Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
New poll exposes paranoia? Or racism?
Published on November 10, 2003 By Draginol In Current Events

What is it with the continental Europeans and their hatred of Israel? In a recent European poll, 59% of Europeans responded that they think Israel is the greatest threat to world peace. Israel. Not Iran. Not Iraq. Not North Korea. Heck, not even the United States.

I've talked via email with people from Europe (western Europe mainly) who just can't understand why Americans have such a "blind spot" to the "obvious" threat Israel poses.  What threat? Threat to whom? The threat Israeli children pose to bombs? Their bodies interfering with the trajectory of nails in a suicide bomber's murder device? That threat?

I am pro-Israel. I'm not Jewish. I just have a healthy respect for people who work hard and succeed. Israel is a winner. They win by working hard and doing things intelligently. I have little patience for people who make excuses for failure. I consider myself to be pretty representative of American attitudes, particularly on this issue. We Americans have little tolerance for losers. Or at least losers who lost due to incompetence.

And the various "nations" (for lack of a better term) that surround Israel just strike me as real sad sacks. Grasping at any boogeyman to blame for their own ineptitude they focus on Israel . Israel is the only democracy in that part of the world. What's Jordan's excuse? Or Egypt? Egypt gets billions in economic aid from the United States and still can't seem to get their act together. Oh, I'm sure someone will again email me blaming the United States for all the ills of the middle east. It never fails. But that's again why Israel makes them all look so pathetic. Here's a country with no oil, no real natural resources, fairly crummy land and yet manages to have a stable democracy with a great deal of freedoms for their citizens.

Instead of the Arabs blaming Israel for their problems maybe...just maybe they should look inward. Maybe writing off half their population (women) might just possibly put them at a competitive advantage with the rest of the world. Maybe if they unshackled the potential of their people they might not stay at the bottom of the world's food chain.

Israel, being a democracy, makes use of its full potential. The people work hard. They have shown immense toleration towards atrocities that specifically target the helpless. And in a terrible part of the world they have succeed in creating a successful nation that could, if it chose to, conquer its neighbors. It seems pretty clear from here that Israel just wants to go about its own business, preferably without having its children shredded by some psychotic Islamic terrorist.

But do the Europeans relate to that? No, they seem to feel sympathy towards the Palestinians. The people who never seem to miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (to quote George Will). How can you feel sympathy for people who intentionally target women and children? If Israeli's had the mindset of these Islamic fascists, there'd be no Palestinians left.  I have little sympathy for the Palestinians. And over the years as I've learned more on the situation the less sympathy I have for them. I can think of a half dozen other peoples who deserve their own independent state more than the Palestinians.

It gets increasingly difficult not conclude that a lot of European attitudes towards Israel stem from flagrant anti-Semitism. After all, this is the continent that routinely discriminated against them for hundreds of years culminating in the extermination of 6 million of them in a period of 5 years. An extermination, I might add, that wouldn't have been possible without a wide spread level of cooperation through-out continental Europe (i.e. don't just blame the Germans).  I just can't think of any other way to reconcile how Europe can consider a country that's smaller than some counties in the United States being the single biggest threat in the world.

In fact, ironically, one is stuck between two possible conclusions: Either there's a serious anti-Semitism problem in continental Europe or those smart continentals aren't nearly as smart about geography and politics as they claim to be.

A lot of my friends are from Europe (in fact, most of the words I type each day go to friends or coworkers in Europe). I know that they're intelligent decent people. I know a lot of you who read this website are from Europe. So maybe you can explain to me what the heck is going on over there.

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on Nov 11, 2003
The Palestinians are terrorist’s, and if they continue their terror the only solution will be expulsion. The wall Israel is building is only counter-productive, and a complete waste of time. The wall will do nothing to stop terrorism, worse than that; it will sever the biblical Jewish land of Samaria and Judea from Israel.

