Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The end of the ordeal
Published on March 31, 2005 By Draginol In Current Events

The Terry Schiavo cas has certainly stirred up many emotional reactions in people. I know that I was deeply troubled by what has happened.  Even though I consider myself militantly pro-choice on issues such as abortion and believe that Assisted Suicide should be the law of the land, these things still have one thing in common - individual choice.

Terry Schiavo has been severely mentally disabled for over a decade. How disabled she is is a matter of debate. The law states that if a person is considered to be in a permanent vegetative state that they may be taken off of life support (including feeding tubes) IF it was the will of that person.

The courts ruled that two things were true:

A) That Terry was in a persistent vegatative state.

That she would want to be taken off of support.

That's where the controvery comes in.  To me, the evidence to support she was a vegetable was poor, at best. Anyone who has ever worked in a group home for the mentally retarded can tell you that there's a lot of people who appear much like how Terry does in the videos that were released.  In addition, there was no written evidence that Terry would want to be taken off of support. We have only the word of her husband that she would want that.

I somehow doubt that most people would want to be starved to death over a two-week period. It will be interesting if any photos of Terry's last days get leaked out onto the net so that people can see just what happens to the body from such a trauma.

The courts, correctly IMO, ruled that the various courts were following the law.  The problem, and I have no idea whose fault it is, is that there was little effort to actually determine the two key points.  When people talk about how all the courts already heard the arguments, they are only hearing whether the courts were right to rule in they did provided that A and B were true. 

What many of the protesters argued was that points A and B were not anywhere near certain enough to justify starving this young woman to death.  I don't see how any reasonable person could argue that points A and B were proven.

The woman never had an MRI, for example.  The video footage seen by millions was never seen in a court room.  The primary witness claiming Terry would have wanted to be taken off a feed tube had long since moved on and had two children with another woman. His testimony with regarding her will was iffy at best.

So what are the lingering consequences? Millions of people around the world just witnessed the United States intentionally starving to death one of its citizens based on pretty shakey evidence.  The issue has certainly energized millions of conservatives -- including pro-abortion rights ones such as myself.  The left comes across as looking hypocritical and ghoulish (in talking to friends and neighbors, the joke "They should have said she was a member of Al Qaeda, then the liberals would have protested to keep her alive!). 

For better or worse, at least this whole ordeal will slowly fade -- I hope.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 07, 2005
Actually I have heard the same figures on the number of civillians killed in the war, I shall try my hardest to find a reliable source. Now, the most interesting issue here is that the war has little to do with this, Terry Schiavo is dead, I am glad she has moved on to a better life. The comparison people are tying to make though, is that how is it right for our president to try and pass a bill protecting someones life, when he sent our troops into Iraq to take other peoples lives. I'm sorry but saying that is not the same thing is like calling Iraqis lives less important than Terry Schiavo's life. You cannot really bring religion into this seeing as how THOU SHALT NOT KILL, would apply to Mr. Bush's actions as well, which would in fact. make him a hypocrit, and then in turn would make everyone who supports the war and is pro-life, all hypocrites as well.
on Apr 07, 2005

There, estimates taken from a survey of Iraqi household say that the death toll could be upwards of 100,000 civillians.
on Apr 21, 2005
Well said like a true american,devoid of any reasoning,only a hilbilly,ignorant ,illiterate school dopout whose`s brain is eaten away by drugs.
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