Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on August 9, 2008 By Draginol In Demigod Journals

The initial inspiration for Demigod was heavily based on the Warcraft 3 mod, Defense of the Ancients. If you've never played it, Defense of the Ancients is an incredibly clever game concept in which players team up on on a single map choosing between many different heroes. How one customizes their hero makes all the difference.

Demigod works similarly in that you choose amongst several different heroes (your Demigods). Some heroes are called Generals whose strengths come from their ability to manipulate their minions and engage in larger scale strategy. Other heroes are called Assassins who are immensely powerful individuals whose strengths focus on just being massive butt kickers.

Defense of the Ancients could almost be described as a game where two rivers are flowing against each other. Each player is trying to get their river to make headway against their opponent's river until the flow enters their base. My analogy may not make sense unless you've played DotA. But if you have, you probably get my meaning.  Demigod does not play quite like that.

In Demigod you have a lot of strategic choices you have to make. Arenas have other elements that give one side or the other significant advantages. This means players have to choose often to give up some ground in order to gain longer term advantages. That is, there are certain parts of the Arena that you can control that give your side significant advantages. Hence, there are multiple strategic objectives.

The Demigod gains strength through experience, as they level up, the player can choose to strengthen different abilities or add new powers. Players can also use money to purchase items that give their side or their Demigod additional advantages. This is basically the same as was found in DotA.

So it's definitely fair to say that DotA served as inspiration for Demigod. But Demigod will ultimately be somewhat different in play style. Right now, myself, Chris Taylor, and Mike Marr are putting our combined design experiences together in trying to create a unique, innovative, and compelling strategy game experience.

More to come on this soon.

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on Aug 30, 2008

Most RTS games (and online games in general) have enough other newbs for you to play against that you will still be able to win sometimes.  You will want to play better players if you want to improve but if you get bored of being slaughtered you can always play with other newbs

on Aug 31, 2008

I Played Demigod at PAX, It is an amazingly intuitive game, If you've played an mmo, rts, and an rpg you can pick up demigod in a second, if you've only played one of those might take a minute or two but it's very fast to get the hang of, just look for the flashing buttons and you'll be fine!

on Aug 31, 2008

I hope the flashing goes away after a few seconds and I don't ahve to keep clicking each time it comes up every single time and it comes up a lot.


I have OCD with flashing things.

I couldn't play Tabula Rasa because of it.  They had flashing things that simply didn't go away.

on Aug 31, 2008

You get a skill point, the skill point button flashes.

on Sep 01, 2008

For some unknown reason, i ended up going here just to hav a look see, and i see that most players are either against or ecstastic about the game we asians also play, DotA to be exact.  I know i'm going to get flamed and ridiculed in here because it's not the right place for me to be in,but i'll post anyways.  i'm excited about this new game,Demigod, and more so that it was inspired from DotA, but what i just can't understand is why most of the posters in this forum are constantly "degrading",for lack of a better term, DotA. I've been playin DotA for 2 years now and i'm excited right now to find out that there's this new game that takes the same elements of DotA, but seriously, here's what's i really want to say, 

People who play and haven't DotA have every right to play this game, and noob or pro cannot be controlled unless by the system.  You learn from mistakes wether it's a 1st time of the 1ooth time, we learn and adapt to the game accordingly, and i strongly defend DotA, by it's legacy i defend it and new players should just take time to play it. i didnt like it the 1st x10 i played it, but i soon learned and liked it.  Seriously, i'm not a racist but i cant stand a great game being flamed and ridiculed. If there are noobs around, don't forget that you were once a noob as well.

