Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Where we stand..
Published on October 8, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

I judge Kerry as the winner again in this debate.  If I were to numerically score this based on my "gut" I'd give it like this:

Debate #1:
Kerry 5
Bush 2

Debate #2:
Cheney 2
Edwards 1

Debate #3:
Kerry 5
Bush 4

Total so far: Kerry/Edwards: 11  Bush/Cheney: 8

What do you think?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 08, 2004
IMO, Bush did a little better than Kerry this time around...

He (bush) improved drastically from last Friday night, connected better to the people than Kerry did, but seemed a touch too defensive at times, which may have given the impression that he was 'cornered.'

Kerry did better than I expected him to, seemed more confident and more aware of the facts...was also very quick to 'disprove' arguments presented by the president...
(Now, whether he did any actual 'disproving' is open to discussion, but the pure appearance of his rebuttals was more convincing than last time.)

Kerry's (I think) biggest problem is his whole 'I have a plan' soundbyte repeated ad nauseam...
You have a plan? Thats great, have a cookie... Now what is your plan?
He really needs to elabourate on that...otherwise his plan sounds like a B-Movie plot that appears to have potential, but never develops into anything substantial...

...Or a make-believe agenda to get him into the presidency...

Really an excellent debate overall...loved the 'Thats news to me' line...

Abortion/tax money question left Kerry (not surprisingly) stuttering...
He's really no dummy and knows that there are people out there who view him as a 'Hypocrite'...Supporting abortion, and at the same time calling himself a 'Catholic'...
He talks about 'faith' while he doesnt follow the teachings of his own religion... Not much of a 'religious man' if you ask me.

Still, he did well.
Both of them did well.
Should be very interesting to see how the next debate turns out.

[Edited] for wordiness/clarity.
on Oct 08, 2004
"He talks about 'faith', and at the same time, doesnt follow the teachings of his own religion... Not much of a 'religious man' if you ask me."

I noticed that he claimed to have supported Faith Based Initiatives, as well, when in other venues he has derided for the President's support of them.
on Oct 08, 2004
Kerry: "I would have used force wisely." Care to be a tad more specific? How dumb does he think we are? That was completely insulting.

Kerry: "Religion has been a huge part of my life, leads me today." Nice try.

on Oct 09, 2004
he doesnt follow the teachings of his own religion...

Neither does Bush...
on Oct 09, 2004
Total so far: Kerry/Edwards: 11 Bush/Cheney: 8

That's right about where I would put it too.
on Oct 09, 2004

Reply #19 By: Abe Cubbage - 10/9/2004 8:46:27 PM
he doesnt follow the teachings of his own religion...

Neither does Bush...

Actually he follows his a LOT closer than Kerry follows his. Kerry supports abortion, the catholic (Kerry's a catholic) religon says that is a sin.
on Oct 09, 2004
It honestly amazes me where the Catholic Church is on all this. I dunno how they can sit there and not have much to say about Kerry and Moore calling themselves Catholic... It's like me calling myself a Zoroastrian...
on Oct 09, 2004
Kerry supports abortion, the catholic (Kerry's a catholic) religon says that is a sin.

Oh no! Youv'e got me there! Pointing this out completely validates your point, because I could never point to one stance that Bush has that is against his religion. No sireeee...
on Oct 09, 2004
"because I could never point to one stance that Bush has that is against his religion. No sireeee..."

you haven't, anyway...

Not that any of that is the TOPIC anyway...
on Oct 09, 2004

Reply #23 By: Abe Cubbage - 10/9/2004 9:27:04 PM
Kerry supports abortion, the catholic (Kerry's a catholic) religon says that is a sin.

Oh no! Youv'e got me there! Pointing this out completely validates your point, because I could never point to one stance that Bush has that is against his religion. No sireeee

That post wasto make a valid point. Bush follows his religon a LOT closer than Kerry does. Part of his platform is far OUTSIDE his religon it ain't funny. And just for my information point out/link/whatever where Bush's stance goes against his religon.
on Oct 09, 2004
you haven't, anyway...

on Oct 09, 2004

I think you mean:

... --- ...

- GX
on Oct 10, 2004
I would say Bush clearly won. Kerry has all the advantage of hindsight and even then, what is his many "plans" in detail? Anyone can say "I have a plan" it's much harder to actually come up with and pull it off. Kerry is a shot in the dark and we cannot afford that in the world today. - ggray97

Get off your butt and got to, and read his plans. You’re a lazy voter, something that America cannot afford in the world to day. You should have to take a test to prove that you’re smart enough to vote. Barring that, you should have to vote using essay answers:

I cast my vote for president for George W. Bush because his daughters are hot, and Laura reminds me of the lunch lady I used to dream about in high school.

Then those of us, who do more than watch TV, and post to internet sites, could easily decide the worthiness of the vote.

on Oct 10, 2004
I think you mean: ... --- ...

on Oct 10, 2004

Morse code joke, I figured everybody would really know what that meant but I guess not.
Dot Dot Dot Dash Dash Dash Dot Dot Dot

Break it down into letters and what do you got?


- GX
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