Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Don't name call the owner...
Published on September 26, 2004 By Draginol In Blogging

It never ceases to amaze me how quick some people are to spit on those that are giving them something for nothing.

Just so that others can be pre-warned, don't call me a "Nazi" or "Fascist" or any other hateful name.  I don't have to put up with it. And I won't.  I don't know what the deal is with the far left wing people on the Internet and their fixation with calling people "nazis" and such.  Do they even realize that Nazi stands for National Socialist. They weren't right-wing in any way.  They were socialist (by definition).  And the vegetarian artist from Austria that helped found the Nazi party would in no way be considered "conservative" by anyone reasonable.

But regardless, I don't appreciate being called hateful names and the fact is, I own the site.  I invite others to share this server with me for our mutual benefit.  But I am not going to put up with nonsense from anyone.

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on Sep 26, 2004

Ya know, throwing out terms like 'Nazi' and 'Fascist' really pisses me off.  It seems to be the staple terminology of the far left, used to describe anyone holding a political belief that differs to theirs. 

Perhaps if they had a taste of life in a real fascist or nazi culture/state they wouldn't be quite so quick to bandy the term around.

on Sep 26, 2004
I just don't get it. I don't even care if you aren't talking to the owner of a site you are hanging out at, calling people Nazis and Fascists is just idiotic. But to bite the hand that feeds you? Seems like the last time someone recommended doing that it was Weird Al in a little song called "Dare to be Stupid".

What a bunch of morans. (yes, that was deliberate!)
on Sep 26, 2004
The most recent person wrote several pretty decent articles that got next-to-no attention, and then started writing really provocative, insulting stuff once he realized it got attention. That kind of attention always backfires, though. It isn't easy handling the role of villain, lol. After a while it wears on you and you crack, I guess.
on Sep 26, 2004
I wonder how some of the people on here function in society. They have no idea when to shut up, they write things for the expressed purpose of pissing others off, and they have no clue how to yield to authority.

Obviously you and I don't see eye to eye on many things . . . however, I admire your accomplishments, I appreciate the gracious way you run and share this site, and I respect your position of authority as site owner and admin. It seems to me that some of these bloggers say things like that to you just so that they can feel like they are "sticking it to the man." If they really want to make themselves heard, they should learn to play nice with others so that they can live to blog another day. Idiots.
on Sep 26, 2004

While I would never use such terminology for anyone and I share your sentiments in terms of the language, should you be the only person who doesn't have to suffer from the abuse? I mean, wouldn't a general warning that use of such language towards anyone will not be tolerated be appropriate?
on Sep 26, 2004
CrispE: I have seen Brad deal with folks who abuse other folks many times, not just him. Granted, it is up to Brad to decide if it is really abuse, and if it warrants stern action, but someone has to.

If made me a moderator, more people would be exiled. If he made you moderator, it would no doubt be different people, or less, or more. In the end it is his site, and it reflects his administration. If it is going to reflect on him, then he should set the threshhold.

I think when he is slow to act it isn't because he is hesitant, I just think he aviods a lot of this drek like most of us do.

on Sep 26, 2004
With the aftermath of 911 fresh in our minds any name callng needs to be directed towards the "resident evil which lies in the hearts of the people in which we are at war.Calling someone a "nazi" is nothing but silly ,these people are still living in the past.I bet they would'nt call you a terrorist??
on Sep 26, 2004
I don't know who called you names, but no matter what those terms are not acceptable. They are words associated with hate and fear. Sorry people can be so rude.
on Sep 26, 2004

But using the term to describe a republican, a conservative, or just anyone who happens to disagree with you just shows a level of ignorance that should let a person know that the argument isnt worth persuing.


As for jessicascrunchy, he's been asking for exile for...well, ever since he began blogging.  He wrote deliberately, self-professedly inflammatory articles.

