Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Where we stand..
Published on October 8, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

I judge Kerry as the winner again in this debate.  If I were to numerically score this based on my "gut" I'd give it like this:

Debate #1:
Kerry 5
Bush 2

Debate #2:
Cheney 2
Edwards 1

Debate #3:
Kerry 5
Bush 4

Total so far: Kerry/Edwards: 11  Bush/Cheney: 8

What do you think?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 08, 2004

Again, it isn't what Bush says, it is how he is saying it. In the end we have to have hope that reasonable voters will see the difference between well-spoken, empty rhetoric, and plain-spoken, sometimes roughly conveyed reason.

They both dodged questions, at about an equal rate. They both misspoke several times. The fact is I'm not sure that Bush is much worse than he was in 2000, with a great deal more stress involved with the massive levels of angst levelled at him. I think the difference is mainly what an utter jerk Gore was, and how accomplished Kerry has become after 40 years of this kind of pandering.

I heard tons of hastily thrown out statistics and allegations by both candidates. I think you can expect the anal-retentive to have a lot to talk about. That tally will probably determine the real winner, I'm afriad.

on Oct 08, 2004
I think the worst you could call this is a draw. I felt they both did a good job of presenting their positions and they've left us with the opportunity to make a decision based on their positions rather than their style. I count that as a victory for both, and for us for that matter.

on Oct 08, 2004
I would say Bush clearly won. Kerry has all the advantage of hindsight and even then, what is his many "plans" in detail? Anyone can say "I have a plan" it's much harder to actually come up with and pull it off. Kerry is a shot in the dark and we cannot afford that in the world today.

on Oct 08, 2004
Kerry - 'George W. Bush owns a timber company...'

Bush - 'Well that's news too me...want some wood?'

I was laughing MAO.

Or how about the whole staring into the camera deal Kerry: 'I will not raise taxes...'

Minute later Kerry: '...rolling back tax cuts...'

Also Bush was tapping his foot like crazy! I thought he was going to start line dancing!!

- GX
on Oct 08, 2004
the President was much stronger and more at ease in this debate -- it was miles above his first showing. He seemed to thrive in the atmosphere of the Town Hall Meeting, something that eluded his father. I agree with a slight edge given to Kerry, but this debate should serve to be very energising to the Bush base.
on Oct 08, 2004
Switch your scores for debate #3 Drag, Bush got alot more laughs and connected to the audience better than Kerry...not to mention Kerry really started stuttering at the end and was difficult to understand, thus taking off some of the 'style' pressure from Bush. People finally got to see that both canidates can stumble.
on Oct 08, 2004
Only tic that was noticeable to me was Bush's head-bobbin'. But that's OK, that's jes Tayhas.

Kerry seemed every bit the arrogant prick he is, if you ask me. Sorry, but that's just my opinion. Your mileage may vary.

on Oct 08, 2004
I must add a caveat here: I heard 70 minutes of the 90 minutes on the radio.
on Oct 08, 2004
If Bush and Kerry had 100 debates Kerry would win on Style everytime. However, I'd rather be served Bush's substance on a paper plate with a plastic fork than Kerry's style on a silver platter and a silk napkin.
on Oct 08, 2004
If Bush and Kerry had 100 debates Kerry would win on Style everytime. However, I'd rather be served Bush's substance on a paper plate with a plastic fork than Kerry's style on a silver platter and a silk napkin.

It's what's served on the plates that counts, and I like what Bush is serving up!
on Oct 08, 2004
Close ,very close,I will be voting for Bush because he is there.
on Oct 08, 2004
It comes down to background, I think. Gore was a legislator, but not for decades and not all that noteworthy, honestly. Kerry, on the other hand, has been inthe snake pit of the Senate swapping licks with people for ages. Of course he is going to be more polished than someone who has only been in the executive branch of government, state and federal.

If what I have heard is any indication, people are beginning to rely less on delivery. It wasn't the actually delivery in the first one, it was the long pauses that implied Bush didn't have a lot to say. That was translated into bad delivery, but it means a lot more than tonight's few mispoken words and normal human idiosyncrasies.
on Oct 08, 2004

It's what's served on the plates that counts, and I like what Bush is serving up!

Exactly! and all the fancy dressing in the world wont hide Kerry's "Fear Factor" style cuisine
on Oct 08, 2004
Amen~!~ Mgosh I'm with you Let's Eat!!!!! hehehehe oh and Bush has the WOOD for the BBQ hehehe I will not let that go Love it~!~
on Oct 08, 2004
Amen~!~ Mgosh I'm with you Let's Eat!!!!! hehehehe oh and Bush has the WOOD for the BBQ hehehe I will not let that go Love it~!~

Same here on the wood bit, expect to see that make it into the SNL Satire Sketch of the debate, it is just too good not to put it into the sketch!!

- GX
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