Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on March 29, 2010 By Draginol In Politics

I am glad that people are actively following politics more these days.  However, I am somewhat concerned with the amount of passion that’s been directed towards it.

I enjoy a good political debate but I never for a second believe that I’m going to be brought in as Emperor of the world to institute my theories. 

Discussing topics to try to persuade or educate others on political philosophies that you think are good is a noble thing.  However, hating other people over their political views is not a good thing.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Mar 31, 2010

Liberals decide for whom not to vote and then believe he must be racist, homophobic and Creationist.

That would explain why they so often enthusiastically support people who actually are racist, homophobic and Creationist.

It is no surprise that is the case.  The democrat party ws born of segregation and racism, and has never lost its roots.  It is easier to say you "care" while systematically destroying  minorities, than to be honest and open and just say you hate them.  Even better is when you can get willing minority quislings to assist you in the effort.

on Mar 31, 2010

Here's a "quick perspective" for you.



on Mar 31, 2010

Well there you have it "overwhelming" proof.


Here's an example of the "tolerant" left (at a PEACE rally no less), courtesy of Island Dog's article

on Apr 01, 2010

Love those people with the man+man and woman+woman flags demanding a "free Palestine".

Talk about sheep building their own slaughterhouse.

(I assume the weird idea that Israel is against gays and "Palestine" isn't derives from the general "Jews are evil" principle?)

Do you know where gay "Palestinians" hide when hunted to kill by peace-loving freedom fighters?

In Jewish settlements. Here in an "ultra-orthodox" settlement, no less.

"It's been many years that they are checking him out, but he hasn't done anything wrong. [He] is a goody-two-shoes."

That's the verdict of the evil homophobic ultra-orthodox bloodsucking Zionist settler regarding Israel's decison not to let the man enter Israel.

Now why again would peace-loving freedom fighters try to kill homosexuals? Are homosexuals oppresing them? Is it for food and water? Is it "for the children"? It's a complete mystery, isn't it?

I absolutely adore how "freedom" for that crowd means "ruled by a fascist dictator". Afghanis do not want to live under the Taliban. Iraqis never wanted to live under Saddam (and they made that clear again just a few days ago when a majority voted for the very man who called on the US to invade the country). Even "Palestinians" do not necessarily want to be ruled by Fatah or Hamas.

I guess it is time (but it won't happen) that those idiots demonstrating in the free west learn that the reason people in the west decide the fate of people elsewhere is THEM.




on Apr 01, 2010

Just for the books: can anyone on the liberal side top this with pictures of right-wing loonies that are even more crazy and inconsistent or are we all in agreement that the left are much much crazier?

(Do we cound the white supremacist crowd that demonstrate among the left-wing loonies as "right-wing" in this sense?)


on Apr 01, 2010

Just for the books: can anyone on the liberal side top this with pictures of right-wing loonies that are even more crazy and inconsistent or are we all in agreement that the left are much much crazier?

Excellent example of a rhetorical quesrtion.

ID was being kind as well, thre are many more examples where the demonstrators were not as nice.

on Apr 01, 2010

ID was being kind as well, thre are many more examples where the demonstrators were not as nice.

True, one photo gives one persons prospective (or in mumble's case one caller. A real racist would have used a different word than "black", remember Jesse Jackson's Obama faux pas?). Many photo's from a rally give a more complete picture of what it's all about. 

on Apr 02, 2010

I am amazed at how quickly people who happily refer to tea partiers as "tea baggers" start becoming outraged at even the hint of an accusation of racism.

on Apr 02, 2010

I am amazed at how quickly people who happily refer to tea partiers as "tea baggers" start becoming outraged at even the hint of an accusation of racism.

The truth hurts.

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