Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Moral Values != Anti-Gay Marriage
Published on November 5, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

The mainstream media still hasn't figured out why Kerry lost the election. Instead, they react in shock and surprise at the exit poll result that "moral values" was the #1 issue. And what do they conclude? That the anti-gay marriage issue and evangelical Christian vote is what caused that. 

Let's ignore the fact that moral values was the #1 reason for Bush voters in states where gay marriage wasn't an issue. Why then are they latching on to that? Because Kerry supporters don't want to admit to themselves (yet) that the reason Kerry lost wasn't gay marriage or even really Kerry himself but rather the behavior and attitude of Kerry's supporters.

In talking with a great number of people since the election, it's become pretty clear that a big reason why people came out to vote for Bush this time was the pretentious and insulting attitude that Kerry supporters had for the values and opinions have for others.

It really all started becoming clear at the Superbowl. When Janet Jackson's breast was displayed for all to see, the left's reaction was "Get over it!" and "Deal with it!" They showed no respect whatsoever for the values of the majority of Americans who are trying to raise children in the way they see fit. 

Then we were subjected to months of "Anyone who supports Bush must be a moron, bigot, racist, redneck, homophobe, idiot..etc." 

Then this past Summer we were subjected to months of Michael Moore and other media elites with their condescending attitudes towards those who don't share their philosophical beliefs. By the end of summer, we got to see celebrities coming out and telling us what we should think -- as if their opinions are somehow more valid than ours. Why does Sean Penn's opinion matter more than my neighbor's?

Time and time again Kerry's supporters made it clear how much they hated Bush and hated everything that Bush supporters stand for. The nastiness and pretentious behavior of Kerry's supporters thus motivated people who would not normally vote to come out in vote.

And when they did come out, and were asked why, which exit poll question would fit their reason? Which question most closely resembles wanting to come out because you felt your values and opinions were being trampled on? Answer: Moral values.

Gay marraige, the war on terror, and other such things definitely mattered. I don't want to make it sound like they didn't. But in an election that was decided by 3 percentage points, I think Kerry's supporters need to recognize that their attitude towards Bush and those who agree with his views were what cost Kerry the election.  Otherwise, they're doomed to repeat their failures in the future.

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on Nov 06, 2004
One of the early and insightful comments by ALobos that was perhaps overlooked was:

It just seemed to me that Clinton had better ideas.

Even the most ardent supporter of Mr. Kerry would be hard put to tell me a positive, central idea of Kerry's campaign that would make people vote for him. I mean a "I am going to vote for Kerry because he is going to..." idea. A clearly annunciated campaign plank that was positive. And by positive I mean something where he said "If elected, I will do this..." not a "If elected, I will stop this."

You can't define a political campaign by negatives. Kerry was the "Anybody but Bush" candidate. Jon Stewart showed a campaign poster of Kerry that said "I'm not Bush." I think that was a satirical but accurate assessment. The fact that the election was close at all surprised me.

Here are my concerns these days (not necessarily in priority order):

- Stimulation of the American economy.
- Creation of new jobs.
- Reducing oil prices.
- Better, more affordable healthcare.
- Stabilization of the Middle East.
- Any solution to trouble-spots like Somalia and North Korea that doesn't require the US to be the world's police force.

All that I heard from Kerry were vague promises.

on Nov 06, 2004
Kerrys problem was obvious I think to everyone, he just didn't know what he actually believed himself, and in fact, probably took a "Poll" at home before taking his kids to the movie. Its unfathomable to me that the democratic party could actually nominate such a character, when theres consistant and moderate people amoung their party like Liberman, who probably would have stood a good chance of actually winning.

But hey, no skin off my back. But I do agree with the premise of this article, the hate coming from the liberals was intense. I'd bet 75% of my street voted for Bush, but you didn't see a single Bush sign on my street - why? Nobody wanted to hear the flak from the Kerry folk. They were downright hostile towards anyone that did, and usually got evil stares - about the most you'd expect in my city. But the side effect, they drove more people into the Bush camp - which is the basis of this article. To which I agree with.

on Nov 06, 2004
Ah, I finally get back to my the wonderful JU forum to check up on old posts. Bush supporters still echoing talking points from Fox? Check. Sudden disappearance of class from some on the left and right? Check. Country still without change? Check. People still claiming Bush policies to be wonderful, thinking people voting for Bush makes everything okay? Check.

Just came by to get my *check*. Thanx guys!

I must add that I enjoy the lame attempts at needling me by saying I'm in denial. Kerry lost, I know it. Bush won. Was that your assertion? That I didn't know who won the election? Nope. Fish elsewhere, hope that's not the extent of the rhetoric....
on Nov 07, 2004
This was the first time I voted Republican for a president.