In 70 A.D the Romans conquered the region and slaughter thousands of Jews. The Romans renamed the land Palestine, in an attempt to further erase the Jews from the land. Palestine was a name inspired by the “invaders” or “Philistines.” The Philistines were dreaded and frowned upon as a people; the Romans were trying to add insult to injury.
Today’s Palestinians have no relation or blood tie to the Philistines.

Where is reference or historical attachment of Islam to Jerusalem? The Koran mentions Mecca, Medina, but never Jerusalem. The Palestinians, by majority are Jew hating terrorists; it looks like they have found a huge group of cheerleaders in the EU. The EU is actually applauding the senseless, terrorist related deaths of Jews, judging from this morally bankrupt poll.

on Nov 11, 2003
Do they name the vatican in the Bible?

I dont want to enter the discussion but muslims think Muhammad went to heaven from Al-Aqsa mosque, in the center of Jerusalem.

Your considerations derive from the intensive reading of X-Men and Gi-Joe comic books. Sorry but it's so true.

on Nov 11, 2003

Respect is a two way street. Where is the respect of Israel’s right to exist?

Why must all the Jews live in Israel? Are they just not good enough to live elsewhere? Or do you just want to “concentrate” them in one place so they can be “taken care of”?

And you can come to the US and build a house if you want to; we’re not so small-minded as to persecute someone because they come from another country.
on Nov 11, 2003
THIS IS FROM: JEWS FOR JUSTICE IN THE MIDDLE EAST (are they anti-semitic too??) , and you can download the full story on the link at the bottom.

For 2,000 years there was no such conflict.

The land of Palestine was inhabited by Palestinian Arabs. In 1850 these consisted of approximately 400,000 Muslims, 75,000 Christians, and 25,000 Jews. For centuries these groups had lived in harmony: 80 percent Muslim, 15 percent Christian, 5 percent Jewish.

But then in the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as "Zionists," this group consisted of an extremist minority of the world Jewish population. They wanted to create a Jewish homeland, and at first considered locations in Africa and South America, before finally settling on Palestine for their colony.

At first this immigration created no problems. However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine -- many with the express wish of taking over the land for an exclusively Jewish state -- the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, there was fighting between the two groups, with escalating waves of violence.

UN Partition Plan
Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the democratic principle espoused decades earlier by Woodrow Wilson of "self-determination of peoples," in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power arbitrarily divides up other people's land.

Under considerable pressure from high-placed American Zionists, the UN decided to give away 55 percent of Palestine to a Jewish state -- despite the fact that this group represented only about 30 percent of the total population, and owned under 7 percent of the land.

1948 War
When the inevitable war broke out the outcome was never in doubt, according to U.S. intelligence reports from the time. The Zionist army consisted of over 90,000 European-trained soldiers and possessed modern weaponry, including up-to-date fighter and bomber airplanes. The Arab forces, very much a third-world army, consisted of approximately 30,000 ill-equipped, poorly trained men. The U.S. Army, British intelligence, and the CIA all agreed: it would be no contest.

By the end of the 1948 war the Jewish state -- having now declared itself "Israel" -- had conquered 78 percent of Palestine -- far more than that proposed even by the very generous UN partition plan. And three-quarters of a million Palestinians had been made refugees. Over 400 towns and villages had been destroyed, and a new map was being drawn up, in which every city, river and hillock would receive a new, Hebrew name. All vestiges of the Palestinian culture were to be erased. In fact, for many decades Israel -- and the US, following its lead -- denied the very existence of this population. Golda Meir once said, in fact: "There is no such thing as a Palestinian."

1967 War
In 1967, Israel conquered still more land. Following the Six Day War, in which Israeli forces launched a highly successful, Pearl Harbor-like surprise attack on Egypt, Israel occupied the additional 22 percent of Palestine that had eluded it in 1948 -- the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Current Conflict
There are, then, two issues at the very core of the continuing conflict and escalating violence in the Middle East:

First, there is the inevitably destabilizing effect of trying to maintain an ethnically preferential state, particularly when the exclusionist entity is of largely colonial origin. As we have seen, the original population of what is now Israel was 95 percent Muslim and Christian. And yet, Muslim and Christian refugees are not being allowed to return to their homes in the current "Jewish state." Israeli peace negotiators refuse to even discuss the possibility of applying this UN guaranteed right.

