Hi gang,
Felt like I'd gotten hit over the head with hammer today. The flu is going around and while I don't have that, I have a definite cold.
Rammix and Stormy have been moving up the level ladder at impressive speeds. I just hit a puny level 25 so far.
Cooler Guild Site:
I agree with others who have said that this guild page is kind of lame. It is lame. On the other hand, down the line we hope to make JoeUser versatile enough that we could make something like this.
If you think about it, the only thing different from that site and this site are graphics. We support custom links and such so it's just a matter of being able to customize how it looks.
The guild tabbard:
I haven't had a chance to scan the page yet for our guild tabbard choices or logged on yet. I don't want to pick colors iwthout talking to you guys. How about this - comment here to let me know what colors you guys prefer.
Then we can talk about the specific design. I am partial to white and red or white and green myself but what do you guys think?