I couldn't see Kerry as president, nor could I see him fixing anything Bush did or didn't do. Kerry was good at telling me what Bush did wrong, but I knew that already.

Bush seemed to me the better candidate, already in office, and I know his mistakes and sadly so does he (I hope). With half the country voting for Kerry, I hope that he sees that he needs to be more direct about his policies, especially if he decided to get us in another war.
on Nov 07, 2004
Hey, you liberals think on this that "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt".
on Nov 07, 2004
Hatfield vs. McCoys....Right vs. Left....Blue eyes vs. Brown Eyes....Black vs. White...Righteous vs. Indignant....Moral vs. Amoral....Birkenstocks vs. Boots....PC vs. Mac....SUV vs. Subaru....Dyed in the Wool vs. Tie Dyed.....Beer Huggers vs. Tree Huggers.....Red vs. Blue.....Touchy Feely vs. Ranty Raving....Aromatherapy vs. Coffee....Gay vs. Heterosexually Happy.....Hallmark vs. Handwritten......Bumpkin vs. Bran Muffin......Golden Parachute vs. There's No Reserve.....Farmer John vs. Permaculture Kiefer.....Analog vs. Digital.......Atkins vs. 40/40/20

I just can't decide who is more wrong.

Just replace "vs." with "and"

We're all whiners/martyrs, ignorant of the "facts", purveyors of "truths", and belittler of others. If you've cornered the market on any one of these things then YOU are the problem.

So don't forget that it's all just a tug of war without end. Grab the rope.
on Nov 07, 2004
Karl Rove seems to beleive that it was the Kerry portrait as a Flip-Flopper.,

"WASHINGTON (AP) - Reflecting on how he delivered President Bush his second term, White House political adviser Karl Rove admitted Sunday that John Kerry's vote for, then against, funding in Iraq and Afghanistan was the ``gift that kept on giving.''

The deft strategy of Rove, whom Bush calls the architect of his re-election campaign, is credited with helping move the nation from the 49 percent to 49 percent stalemate of the 2000 election to a 51 percent to 48 percent split in the Republicans' favor.

``The country is still close, but it has moved in a Republican direction, and this election confirmed that,'' Rove said on NBC's ``Meet the Press.''

Tactically, Kerry's decision to vote for the $87 billion in funding for troops and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then deciding in October 2003 to vote against it, was a bonanza for the president's campaign, ``the gift that kept on giving,'' Rove said.

Bush's campaign featured the videotape in thousands of commercials around the country to paint Kerry as a flip-flopper. The label stuck to the Massachusetts senator despite reports about frequent changes in various Bush positions.

Rove played down the importance to the campaign of ``moral values,'' which exit polls last Tuesday unexpectedly identified as a major consideration of many voters, especially those who voted for Bush.

Rove said 34 percent of the voters were motivated by issues surrounding Iraq and the war on terror, compared with 30 percent motivated by moral values. ``What essentially happened in this election was that people became concerned about three issues: first the war, then the economy, jobs and taxes and then moral values. And then everything else dropped off of the plate,'' he said.

Rove said he felt sick, then got mad when he started reading exit polls on Election Day as Air Force One returned from a final campaign swing. Surveys of voters just leaving polling places around the nation tilted toward Kerry early in the day and through much of the evening, causing early optimism for a Democratic recovery of the White House.

That faded through the night as exit polls were adjusted to reflect official vote tallies. But the exit poll was still tracking toward Kerry as the president's plane landed at Andrews Air Force Base in suburban Maryland after Bush's quick Election Day stop to thank supporters in crucial Ohio.

``I was on Air Force One, and we were literally on final approach into Andrews,'' Rove said on ``Fox News Sunday.'' ``The phone connection kept cutting out. I was holding a piece of paper on my knee, trying to scribble it down, holding the phone in the other hand. I got sick as I wrote them down, and then when I looked at them, I got angry, because they simply could not be true.''

``I mean, it had us 19 points down in Pennsylvania. It had us 17 points down in New Hampshire. It had us 1 point up in Virginia,'' Rove said. ``I mean, you looked at these numbers, and you realize, this is just insane.''

On one sideline row during the campaign, Rove said the president's tailor was devastated about a controversy over a box-shaped bulge in Bush's back that television cameras captured during the first debate. The mysterious bulge spawned speculation that Bush aides were feeding the president advice secretly through a radio receiver tucked under his suit jacket.

``Nothing was under his jacket,'' Rove said.