I for one will not miss him.

on Sep 26, 2004
I've been on R & R on my own away from the networld for some time, so I don't know what transpired. I agree, though, that calling each other "labels" clouds whatever merit anyone's blogs might have. It's probably what we have to be careful about in this blogsphere (hey, it's not the only one, but we do have this chance to make it a good one, so blogitizens, (that the right word?), keep cool!). I confess to having ruminated dark thoughts on draginol once when I submitted this blog and found out it wasn't even appearing as a ju recent blog. I clicked on my account and saw "owner:draginol". Hhmm, I said. I clicked on his articles and found out we were ,in some respects, on different poles. So, I thought, "Is Draginol censoring my blogs just because it doesn't conform to his?" (he could actually do that as "owner") I thought about it and thought about it to the point that it was going to be the title of my next planned blog. Then I said, "Nahh. He'd only kill his blogsphere if he did that."

Anyways, what else is new? No blogger got sniped, got anthrax in his mailbox or car-bombed ?

on Sep 26, 2004
Do they even realize that Nazi stands for National Socialist

I did not realize that.

By the way...You're a Fascist Nazi!!!!

-- B
on Sep 26, 2004

I was glad to see this. The guy was a burr in my side since he started, but I decided to just let him get enough rope to hang himself...and am mighty glad to see he did. Many of us have our disagreements on here,  but there's often at least a minimum of respect for the other's position...from his point of view, there was none. His view was the only acceptable one...sounds like...well, let's just say it has to do with a pot and kettle.

on Sep 26, 2004
Some people don't really know what any of those words mean. Yet they still manage to throw them around like tomatoes on a hot Pamplona summer day.
on Sep 26, 2004
Well, as a real-life friend of the poster in question, I'll post this once in defense of all his posts but the one in which he called Draginol a "fascist." I tell the guy not to blog when drinking, but none of us have had much luck with that.

It seems a lot of you took issue with his "inflammatory" posts, by which I guess you mean the silly ones he wrote about car magnets and jesus fish. Mikey wondered if car magnets would get more of a response than some of his other work -- such as Nuclear Safety regulations and a really swell piece called "random acts of blindness." He's a bit of an eccentric sociologist (which means "crazy ass") but the thing is, his hypothosis worked out in this case.

As for the offending post, Mikey took it down as soon as he woke up, shook his hang over head, and decided that he had crossed the line. He posted a little followup to the magnet story and then went out fishing with myself and our wives. He sends his apologies, and would have posted them save for the fact that his blog has been frozen -- which is why I'm posting this.

He requests that you just delete the blog he was working on, as he has already moved the articles to another blog site. He furthermore states that "By such a show of totalitarian power, they made my point better than I ever could." Which he said laughing, as a joke. So don't get offended by it.

Mikey introduced me to JU after buying the Political Machine game, and there are a lot of good bloggers here. But it's just the internet, y'all, nothing too serious about it. We all tend to argue things a bit more vehemently than we would in real life, which is both a good and a bad thing. It doesn't really change your world, or mine, or his, what goes up on these pages. But hey, standards are standards and rules are rules and life is life, which means those in power don't have to play by those rules.

And don't forget to buy your car magnets
on Sep 27, 2004
Do they even realize that Nazi stands for National Socialist. They weren't right-wing in any way.

Just a sidenote on this topic : With the rise of conservatism in the United States today, many try to portray Nazism, Neo-Nazism and even Fascism as a form of Left-Wing-ish ideology to avoid being to the same "side" as them.

However there are way too many conflicts in labelling Nazism as "left-wing". First off, although Hilter was in fact, the head of a "worker's party", the party allied and merged with the conservative parties of Germany in order to defeat the rising Communist party: his biggest rival (which he banned as soon as he came to power). The far-right European parties at the time even supported him (like Britain's Conservative Party in the early 30's)

In his "New Order", he abolished trade unions and cooperatives and even prohibited strikes and lock-outs. State-owned businesses were returned to private owners (although, yes, you may argue that every influent businessmen were highly controlled and influence by the central government, but that's just how it is in an autocratic regime – just think of monarchies... now don't tell me those are somehow left-wing now...)
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