Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
What's in there
Published on August 4, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

I just got the call from my wife that she's going into the hospital to have our third child so it's not looking good that we're going to get this up tonight. I am pulling the updates from the team and putting them together.

The hospital does have Internet access so if it's a long labor..well I might be able to use Remote Desktop to make the build and upload it... (whack as my wife kills me)

Some of the (okay a lot of the fixes) were things to fix things we bugged in beta 1.

In the meantime, here's what's supposed to be in there:

 + Colony lights on dark side significantly enhanced. Now based on population and uses a smart algorithm to fit the land masses. There's a ton of changes associated with this, it's probably overkill but it's been on our list for awhile to make the city lights on planets look better.

 + NEW! Diagonal Edge scrolling for those who prefer to use edge scrolling instead of using the left mouse button to grab the screen and move it.

 + fixed intelligences displaying incorrect value on Foreign Stats screen

 + fixed beta 1 bug where fleets would not have an icon in the stacked ships list

 +  fixed beta 1 crash in moon graphics code

 + fixed bug where freighters would in some cases revert to normal size after an ALT+TAB (very weird behavior)

 +  Updated AI so that it won't launch a transport with too few troops on it.

 +  changed behavior of fleet battles such that if fleet was in a battle and survived with one ship, the moves left for that ship would be not the expected number

 +  tweaked UI to support tech centering on selected technology when the tech tree was maximized and a new technology was completed

 +  listbox scrollbars support maximum entries.

 +  tweaked regional settings that was causing the messed up planet surfaces, missing components on ships, etc.

 +  improved keyboard entry for non English characters

  +  fixed beta 1 memory bug caused by loading save games (save games saved with 1.3 beta 1 cannot be fixed and you should delete them)

 +  the tech dialog that is brought up by right clicking on a tech in the trade screen or in the maximized tech tree viewer will now accurately list techs that become available when researching the selected tech. Also, the headers in this dialog will now only show up if they have something

 +  fixed random crash when starting/loading new game from within a game

 +  planet and ship list entries are no longer created as the planets and ships are restored from the save game

 + Made it so that if you played as one race and then started a new game as a new race, the previous race did not have the expected intelligence.

+ Misc. tweaks and fixes.

+ Still to be done: AI changes.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 12, 2006
what about the unused Star Base Modules and the unused Improvements pictures? It'll come out in the 1.3?
on Aug 12, 2006
What is the change in 2a that fixed miniturization?

It is not listed, but parts no longer "grow" as you research miniturization. So parts are now the same size for everyone, all through the game, only varying by the basic hull type you pick. That means that you now actually get the extra % of net free space that you're supposed to get, instead of having your existing parts grow and eat it up.
on Aug 12, 2006
The mini fix sounds good. I just hope that more advanced ships won't get even more powerful compared to slightly outdated ones.
I don't have the possibility to try out the Beta at the moment, can anyone tell about the differences in ship design compared to the older versions? How much of a difference does "new" miniaturization make, and how much more powerful are the best ships now?
on Aug 12, 2006
well the change allows for more efficient use of space, although the basics of ship design haven't changed, you could be able to put a couple more pieces on than before.

I don't know about the specific numbers, but it feels like now I can actually put more weapons on and have a good amount of ship defense while having good range and speed.
on Aug 12, 2006
I downloaded the beta2 at work, and so far have yet to run into any problem of any kind that I could recognize. The AI definitely seems smarter, I'm struggling to beat them even on normal setting. (I'm not that good at the game anyways)

Looks great so far.
on Aug 22, 2006
I found a few issues in v1.2 and hope you can fix (some) of them.

Here is the List:
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