Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Don't name call the owner...
Published on September 26, 2004 By Draginol In Blogging

It never ceases to amaze me how quick some people are to spit on those that are giving them something for nothing.

Just so that others can be pre-warned, don't call me a "Nazi" or "Fascist" or any other hateful name.  I don't have to put up with it. And I won't.  I don't know what the deal is with the far left wing people on the Internet and their fixation with calling people "nazis" and such.  Do they even realize that Nazi stands for National Socialist. They weren't right-wing in any way.  They were socialist (by definition).  And the vegetarian artist from Austria that helped found the Nazi party would in no way be considered "conservative" by anyone reasonable.

But regardless, I don't appreciate being called hateful names and the fact is, I own the site.  I invite others to share this server with me for our mutual benefit.  But I am not going to put up with nonsense from anyone.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 27, 2004
Draginol has always been fair: his guide:though he might disagree he respects differing views when within the framework of reason and decency. The proof is in the pudding--I'm still here.
on Sep 27, 2004
Well gee whiz, J.E. guess where else trade unions, cooperatives and strikes were prohibited? Yes, that's right, the Soviet Union! And don't look now, but Communist China also has none of these! Nor do the North Koreans! Or Cuba! When you arrive in that wonderful state of human brotherhood known as socialism, since all industries are 'owned' by the people and run by the leaders of people, and work towards the common good of all workers, there is no need to strike against the bloodsucking capitalists! In a symbolic gesture to eradicate this vile remnant of the oppressive imperialist capitalist system, we will make striking illegal! Proletariat of all nations, unite!

Let's define left-wing, at least in the context of this discussion (we're not discussing the difference between Joe Lieberman and John Kerry). Left-wing is the poltics of the collective good outweighing individuals (social liberalism is not a defining factor of leftism, nor is it exclusive to leftism by a long shot). Avoid it all you want, but that is the one defining aspect of left-wing politics as it has existed in the past 100 years. National Socialism was no less socialism than that of the Soviet union - although Hitler was not so stupid as to nationalize all industries. Whereas Lenin publicly pandered more to the 'working class', Hitler pandered more to the 'German people' (hence *national* socialism). As to social issues - homosexuality was illegal in the Soviet Union as well as Nazi Germany, Jews were persecuted in both places. Freedom of speech did not exist.

As to people supporting Hitler in the early 30s, keep in mind that much like during most of the 20th century, everyone opposed Communists, and supported most everyone who opposed them. Much as Hitler turned out to be heinous evil, anyone with a knowledge of 20th century history knows that it was the lesser of two. Communists killed, by a conservative (not in the poltitical sense) estimate, one hundred million people. Others put the number as high as two hundred million. So the idea that conservatives supporting a socialist against full-blown communists makes the socialist conservative is ludicrours. The US supported Iraq in the Iraq-Iran war - does that make Saddam (a Baath socialist) a conservative? Roosevelt allied with Stalin against the Germans - did that make him a Commie?

Hitler opposed the Communists because he was, besides being a socialst, a *nationalist* as well. He had no desire for an international Communist revolution which would ultimately make Germany a part of the Soviet Union. Opposing world-dominating communists does not make you a conservative. It's like saying I'm a vegetarian because I don't like fish.

Nazi Germany was a collectivist society that vilified individualism - all must work for the glory of the German people and listen to the people's glorious leader - Hitler. Now substitute Germany with 'Cuba'. Hitler with 'Castro'. Or 'Russia' and "Stalin'. 'China' and 'Mao'.

Now try 'America' and 'Reagan'. Doesn't work.

"The United States of America was a collectivist society that vilified individualism - all must work for the glory of the American people and listen to the people's glorious leader - Reagan."

Anyone who doesn't see the inherent ludicrousness of the above sentence, they're nuts.
on Sep 27, 2004
"The proof is in the pudding--I'm still here."

Yeah... wait a minute. This isn't as foolproof as I thought... ...
on Sep 27, 2004
unigolyn357 :

You can't see a linear political spectrum (Left & Right) as being tangible through time. It is, rather, a limited classification and comparison tool to its given period. The term has grown enormously through time since its genesis during the French Revolution according to the geopolitical setting; rendering it different from region to region and from time to time (and also, quite evidently, on what you're trying to compare). Try to situate the line in history rather than throughout history. Therefor, the question should rather be : "Was Nazism Right-Wing when it existed?" The answer should be, when situated in context, yes.
on Sep 27, 2004
It is almost like Left and Right bend all the way around and meet at the other side. Some of the most Left have ended up being the most Right, if you think about it. Think of how totalitarian most "collective" societies have become eventually or from the very beginning. Our leftists here are very authoritarian, imho... ...

on Sep 27, 2004
Back to the original topic.