Even if most people say "dota players" are "bad-asses", not all of them are jerks and being competitive in everyone's head, people play for fun too but when a fun player clashes with a competitve players, thats were to start the spiraling downhill of everything else and destroying all gameplay as well.

that's all i have to say, i think i should just wait for the game and head back to,

IMO,i'm eagerly waiting for this game and anxious to try it, in the mean time...

i love DotA and anyone who opposes is not my problem but there problem to get over with

on Sep 05, 2008

Yeah, telling you the truth: I just found your game cause I am a big DotA fan ^^

I looked for a selfrunning Game (since DotA is just a Map for WC3) like it. After I saw your game in the Shotgun Magazine I was interested in your project. It looks realy lovely/awsome and will add new features to this gameplay style (AoS). But before I abuse my right too Preorder a Box of DemiGod, I have a few Questions about the game it self:

- How Many Heroes/Demi Goods will be playbale ? (compared too DotAs 80 Heroes I guess less but it would be nice to have at least 10 "Goods" and 10 "Evils")

- Will there be a Building-Tech-Tree for the Gerneral or the Castle ? So that he can upgrade some units/Terrain Effects etc. by his own Decision ? (in DotA the creeps will be automaticly upgraded every 10 min, to balance that the hero do more dmg with high levels)

- Will somekind of level Editor released after the is finished ? (so that the community can make their own maps, if not I hope you will make at least some Updates for the game ^^)

- Which System will be requrired at least ? (would my  2,8 Ghz AMD Athlon and 1024 RAM be enough)

- Will DemiGods have different game Modes ? Forinstance, DOtA has -ar (all player get random heroes), -ctf (you can capture a flag) and some more. Perhaps you can add such a kind too

- In DotA are neutral Creeps for farming in the junggleas some other to get money/exp. Will something like that also be integrated in DemiGods or will be Pushing the only way to get it ?

- Arte there somekind of runes/ extra spots who give you boni planned (others then artifacts) ?

- DotA is a teamplay based game, in a normal game plays 5 player against 5. How would be "Teamplay/Cooperative" handled in DemiGod ?

- Are there shops too or just founding items by loosing creeps ?

- What happens when your "God" died ? Will he be revived after a short time or his game over and you lost totally ?


Thanks for Answers and Good Luck with the Game

on Sep 05, 2008

How Many Heroes/Demi Goods will be playbale ?
They say eight. They're looking to make them a lot more in-depth then DotA.

(in DotA the creeps will be automaticly upgraded every 10 min, to balance that the hero do more dmg with high levels)
In Beta 1, all the structures and creeps seem to upgrade every once in a while. (The forces of Good/Evil have upgraded their war effort.)

Which System will be requrired at least ?
If you happen to have Supreme Commander, Demigod runs on the same engine (Optimized for better performance). It's hard to say whether your system will run it without knowing your video card (nVidia 5 series don't support a needed technology.), but it seems to run well.

Will DemiGods have different game Modes ?
I believe so.

Arte there somekind of runes/ extra spots who give you boni planned
I'm confused by "boni planned", but there are flags in Beta 1 that can be captured for different effects.

How would be "Teamplay/Cooperative" handled in DemiGod ?
Beta 1 is actually 3vs3 only. I think they plan on having up to 5vs5.

Are there shops too or just founding items by loosing creeps ?
There are shops. Items are certainly useful.

What happens when your "God" died ?
Revives after a while. Time length seems to increase as you level up.


on Sep 07, 2008

I really hated DotA years ago. It' was unbalanced, full of overpowering things, bad designed, frustrating. The way the heroes was designed was horrible, everybody uses cunning one because did more damage, and could take damage as the slow tank one. Bad bad bad. But the idea wasn't too bad.

So I followed demigod with interest because I hope to see here what DotA couldn't be.

I liked much more tower defences that's share similar concept, I think could be a great things to have Demigod includes some gameplay variation like this.

on Sep 13, 2008

Sorry for the edit but this isn' the place to post crash notes on the first phase of the beta. If you like you can send that information to us at and we will forward it on if we belive it can be an assest. However please know that this is a beta and many aspects are going to have serious issues. Since this is an imediate crash we would like to hear from you.

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