Second, Israel's continued confiscation of Palestinian land in the West Bank and Gaza is being resisted by the Palestinian inhabitants. It is these occupied territories that, according to the Oslo peace accords of 1993, were going to become a Palestinian state. However, when Israel continued to take land in these areas and to move its citizens onto it, the Palestinian population rebelled. This uprising, called the "Intifada" (Arabic for "shaking off") began at the end of September 2000 and continues to this day.

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on Nov 11, 2003
Self hating Jews for justice, what a joke. The Jews have all sorts of left wing doves that are almost laughable. There is this crackpot Peace Now founder named Shulamit Aloni, she says that she "can understand" why Hitler slaughtered the Jews.
on Nov 11, 2003
Pablo, you seem to be oblivious of how poor your debating skills are. Sometimes it's better to just quit digging.

Here's a free debating tip:

[Assertion] [Evidence]

This is the basic structure of a debate. You make an assertion and then you back it up by evidence. Evidence can come in many forms. Examples. Links. Commonly known facts.

Your posts seem to be completely devoid of evidence. You make these amazingly arrogant assertions "You Americans don't respect others..." without a shred of evidence. You speak as if it's some sort of given. When many of your statements fly in the fact of known facts, it only weakens your argument further.
on Nov 11, 2003
I am an American married to a Belgian citizen.....he is simply amazed at the blind patriotism that the people of the US have for their country, it's policies, and their president (and yes, you are correct, to put it less eloquently, he is a DOPE!)....I used to think like some of the others on this site, that our govt. would never censor the news that we hear! That was until my husband would read his local newspaper daily on the internet (Het Van Limburg) and translate it to me.....sometimes, it would be a week or so before our news would report the same news (about MY country!) that was reported in Belgium.....and sometimes, it wouldn't be reported at ALL (ex: the staging of the rescue of a certain POW.....something YOU probably have read) I know that some on this website don't give a crap about "what other countries think", but maybe we should, because the sound of the twin towers falling was followed by cheers from alot of people from around the world.....sort of a "take THAT America"!! (which pisses ME off, as I DO love my country)....and it has nothing to do with "jealousy" (like because we have better cable TV)....I am just an average joe here in America (upstate NY to be exact) obviously not as well read as some on this forum, but no dummy nonetheless,....and I think it was a terrible mistake to have poked the Arab nation with a hasn't solved ANYTHING, and it is till a waiting game....waiting and wondering when they will strike us again...and it's not a matter of "if", but when!
on Nov 11, 2003
I am sorry if I misinterpreted what you wrote, but I read it again and it sure sounds like that. Maybe you should be a little clearer if you write about such sensitive topics.
About Israels territory. Its a fact that the UN gave 55% of Palestina to Israel. After the war in 48 Isreal kept 78% of the land (If you doubt that there is a map that shows the borders of Israel before the 6 day war if you follow the link from Anthony R)
After the 6 day war Israel occupied all of Palestina.
Now take a look at the history of the conflict. In 1947 the UN decided that 55% of Palestina should belong to the Jews. That land however was not empty. The palestinians were living there and they were driven from their homes. I said earlier that I agree that the Jews suffered greatly, especially during WWII and that they deserve to have a place to live in, but I dont see why the palestinians should pay the price for the crimes committed against the Jews by other countries (please remember that I am talking about the time BEFORE the wars started). This led to the wars (and yes I know that is more complicated then that) and while the arabs did initiate the attacks they didnt do so just because the hated Israel. (I wont argue the fact that a lot of hatred does exist between the two parties though).
After the 48 war Israel held 78% of the country and they refused to let the palestinians that fled the war back into their homes and villages. Instead they kept the land to themselfs. Thus your example with poland was kind of inaccurate. While poland did grow in size the people were not driven from their land.
Israel didnt just reset the borders after winning the war, it also drove the palestinians from their homes. And by large those palestinians were no terrorists or soldiers that attacked Israel. They were just civilians who fled a war or that were exiled during the war. Maybe just civilians who tried to live peacefully with their new neighbours.
Today Israel not only the last 22% of Palestinia, they are also moving settlers into the occupied parts, namely the west bank, and yes I do call that expanding.
Now I want you to remember one thing. I didnt write all of this, nor anything in my previous posts to put the blame soley on Israel, nor to justify even one terrorist attack. I am very much opposed to the killing in Palestina wether its called a terrorist attack or a retaliation strike.
I did make these arguments to show that Israel is partially to blame for the ongoing conflict and thus can be viewed as a thread to world peace. Which is just what that cursed poll asked for, if Israel can be viewed as a thread to world peace.
And I said it before and I will say it again. Just that 59% of the polled think that Israel is a threat to world peace doesnt mean that 59% of the polled think that Israel is the biggest thread to world peace and it certainly doesnt mean that Europe thinks that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace.
I do hope I made myself clear this time.