``The poor tailor ... he's an awfully nice fellow, he's a rather flamboyant dude,'' Rove said. ``I'm not going to use his name, but he's just - he's horrified. And, you know, it's - there was nothing there.''" -- News

Also my dad was actually convinced by the hard-Liberals (Moore,Soros) to vote against Bush. I guess he was easily convinced and must have been duped by them, after all they can't speak an ounce of truth can they?
on Nov 07, 2004
Yea, we really could have won if we said that we stood for everything the Bush supporters stood for. That would have been the perfect strategy! Are you insane? You don't win an election by saying that you stand for the same thing the other guy stands for.
on Nov 07, 2004
In truth, from what I read in the foreign press, both sides were equally nasty

IMO, Kerry supporters had concentrated on Bush's errors for one good reason: They were the most GLARING issue. Sure Bush's action post-9/11 was admirable, but I'm sure Gore would have done the same. I mean, 3000 LIVES were lost and 2 of what was formerly the TALLEST BUILDINGS IN THE WORLD COLLAPSED. What makes you think any American president would have left that alone?

The Democrats however, went overboard and I guess their extreme criticsm scared off moderate voters.
But I think the Republicans are just as elitist as Democrats. When have you heard a Republican confess his own mistakes???

on Nov 08, 2004
I think this is undoubtedly part of the reason Kerry lost, but I think that it has to be acknowledged by everyone that there is more than one reason. People vote for different reasons.
on Nov 08, 2004
big reason why people came out to vote for Bush this time was the pretentious and insulting attitude that Kerry supporters had for the values and opinions have for others.
Oh, my, it is so refreshing to learn that one party was pure in motive.
on Nov 08, 2004
Oh, my, it is so refreshing to learn that one party was pure in motive.

No, but the Bush supporters weren't alienating Americans as Kerry supporters were. If you want to deny that self-righteousness didn't win converts to the Kerry cause, then by all means let the Democrats repeat their mistake for 2008. I'd like to see them disappointed again.
on Nov 08, 2004
Erm.. Let me correct what really happened!! It was about how the campaign was geared toward the Christian evangelics (sp). This was a masterful political ploy it has NOTHING to do with Kerry haters or Bush haters motivated anyone. I love this site but the political views sometimes are down right comical. (No offense to the author of course or anyone just my view!) Bush is not really a devote Christian nor will he overturn abortion or ban gay marriage. All of that was just political spin to win the vote. Now I promise you that he will not deliver anything too them now. No reason with his term up in 4 years. I sit back and laugh to myself at the entire country along with the entire world. I am in contact with the entire world at my website. The general feeling is that Americans are stupid and we lost more credibility in the world due too the stupid voters who DID NO RESEARCH like everyone should have. I know none of you did any because Bush is in office and the same rhetoric is being said in these wonderful political threads at this Blog.

All I can say is you made your bed America now lay in it and enjoy what you reap! If I could move away for 4 years I would because what is going to happen while he is in office will not be a pretty sight!
on Nov 08, 2004
1.)It was about how the campaign was geared toward the Christian evangelics

2.)This was a masterful political ploy it has NOTHING to do with Kerry haters or Bush haters motivated anyone

3.)Bush is not really a devote Christian nor will he overturn abortion or ban gay marriage. All of that was just political spin to win the vote.

4.)The general feeling is that Americans are stupid and we lost more credibility in the world due too the stupid voters who DID NO RESEARCH like everyone should have.

All true, Desert Fox. I wouldn't say that all JU has failed to be informed, however. There are many that did vote Bush or advocate his being re-elected, but sometimes they were heavily informed and did much research, unfortunately, when the majority of voters simply identify with a candidate, they'll go to any lengths to justify egregious policy.

What I really like is how some imply that because Bush won the election, that was confirmation that he's been ( and by extention, they have ) been correct about anything.

on Nov 09, 2004

Do any of you really beleive that the ONLY reason that we haven't had a terrorist attack in this coulntry since 9/11 is because of Bush and his policies?

That is such a lame argument and I am personally tired of hearing it.

We haven't had a terrorist attack in this country since 9/11 because they don't want to attack us directly (Hell, they got plenty of US soldiers in Irag and Afganastan to shoot at and kill, and it's easier there apparently!), or they aren't ready etc.

To terrorize Americans there is no need to blow up huge buildings with airplanes, just a few well placed suicide bombers in small cities across the country, would scare the hell out of people, and it would be easy and cheap to do it too!

Bush got re-elected becouse the republicans scared the american people into thinking that Bush was the only one between us and the terrorists, and people fell for it. How else could a man who has lied about the whole Iraq war not only not get impeached but get re-elected?

Think about it...
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