Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on March 29, 2010 By Draginol In Politics

I am glad that people are actively following politics more these days.  However, I am somewhat concerned with the amount of passion that’s been directed towards it.

I enjoy a good political debate but I never for a second believe that I’m going to be brought in as Emperor of the world to institute my theories. 

Discussing topics to try to persuade or educate others on political philosophies that you think are good is a noble thing.  However, hating other people over their political views is not a good thing.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 30, 2010

Like the Dems, you make excuses for them. You claim they are misrepresented by the medias. You say "but the other side is much worse".

Either short memory or you weren't on the political blogs here during the Bush years. He took his lumps from conservatives here, especially on the bailouts. No excuses as you suggest. Who knew that spending was to soon be eclipsed by his predecessor.

on Mar 30, 2010

He took his lumps from conservatives here, especially on the bailouts. No excuses as you suggest. Who knew that spending was to soon be eclipsed by his predecessor.

You mean successor.

When did the climate became unlivable?

on Mar 30, 2010

You mean successor

That's what happens when you're multi-tasking, yes successor.

When did the climate became unlivable?

Some clarification? On JU or nationally?

on Mar 30, 2010

I believe the vehemence, if you want to call it that, of the opposition (conservative Republicans, Tea Party members, etc.) is due to the disdain & disrespect shown toward them by Democrats and the sycophant media, which says to them, 'Take your opinions, values and beliefs and stuff them - you're nothing but a bunch of racists'.

How many non-whites are in those rallys? How many signs with Obama looking like an ape?

This is an element we haven't seen before.

on Mar 30, 2010

I am pretty sure you have the same behavior in some of the worst conservative blogs too.

I can confirm this for a German conservative blog ( While I respect them as a news outlet, I have never been able to post there because most of my comments get deleted within minutes.


on Mar 30, 2010

How many non-whites are in those rallys?

Many.  You just haven't seen pictures of them in your newspaper or Time.  A number of the leaders of rallys around the country are 'non-whites' as you put it.

How many signs with Obama looking like an ape?

A few, to be sure.  Some carried by Lyndon LaRouche tag-alongs.  Nothing worse than the signs of Bush as Hitler or a chiimp seen at nearly every leftwing rally during his presidency.

This is an element we haven't seen before.

Then you weren't paying attention before.  The notion that this is new or different, or unique to the right, is a sycophantic media fantasy, one they are intentionally perpetuating, knowing it to be false.

on Mar 30, 2010

Some clarification? On JU or nationally?


Then you weren't paying attention before. The notion that this is new or different, or unique to the right, is a sycophantic media fantasy, one they are intentionally perpetuating, knowing it to be false.

Which is why I asked when the debate became more radical. Or the environment so toxic. I doubt it happened during Obama's era. But I do remember the frantics existing during Bush's 04 election. Really, with all the sides telling us "It's the most important election of your life!!", I think people started to be VERY polarised around that time.

on Mar 30, 2010

A few, to be sure. Some carried by Lyndon LaRouche tag-alongs. Nothing worse than the signs of Bush as Hitler or a chiimp seen at nearly every leftwing rally during his presidency.

Do you think a white person seen as an ape is as offensive to that person as a black person seen as an ape is to that black person? Maybe the signs of Bush as a chimp was a poke at his disbelief of Evolution.

Then you weren't paying attention before. The notion that this is new or different, or unique to the right, is a sycophantic media fantasy, one they are intentionally perpetuating, knowing it to be false.

We never had a black president before.

on Mar 30, 2010

Nitro Cruiser
Locamama we don't see you comment so much anymore, since your girl got bumped in the primaries. It would be interesting to get your point of view on many of the topics that have cropped up recently. Anyway, good to see you...don't be a stranger.


I am pretty sure you have the same behavior in some of the worst conservative blogs too.

I have heard that statement many times in the past 6 years.  I have yet to find such a site.  I would like to at least peruse it.  Do you have any suggestions?