Not that I'm defending anybody, but as there are no rules for what is and what isn't allowed on the site, You can't really blame people who 'cross the line'. We are all different and eeach of us has different standards in comunication. What's for one of us a joke for another one may be an insult. And vice-versa. As an example, if You know some Englishmen (preferably over 35 yrs old), You know they have a very strange way of having fun with people they consider best friends. Their behavior would be considered extremely rude in my culture - but they consider it 'good fun,old chap'.

On the other hand, putting up rules or guidelines would serve no purpose at all. If you say "You mustn't use the word 'Fascist'", people would say 'Fas3ist' or 'big F' or something else. You could go around banning people but someone can always call You totalitarian - as in their view You are.

I propose to just ignore troublemakers. Their aim is to provoke attention and if You don't give them any, they are defeated. The points system is on the right track - when You comment on something, You give it value, so - don't. This is why I took time to reply to this post.
on Sep 27, 2004
It is almost like Left and Right bend all the way around and meet at the other side. Some of the most Left have ended up being the most Right, if you think about it. Think of how totalitarian most "collective" societies have become eventually or from the very beginning. Our leftists here are very authoritarian, imho...

Perceptive there BakerStreet. I've always liked the wheel theory better than the line theory. To me it's always seemed to fit the real world better.
on Sep 27, 2004
as there are no rules for what is and what isn't allowed on the site, You can't really blame people who 'cross the line'
As LW pointed out, you obviously didn't read the Terms of Service as you were supposed to have.  #1 rule, don't piss off the admins.  They reserve the right to boot you for whatever reason they see fit.  You can choose to ignore people but if the admins feel you are a thorn in their side, they are going to just get rid of you and I don't blame them.  Life is too short to put up with crap.
on Sep 27, 2004

It seems a lot of you took issue with his "inflammatory" posts, by which I guess you mean the silly ones he wrote about car magnets and jesus fish. Mikey wondered if car magnets would get more of a response than some of his other work -- such as Nuclear Safety regulations and a really swell piece called "random acts of blindness." He's a bit of an eccentric sociologist (which means "crazy ass") but the thing is, his hypothosis worked out in this case.

Your friend stated outright that he feels that verbally abusing people is a sign of intelligence. He can be your buddy all you like, but he is a jerk, and any intelligence he may have is hidden by his absolute disrespect for views other than his. I tolerate a wide range of views, and I have seen Brad tolerate a wide range of views; in fact, there are VERY few people Brad has exiled, out of the thousands that have blogged here.

on Sep 27, 2004
Well, life is too short for Terms of Service. But I did read them. And the owner can certainly boot anyone (s)he wants. The point is moot. I should have said 'there are no PRECISE rules'. And I'm not saying there should be - read my post.
on Sep 27, 2004
We agree. You have rules, and he who makes the rules can flout them at will. It's not like Draginol was the first person ever called a fascist here. He's just the one with the big stick. So he can take his toys and go home. But why are you still talking about it? Why not just delete the offending pages, and go on with your lives? You can feel happy that you've put down another verbal bastard until the next one comes along and takes pot shots at your sacred cows. Mikey's not even asking for his account back, he'd rather not have anything he wrote associated with this site. He just wants it to be deleted, since his editing and deleting priveleges have been grounded by daddy.

Delete the site. And this account, too. And you'll never have to worry that we'll pop on and tell you that Jesus is a myth or that car magnets are tacky.
on Sep 27, 2004
"It's not like Draginol was the first person ever called a fascist here. "

Actually, I would imagine he was the first person ever called a fascist here...

"Mikey's not even asking for his account back"

Yipeee... Tell him the troll misses him desperately... ...

on Sep 28, 2004

but as there are no rules for what is and what isn't allowed on the site, You can't really blame people who 'cross the line'.

You must be joking. I didn't know it was possible to get a joeuser account without agreeing to rules (Terms of Service).

on Sep 28, 2004
This isn't the Klingon empire. There is a standard of behavior that is pretty much universal here on Earth. You know if you behave in a particular way, you are risking losing teeth. Where in the world can you walk into someone's house, demand to be able to say anything you please, and then call them a fascist for disagreeing, and not expect to be put out on your ear.

People jsut think the anonymity of the internet allows them to say whatever they want.
on Sep 28, 2004
Baker, I overstepped: my status is not etched in granite, I know.
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