Since you asked what I propose to solve the conflict. I can olny say that I not as assuming as to propose anything. The situation is too complex and I am to far removed from it to find a good solution. While I tried to inform myself finding and reading neutral information on this topic I know that I am not able to find a good and fair solution that has the chance to bring peace to the region.
I do however know that not every palestinians is an evil terrorist and that getting rid of them alltogether would be a very bad solution to the problem.
In my search for information on the topic I did find a website where peace activist from Israel made a, in my opinion, good proposal. You can find it here:

Alex T.:
'And you can come to the US and build a house if you want to; we’re not so small-minded as to persecute someone because they come from another country.'
To make your example more accurate, what if I come to the US and throw you out of your house and live in it?

Anthony R.:
'The Palestinians, by majority are Jew hating terrorists; it looks like they have found a huge group of cheerleaders in the EU. The EU is actually applauding the senseless, terrorist related deaths of Jews, judging from this morally bankrupt poll.'

I am seriously pissed now. How dare you to accuse me of something like that. What kind of stupid, incosiderate, slanderous asshole are you to say that I would cheer for even one terrorist attack, that I could applaud that even one person is killed, that I would even feel the slightest bit of joy over the death of another person.
What you said in those two sentences is so full of hate, so wrong, so defamatory that I can hardly believe that any sensible human being could say something like that. You are either a stupid and inconsidered fool or your one of the biggest, prejudice ladden idiots in the world.
I seriously hope you will apologize for those words.
on Nov 11, 2003

there are many factual errors and omissions in your summary of the situation.

For example, Israel did not simply invade Palestinian land, Jordan did. Israel only got the territories when Jordan attacked again and lost. Had Jordan not attacked and had the Palestinians simply accepted the UN plan, Palestine would have been a country a long time ago. But Jordan has and the Palestines didn't. It's their fault, it's that simple.

Also, the Palestinians did not flee the war, they were told by their Arab "brothers" to leave so they could return when Israel was erased from the map. Of course the plan failed and the Arabs prefered to let the Palestinians suffer in "refugee" camps rather than allow them to settle in other Arab countries. Again, it's the Arabs' fault. Israel had nothing to do with that.

Israel isn't to blame for what the Arabs did or failed to do. It's really very simple.

The conflict could be over if and when the Palestinians decide that it can be. There would be no retaliation strikes unless there was something to retaliate for. Again, it's the Arab's fault that the Palestinians continue their "fight" (in the Arab sense of the word, meaning to attack women and children in cafes and supermarkets, because that is really all they can do, isn't it).

The only thing you can blame Israel for is that they retaliate. But who wouldn't?

