Every so often I see someone say they're not going to blog anymore because they didn't get their articles featured to the home page or because there aren't enough comments on their blogs.
I think those people need to ask themselves why they're blogging in the first place.
Personally, I blog because I enjoy writing. I enjoy communicating with others. And yes, I do want others to read what I write. But I don't sit back and wait for some automated system to promote my stuff. There are blog sites that simply track what's happening in the blogsphere. Those people who are interested in getting their work out there need to do some leg work to promote their blogs. Secondly, they need to keep at it for a long time.It takes time to build readership.
Anyone who thinks they can crank out a blog site and have hundreds of regulrar readers in a few months is in for disappointment. Well, I should qualify, what makes JoeUser unique of all blog sites on the net is that many bloggers will get a very rapid readership. So JU is your best case scenario and even then, it's still going to take effort and time.
One of my favorite blog sites is called One Hand Clapping. It's been up for a long while. Every day high quality articles for years on end. Many articles have few, if any comments. But he keeps at it slowly building up his readership.
So before giving up, ask yourself why you're blogging. If you want to succeed it takes both time and effort. Don't be over reliant on the built in system to instantly generate an active readership.