One of the things about right-wingers that really annoys me is when they tell people who don’t like some policy with the US that they should just move to another country. It’s just obnoxious.
Of course, it’s annoying when left-wingers do it too.
In JillUser’s blog asking that people who complain how the rich spend their own money to take an interest in how those on public assistance spend theirs, long time user Mumblefratz writes:
I guess if that's how you look at it then there's not much I or anyone else can say to convince you otherwise, however that's not at all how I view it.
First off loot implies some illegality or at the very least impropriety and in my opinion as long as the same rules apply to everyone it's hardly looting. AFAIK we both must abide by the same tax code. Secondly while the government is indeed a monopoly you do have a choice of monopolies that you can live under and that's a choice that's far more accessible to the minority that you mention and not so much an option for the majority. I hear Monte Carlo is very nice this time of year. Finally as far as the government having a monopoly on force, that's true up to a point. That point being the point at which life has been made sufficiently difficult for a sufficient number of people that they decide to take things into their own hands. There are a number of examples of this occurring in history and none of them are pretty, particularly for said minority.
This response can be boiled down to saying that we live in a country where the majority sets the rules and if you don’t like it, move somewhere else.
No one is arguing how the system functions. The point, I think, of people debating and discussing issues is to raise awareness of various issues.
At one time, the majority of Americans thought slavery was just fine. Should those who had a problem with slavey just shut the hell up and moved to say Canada?
When someone argues that it’s not fair for the rich to have so much and the poor to have so little should the rich guy say “Well move to Cuba then, in the meantime, shut the hell up.”?
I don’t think so. I think people should discuss and debate as much as possible so that we can learn from each other.
People (clearly) don’t realize the unintended consequences of their beliefs. Some liberal/Democrat says “Hey, you don’t like high taxes? You rich people should move overseas.” And what they don’t realize, even though it’s right in front of them, is that that is what’s happening. It’s called outsourcing. The rich get to enjoy all the benefits of living in the USA but without the tax downsides.
Hey, don’t like outsourcing? Well, hey, it’s legal and what else is there to be discussed? If it’s legal, it’s ethical right? What more is to be discussed right?
But no, we should discuss this sort of thing to raise awareness and see how our society might evolve and be a better one.
After all, JillUser could have just written “Hey whiney losers, quit complaining about my mansion and other material possessions that we earned. That’s the way it is and if you don’t like it, move to Cuba.” Instead, she tried to raise awareness about an issue and opened it up to discussion.