And even if this was all Israel's fault, it still wouldn't be a threat to world peace because Palestine is not the world.

At the moment the greatest threat to world peace is Muslim, particularly Arab, fundamentalism. If you don't believe me, check out all the current conflicts in the world, and you will notice that only very few of them are not set in an Arab country, next to one, or in a Muslim country, or next to one.

Apparently everybody in the world gets around except Arabs and Muslims in general, or rather the fundamentalists of those. Whenever they get in contact with Christians, Hindus, Jews, atheists, communists, or even each other (or some other Muslim sect) there is instant war forever. Shouldn't that tell us something? Whenever there is war, the "religion of peace" seems to be involved. Odd, isn't it?

Athony R,

not all Europeans are anti-semites, and in my experience most Europeans do not believe that Israel is to blame for the situation. But most people believe that Israel escalates the conflict and most people don't know what the Palestinians constantly do to Israelis. It's ignorance, not anti-semitism per se. Many of us Europeans though do support Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the war on terror, even if our governments don't. When you think of Europe, do not think of those who want you to fail, think of those who want and need you to succeed.
on Nov 11, 2003

1. Blind American patriotism.

What are you refering to? That wasn't the subject of this article. We weren't talking about American patriotism or America even.

2. Censorship.

The same news a week later are not proof for censorship. Where do you get these ideas? As for news about the rescue of a POW, some stations are decent enough not to report on such things until after the deed or not at all. I was horrified by European TV showing American soldiers in Iraqi hands. I thought the Geneva convention forbade showing POWs in such situations. (I was correct.)

3. Solving.

Yes, it has solved something. Iraq got rid of a dictator. The Iraqi people are no longer afraid to speak their mind, which is btw the reason for why they also speak up against the Americans. This is good news. This means the plan is working.

4. If or when.

Yes, they might strike again, but so will the coalition. At some point the enemy will be to weak to strike again and the war will be over. That's how it works. You can always argue that one should simply let the enemy win because the enemy might continue to fight if one doesn't let him. But in contrast to the attack on Iraq THAT strategy will not solve anything.

on Nov 11, 2003
Uh Hippygirl, just because an American paper chooses not to cover something you think is newsworthy doesn't mean that government censored it.

on Nov 11, 2003
Anthony, The Palestinians are terrorist’s is a rather broad statement, Some are, some support them and the rest just want to get on with their lives, doing things we take for granted, you no like walking down the street. A bit like the poll taken before the Coalition of the willing invaded Iraq. This poll claimed that a majority of Iraqies supported their leader and hated the US, interestingly another poll taken by the Indian media in secret at the same time and again after showed this to be a complete fabrication, borne out of fear by anyone to make any comment, only those who would comment did, and of course these were people who either feared the government or supported. People in Palestine do live in fear of reprisals from their terroists and their leaders, being in the main the same, so of course they will give a similar result, talk to them candidly and you get the truth. Anthony we both know this to be the reality, don't ruin a well thought argument by these rather baseless comments. Remember in the main most Arabs support the US, again it is the vocal and in many cases bloodthirsty few that do not.
on Nov 13, 2003
You guys are great!

"BOMB FOR OIL" would make a fantastic sticker for your SUVs

When it comes to winners and loosers, how come you chickens chosed the weakest country to "clean up" when you had several choises amongst the "axes of evil"? Is that what defines a winner; to hit some one that is already weakened by years of embargo? Why don't you good guys take on North Korea instead. That should boost your military industry a little.

Oh by the way, good move to fund the building up of the Talibans in the fight against Sovjet
Good luck in your fight for democracy
on Nov 13, 2003
Gee, an American says "I don't understand why other countries don't agree with us, of course we're right!!" Hmmm don't hear that very often.
America isn't controlling the world, Israel is. Israel contols Rummy and Chinny. After all, they're the real leaders of the greatest "Free" nation in the world, aren't they?
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