Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In Consumer Issues
November 7, 2003 by Draginol
As I sit here in my comfy couch with my "The Register" white polo shirt on today I read Andrew Orlowski's article about Apple and iTunes . And I basically disagree with almost everything in it. Which isn't surprising, I usually disagree on such matters mainly because I'm a greedy bastard capitalist while he's more in touch with feelings of an almost human nature. His article basically makes three points: Apple's iTunes isn't netting Apple any money. It's a loss leader use...
November 17, 2003 by Draginol
What is it with car manufacturers and REAR-wheel drive? What is particularly ironic about this is that the "Big 3" are located in Detroit Michigan. Which is roughly where I live. They must drive special, magical roads that I don't have access to. Maybe they're Stone-Cutters or something because the roads I drive on have snow on them quite a bit during the year which makes a rear-wheel drive car impractical. And yet...the cool cars I'm interested in are rear-wheel drive.  For ex...