Yea, a great feature…if I could ever get it to work on something more complex than HelloWorld.c View the video on the crazy edit I perform to cause edit and continue to fail…
Ever wanted to start a company and make your own console game? Check out this article that gives a story about a company that tried to do just that.
Ever wonder what OS is running the Xbox 360 that's due out later this year? Essentially it's a derivative of Windows 2000 that's been ported to the PowerPC. But read the whole thing to learn more..
At this year's Game Developer's Conference developers are lamenting that the game industry has been warped beyond recognition: Wal-Mart drives development decisions now. When publishers minimise risk by kow-towing to the retailers, you have a serious problem. When every game has to either be a blockbuster or a student film, we got a real problem. For my end of the game business all of our efforts are going into reaching a mainstream audience who may well even not be interested in what we d...
One thing that is definitely nice about console game development is that if your game works on your console, it's going to work on all the other ones. Meanwhile, in the PC arena, the grass isn't just less green, it's weedy and full of mole holes. At Stardock we stayed with the whole 2D sprite thing probably longer than we should have. And reviews of our games would tend to be "There's a great game under these 'dated graphics'." And oh we know where you are...the ninjas are on the way.. ...
We're getting a lot of email from independent game developers about publishing their games on This Question & Answer sessions will hopefully answer some of the more common questions satisfactorily. Q: How do I get my game on A: Your best bet is to snail mail (not email) a kit to: Stardock Entertainment CO: Brad Wardell 17292 Farmington Rd. Livonia MI 48152 Why not ju...
I've been getting a lot of email and posts from game developers who are wondering what our overall strategy is with getting new games on Let me take a quick stab at that in plainer terms than any spindoctored marketing document could: is a gaming network for obtaining games electronically and downloading them right away. What makes it different is that it also includes retail games as well as indie titles and that there is no sort of DRM type scheme or "rentin...