2007
Yeah, I would buy most future expansions. What I am least interested in is a multiplayer one, as it might decrease the single player experience. Although a hot-seat might be cool
on Sep 10, 2007
Honestly- I can't see GC2 going MP. The game would be way too unbalanced in MP.

That said I am hoping for revamping of the following at some point

- Tech trade AI to work like the human. It just doesn't currently. To get a fair game you have to turn tech trading off. At the very least, I'd like to see a No tech brokering option.

- Espionage needs to be entirely redone, or have an option between DA/DL style. The feature was best in GC1, I wouldn't mind the GC1 system returning with some tweaks from BTS.

- The way economy , morale, and taxation works needs to be tweaked to be less gamey. The economics major in me is really cringing at the way it works now.

on Sep 10, 2007

I dont think TA will fully satisfy the potential of galciv2
which is a great title. With the active forum like this game has, certainly not.

Yes, I will be fidel to StarDock and buy another expansion as long as
company maintains their service/quality.  

For multiplay: I guess given the company's faith in good ai
and relatively small percentage of potential customer who wants
multiplayer mode, MPmode wont see the day of light.
(by the way, even the hotseat/e-mail modes are demandeing feature?)

Carrier: Carrier means fighters. Not small ships which acts exactly same
as huge/large ships.
I've read on tactical game sticky board, but bring the maneuvability.
Every type of wapon should have area of coverage. Can huge canon
pointing at one direction can hit fast moving small vessels?
Ever played homeworld?

What you are talking about is firing arcs. I don't know the devs stand on that issue.

I'm against fire arcs. Look at the maneuverability our air to air missiles have now. Then imagine 200 years later, in space, that too, with missiles that travel faster than light, warping space as they go.

Effectively they'll be able to fly in any direction, and since the distances in space combat would be big, they'd have an omni-directional firing arc, especially with proximity fuses and increasingly powerful warheads(the Black Hole Eruptor creates a black hole upon the triggering of it's proximity fuse).

Thus your beam weapons and cannons will be the ones who suffer.

Since mass projectiles are more attracted by the enemies gravity then beams are, it will be the popular beam weapon line that is hit the hardest by the addition of firing arcs.

As for an espionage system, I think you should have to manually transport the spy to the target planet rather than 'teleport' them. If you have a trade route to the planet, the spy can hitch a ride on one of the trade ships that come by. Or you could put the spy on a new freighter and send it off on it's mission while establishing a trade route.

Otherwise, you could build a cheap, tiny fighter, put the spy on it, take the ship to the target planet and then gift it or sell it to the target race. Trojan Horse. That would add a suspicion factor to the gifting mechanism, especially if you're not friendly with that race. But, the main point is, that you wouldn't be able to teleport spies across the galaxy. That's ridiculous.
on Sep 10, 2007
Count me in for as many expansion packs as you guys produce
on Sep 10, 2007
In a way, No. It should cost to be Good, being evil is always the easy way. Its what defines the universe,

1) it's what defines some peoples' universes: not every culture or worldview maintains a moralistic dichotomy between good and evil (Buddhism, for example).

2) this is a strategy game, not real life. good should come with some benefits that make it attractive beyond rold-playing value. evil seems to trump in 4 out of 5 games i play, and of the other 20%, Neutral takes it more often than not. i'm not talking who i play as or the way i play: i'm talking the AI. a human player can always succeed regardless of the ethical path s/he takes, but for the sake of more competative AI, i'd like to see Good get more of a boost.

i think if we're going to talk about changes for expansions, we should look at things holistically. i'm hoping the unique techs and planet improvements help to compensate for some of Good's weakness in TA. one thing that stands out in my mind is that Neutral is the only alignment that gets a unique building that can be used on every planet (NLCs, whereas the unique buildings for Evil and Good are galactic achievements). i'm not saying this is a problem; i'm only making an observation.

for me, the problem with the alignment choices isn't how much they'll benefit me and in what ways; my problem is how they affect the AIs.

the diplomacy & team-building side of Good might be a nice compensation, except that in most games the good AIs don't form alliances until very late game, if at all. it takes way a long time to build up close relations as a human player; i've only rarely seen the Good AIs never make it a priority. Good AIs should make forming alliances a major priority if it's going to be one of the perks of being good.

see, i don't think the major problem here is in the bonuses Good gets. it'd be nice if they got a bit more, especially in making it a more attractive option to human players, but i don't think it's totally necessary. but it does seem like the AI could or should be able to play according to its alignment a little better, and that's what i'd really like to see personally.
on Sep 10, 2007
In a case like galactic civilisations 2 i think 1 or more expansion packs will do good to, since GC2 is a classic and people love to add new stuff to that game to continou playing the game (and keep it interresting).
I'd love more expansion packs and will buy them.

I haven't preordered TA though (yet), but thats only because the credit card we have at home expired (and i got a freaking 25% off coupon that will expire soon, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)
Why cant i pay with ideal or something?
on Sep 10, 2007
for the sake of more competative AI, i'd like to see Good get more of a boost.

I've read (and posted) a fair bit of grousing about the aligment system, and this is perhaps the most cogent point I've yet seen raised. I'm sure it is too late to hope TA might show substantial changes in this area, but maybe the next pack? I'd never really thought about the tile improvement things b/c I'm in a Neutral rut, but both that point and the fact that Good AIs are bad at diplomacy are really worth dev attention, IMO.
on Sep 10, 2007
I say you keep making them as long as you have cool things to add, and people to buy 'em.

Later in GALCIV2's life you could even do booster pack things, for 10$ or something. They'd be more than an update but not a full blown expansion pack either. Maybe they could have tonnes of ship parts or updated graphics or some other cool stuff like that. Of course they would probably have to be digital only.
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