Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

Wow. I mean, wow!

San Diego county is demanding that people stop inviting friends over to their home for a bible study on the grounds that they do not have a permit.

This is why, I don’t care where you stand on most political issues, I fear government power.

A lot of people view politics as either liberal or conservative.

I view it as the tug of war between those who push for anarchy and those who push for tyranny.  We live in the relatively comfortable area in-between.  However, in the past 50 years, we have seen a pretty steady march towards tyranny brought on by both political parties.

The Republicans invite tyranny in the name of “Security” and the Democrats invite tyranny in the name of “Fairness”.  But no matter how you spin it, tyranny means a loss of liberty for the individual.

I’m not religious but it’s none of my business what my neighbors do in the privacy of their own home as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Jun 25, 2009

Are you incapable of reading comprehension? nobody DISAGREES that you can CHOOSE to DISOBEY THE LAW. we just don't think it is relevant to a discussion on weather a law should or should not be passed, or is or is not just... "it is a just law because you can just disobey it and be thrown in prison" is a dumb argument.


If no one is disagreeing, then why the hell are you disagreeing? Jesus Harold Christmass! That's all I was pointing out, but yet you seem to think that my intention is to apply it elsewhere. Friggin' A...e'fing people...


Be well, ~Alderic

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