Look, you peoples just keep hammering that while the situation in America's politics is bad, it's mostly the Dem's and Liberal's fault. You refuse to consider the bad elements that plague your own side because...

Good point!  But then you want to change the things you do not like, and D&L are the things we do not like.  But I will concede that we do not hammer on the things we should change on the other side.  And that it is the actions of the republicans from 2002-2006 that caused the liberals to gain control. But then hammering at the republicans to get away from their free spending ways is not going to change the destruction the liberals are currently engaged in.

It is always good to plug the leaky faucet in your house, but when the creek is rising, you best be sandbagging your house first, or the leak will not matter.

Like the Dems, you make excuses for them. You claim they are misrepresented by the medias. You say "but the other side is much worse".

I do not recall making excuses for them, but others may.  There is too much wrong on the ruling side to worry about looking for snakes in the grass.

on Mar 30, 2010

And that it is the actions of the republicans from 2002-2006 that caused the liberals to gain control

they aren't close of stopping these actions, apparently...


on Mar 30, 2010

How many non-whites are in those rallys? How many signs with Obama looking like an ape?

Really?  I guess you were just born or have not used the Internet before 2009.  The number of minorities in the rallies?  As many as want to be.  Do you always check the race, color, creed, gender or national origin of a person before you deign to speak to them?  Funny, I see a homosapien and address our commonalities.

As for apes and presidents, just google it son!  It is laughable that anyone would suggest such a ridiculous thing since it was rampant with Bush.  But I guess it only counts if you are a democrat?  No?  How about a minority?  I guess you do not get out much.

What is most laughable is the Joker Picture.  Bush was first portrayed that way, and it was just political humor.  But then Obama was portrayed that way and all of a sudden it is racist.  That is probably the most non-racist posting I could think of (equallity under the law and all).  But then liberals only see race, they do not see people.

This is an element we haven't seen before.

Bulle scheisse. Google it.  You might be surprised.

on Mar 30, 2010


Locamama we don't see you comment so much anymore, since your girl got bumped in the primaries. It would be interesting to get your point of view on many of the topics that have cropped up recently. Anyway, good to see you...don't be a stranger.

I actually stopped posting so much because I didn't have internet access at home.  When I only have a limited time at the library it's hard to participate on these sites.  By the time I get back to see if anyone responded everyone has moved on to a new subject but I'm back online at home.  and I plan on posting and commenting more.  Glad to know I might have been missed.  It really did hurt my feelings that the internet went on without me - lol. 

on Mar 30, 2010

Do you think a white person seen as an ape is as offensive to that person as a black person seen as an ape is to that black person? Maybe the signs of Bush as a chimp was a poke at his disbelief of Evolution.

Why should it make a difference?  That is the most racist statement I have seen on any board in a long time (I do not frequent, the Puffingtopn Host, or - I am sure they could out do you on it).

We never had a black president before.

We have never had a Polish president before. So?  We have never had an Asian president before. So? We have a black president now.  So?  What is your obsession with race, and the apparent mentality of trying to protect those that you think cannot protect themselves.  Do you even think before writing or just spew your racism under the guise of "benevolent protection"?

on Mar 30, 2010

Glad to know I might have been missed.  It really did hurt my feelings that the internet went on without me - lol. 

It actually did not.  This is just a place holder filled with bric-a-brac waiting for your return.

on Mar 30, 2010

What is most laughable is the Joker Picture. Bush was first portrayed that way, and it was just political humor. But then Obama was portrayed that way and all of a sudden it is racist. That is probably the most non-racist posting I could think of (equallity under the law and all). But then liberals only see race, they do not see people.

While I disagree with what the original poster wrote, and I don't have any trouble with people depicting Obama as a monkey, you have to question Glenn Beck's declaration that "[Obama] has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture".

That is doomed to energise reaction out of racists, and create some racist backlash againt Obama.

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