Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

We have so many ideas that we've documented based on player feedback that we could keep doing expansion packs indefinitely.

Some people might say, "Why not do a sequel?" but as a practical matter, whole new games are much more expensive to do than expansion packs are. 

In the case of Galactic Civilizations, the soonest a GalCiv III would come out would be like 2010 and that would be a best-case scenario.  That's because the bulk of our development resources are working on the unannounced fantasy strategy game.

But expansion packs can be done with smaller staffs since you have the basic game there to do.  But that raises the question, how many expansion packs do people want and how radical should they be?

For example, I would be open to revamping the whole economic system in a future expansion pack to help streamline it.  I'd also like to expand the United Planets to allow civilizations to submit "bills" to the UP to vote on.  I'd also like to see more types of ship components, more diplomatic options, and so on.

Other players have requested things like multiplayer, tactical battles, fast carriers, invasion improvements, and so forth. 

But the question is, would players be interested in another 2 or 3 or more expansion packs in the future?  (or put another way, would there be enough players interested to pay for the cost of development)?  Or would it make more sense to have Twilight of the Arnor be the final expansion pack and move fully on to other projects and do a sequel in 3 or 4 years?

What do you think?

Comments (Page 9)
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on Mar 13, 2008
I would like to see the ability to propose bills to the United Planets. That was a feature in Master of Orion 3 I thought was very cool.
on Jul 13, 2008
Do you ask yourself why the people wants a new GalCiv3?
GC2 have all thing that really good game should have: good AI, nice graphical environment, battles visualization, pirates, minor races, standard events and megaevents, independent government (UP), ethics which change relations between playeers nad more things which can change balance of game...
But GC2 does not have the one thing that changes "good game" into "cool" or "incredible perfect" game of few last years.

Since 1994, not a game that had better multiplayer in turn-based game than the Stars!. This multiplayer system was implemented to other turn based good game (but with poor graphic) f.e. like SpaceEmpires-4.

If somebody create game which has this multiplayer system and very good graphic turn-based space game (like GC2) it will join "playable" with "perfect".

Free "playable" multiplayer system to all versions of GC2 game give you more people which want to play/buy your game. I don't understand why nobody understand that.

on Jul 14, 2008
First off, let me say that I really like Stardock, and I'm sure I'd buy any expansion that you guys release, but the main features I'd look for:- Tactical combat (this would be a big change though, as I don't think the games current weapon/defense system would lend itself to tactical combat.... making this basically an entire expansion by itself)- Overhauled economy- Overhauled espionage (needs to be a bit more interesting/powerful for me to use it for anything other than countering enemy agents)- More Diplomatic/UP options- More meaningful ship component choices- More exciting/interesting planetary invasions


Diplomacy and UP nag me... Diplomacy is simply trading stuff, you can't threaten others, there's not enough treaties, you should be able to conquer a enemy but keep them around as slave state (autonomous, does what you order) also same by peaceful way (you offer protection and you get research bonuses, influence or something etc.)

UP should work more like Alpha Centauri's UN...
on Jul 14, 2008
Because i would like to have as many improvements in upcoming patches i would like to tell you "No, we do not want to buy new expansions" but if i am honest i will be forced to buy the new ones if they can keep up with Twilight

But please - do not disregard v 2.0 . I am absolutely stunned about your work with TA and the energy you spend in this game, you set my expectations very high, your fault. After what i have seen i can simply not be satisfied by "simple patches" with a few bugfixes like the other games have. I love your policy of integrating the players that much and i think it is the best way to improve a game to be groundbreaking. At least the fact that you ask for expansions proves to me you have success with TA. That gives rise in my hope you will spend a little energy in improving it. But i am a little bit avaricious like the others may be as well, keep that in mind and go for those that dont own TA yet to buy it - including making us owners even happier (and then ultimately forcing all the happy people into buying yet another expansion ^^)
on Jul 22, 2008
yes, I will continue buying expansion packs as I find the money to do so.

the problem will be content. there seems to be 2 major groups of players, at least on the forums: first there are the players that want to play the most enormous map offered and get into every little detail of their empire, though most would agree that too much micromanagement is a problem. the other group seems to like smaller maps with quicker more streamlined 'deathmatch' style games.

there probably won't be enough in either group to only make one happy, and satisfying everyone would be hard.

I would pay for tactical combat especially. It doesn't have to be much, mabey just a list of ship icons on the left and right sides of the battle viewer where you could tell who to attack who, and maybe set tactics for each ship. (like you are the admiral). that might get old for some players fast so perhaps they could chose to have an AI the same level as the difficulty fight for them.

also I'd pay for:

economic improvements
UP upgrades/ overhaul
diplomatic refinements/ full overhaul
more logical AI (they do consistently make the same mistakes that make them loose)
a total overhaul of planetary invasion (it looks unpleasant and I'd like more tactics)
more options for the AI to auto manage things for you.

on Jul 23, 2008
Well, the truth of the matter is, I'm more interested, long term in the fantasy strategy game of yours, to be honest. Actually I'm so far, more interested in the FTBS Game that your gonna make (especially since the stuff you guys put out tends to be pretty good and easy to mod, that means I should be able to create an entire game world of my own design, but played in your system...)

So, yeah, pretty much daily, I check into the site to see if there is any news on the new game. So far, I've not picked up Twilight of the Arnor, just cause it's not where my gaming juice is at the time. More in the direction of fantasy.

Just would really, really like to get some news on the upcoming game, and see what stage it's really at.

Don't get me wrong, I'm diggin on Dark Avatar, and I may still get Twilight, but I'm looking for the fantasy game now.. just waiting patiently.
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