Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Kerry not so bright after all
Published on June 8, 2005 By Draginol In Politics

Kerry has finally started releasing some of his files that he had promised to during the campaign.  For all the left-wing attacks on Bush's intelligence it seems rather ironic that Bush did better at Yale than Kerry did (even if barely).  The good news is that Kerry did do well in one subject - French.

This isn't to say Kerry is dumb. But for some bizarre reason, left-wingers tend to believe that they are intellectually superior to conservatives and paint Bush out to be a "moron" despite no evidence to substantiate that.


Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 10, 2005


This just goes to show that the Democrats seem to have lost any soul to their party. I am a registrared Democrat and find myself totally disillusioned by the no-needed attacks and grandstanding just to grandstand. We need a leader than, for that matter, followers who have real ideas and IF THE HAPPEN to be the same as the Republicans.... SO WHAT!!!

Democrats these days are more worried about being different from Republicans it is a shame. What about the actual issues at hand?

Not to harp on the 'work hard and your make it' ethic, but Bush AND Kerry are perfect examples of people who did not have to work that hard and yet they made it. WHY???? Because of connections, wealth, support from family members and so on. If I helped to close 2 companies because of my leadership, I would have been homeless, but not Bush. This is what I mean by the difference between working hard and opportunity. There is an area that they cross, but it is opportunity that allows you to become president of the USA. No one has yet explained to me how if there is only so much room for someone to get this job paying 30,000, what happens to the rest who don't get it; chalk it up to not working hard enough?

As far as what a Harvard grade means and a NYU grade means it is a misnomer to think that a Harvard ‘C’ grade is a ‘A’ grade in NYU. You will be surprised (yes there is research on this) on how student in Harvard, Yale and other Ivy League school complain when they get low grade. The premise? If the student got into Harvard, then how can they get low grades? They are not dummies.

Speaking of opportunities... What some of you guys are saying is that a Harvard degree is better than a NYU degree. Now tell me, how many students can Harvard have? How about Yale? Princeton? Well, if I work hard enough (key word now is enough) I'll get in. The reality is that someone CAN NOT get in and in fact there has to be people who DO NOT MAKE IT in order to say that the one that do are somehow different.

I just find all of this bemusing. Bush is obviously an intelligent man, but maybe not as bright as you would think he should be considering he is now president of the USA. Most people think its all about good grades, being able to memorize stuff and spit it out, and having high IQ scores MEANS you will be successful. Strangely enough now both Kerry and Bush turns out to have relied very heavily on their support coming from their established families to get the leg up in where they wanted to go. In fact both made major errors in thought and action, yet they still are at the top.

Is it me, or do you think that we should be more focused on what they should be doing while in office than who is smarter than who? I sure wish the Demarcates would stop taking focus on how unfair it is to be under the Republican thumb and actually focus on working for whom they represent.
on Jun 10, 2005
If the Army can not obtain the manpower required, there will be a DRAFT and it will be the Bush polices that caused it!

Stop stating your opinions as facts. There is absolutely no evidence of a draft. Just because quotas are not met, doesn't not mean anything. Stop being so dramatic.
on Jun 10, 2005
Laura Bush seems like a nice person. She is not qualified to be President from what I have read of her background.

I heard she's a chain smoker. I find that offensive. She needs to be dethroned as first lady.
on Jun 10, 2005

As far as what a Harvard grade means and a NYU grade means it is a misnomer to think that a Harvard ‘C’ grade is a ‘A’ grade in NYU.

I think it is Yale grades.  But close enough I guess.

on Jun 10, 2005
Stop stating your opinions as facts. There is absolutely no evidence of a draft. Just because quotas are not met, doesn't not mean anything. Stop being so dramatic.

Yeah there won't be a draft. Unless we have to go to war with Iran or North Korea etc.. and that's not going to happen now.
on Jun 10, 2005
The qualification to be first lady are a bit lower then President (except in the case of GWB).
on Jun 10, 2005

The qualification to be first lady are a bit lower then President (except in the case of GWB).

Earth to Col Klink.  Are you there?  You need to increase your oxygen. 

on Jun 10, 2005
Interesting comments thus far, but lets consider another perspective. Its difficult to recruit much less retain good people when our Commander-ln-Chief recommends cutting benefits, combat pay, fails to pay honor to the fallen by appearance and shortchanges Veterans benefits. Patriotism is a noble sentiment, but knowing your family will suffer if you fall in combat or your wounds will not be adequately cared for on active duty or by the DVA is not exactly an added incentive to serve.

Leading means a consistent message to the American people about those who serve and fall; not empty words which translate into more funds being cut; a lack of ammunition, water and essential logistics; and failure to keep promises to the wounded.

It saddens me to see this and more so to note the closing of DVA Hospital wards due to funding shortfalls. Serving this country should be an honor, but leaderhip has made it a decision whether to remain healthy on the outside or experience neglect while serving or wounded. A GIs has a legitimate concern for their well being, but more so for their family in their absence, casualty status or demise. This administration and congress has not reinforced basic concerns all who serve have while on active duty or as Veterans.

If this President wants to see enlistments increase, then bring honor back nationally to those who serve, are wounded and being a Veteran. Honor our Servicemembers and Veterans by not shortchanging their needs in war by blind ideology to what should be instead of reality. 63% of our Congress has never served in addition to a President and Vice-President who are non-Veterans yet their combined black and white approach to our armed services is appalling. Our military men and women should have the best of everything, but, unfortunately, do not for the sake of saving dollars, i.e. not enough armor, unsafe flak jackets, etc.

Our troops and nation deserve better regardless of individual political persuasion.
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