We have so many ideas that we've documented based on player feedback that we could keep doing expansion packs indefinitely.
Some people might say, "Why not do a sequel?" but as a practical matter, whole new games are much more expensive to do than expansion packs are.
In the case of Galactic Civilizations, the soonest a GalCiv III would come out would be like 2010 and that would be a best-case scenario. That's because the bulk of our development resources are working on the unannounced fantasy strategy game.
But expansion packs can be done with smaller staffs since you have the basic game there to do. But that raises the question, how many expansion packs do people want and how radical should they be?
For example, I would be open to revamping the whole economic system in a future expansion pack to help streamline it. I'd also like to expand the United Planets to allow civilizations to submit "bills" to the UP to vote on. I'd also like to see more types of ship components, more diplomatic options, and so on.
Other players have requested things like multiplayer, tactical battles, fast carriers, invasion improvements, and so forth.
But the question is, would players be interested in another 2 or 3 or more expansion packs in the future? (or put another way, would there be enough players interested to pay for the cost of development)? Or would it make more sense to have Twilight of the Arnor be the final expansion pack and move fully on to other projects and do a sequel in 3 or 4 years?
What do you think?