Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on August 9, 2008 By Draginol In Demigod Journals

The initial inspiration for Demigod was heavily based on the Warcraft 3 mod, Defense of the Ancients. If you've never played it, Defense of the Ancients is an incredibly clever game concept in which players team up on on a single map choosing between many different heroes. How one customizes their hero makes all the difference.

Demigod works similarly in that you choose amongst several different heroes (your Demigods). Some heroes are called Generals whose strengths come from their ability to manipulate their minions and engage in larger scale strategy. Other heroes are called Assassins who are immensely powerful individuals whose strengths focus on just being massive butt kickers.

Defense of the Ancients could almost be described as a game where two rivers are flowing against each other. Each player is trying to get their river to make headway against their opponent's river until the flow enters their base. My analogy may not make sense unless you've played DotA. But if you have, you probably get my meaning.  Demigod does not play quite like that.

In Demigod you have a lot of strategic choices you have to make. Arenas have other elements that give one side or the other significant advantages. This means players have to choose often to give up some ground in order to gain longer term advantages. That is, there are certain parts of the Arena that you can control that give your side significant advantages. Hence, there are multiple strategic objectives.

The Demigod gains strength through experience, as they level up, the player can choose to strengthen different abilities or add new powers. Players can also use money to purchase items that give their side or their Demigod additional advantages. This is basically the same as was found in DotA.

So it's definitely fair to say that DotA served as inspiration for Demigod. But Demigod will ultimately be somewhat different in play style. Right now, myself, Chris Taylor, and Mike Marr are putting our combined design experiences together in trying to create a unique, innovative, and compelling strategy game experience.

More to come on this soon.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 10, 2008

I can't wait to see more in regards to not just what Demigods will be available but how we are able to personalise each Demigod to our playstyle (within reason of the core design of the Demigod itself).

I can't wait to see to what extent the item system will play, and what other sorts of systems are implemented (I'm hoping for a talent tree system of sorts that lets our Demigod excel in certain areas we desire).

on Aug 10, 2008

Yes Sacrifice was an Epic game indeed! My favorite Deity was Jim the earth god 

Did you guys (the devs) take any inspiration from Sacrifice aswell?

So far what do you think will be most exciting for a player besides winning, what are the WOW factors in the game that you think most people will get excited about?

on Aug 10, 2008

I have to admit that I had no idea what DotA was until one of my teenage sons explained it to me a few months ago.   
on Aug 10, 2008
Yeah Dota in my opinion is overrated even though I played it a few times with my friends. My main grudge against it though havent been the gametype but the way it was done. DoTA Allstars that is the most common (if not the only) Dota being played is just subpar in alot of areas. This was why I preordered Demigod, seeing how GPG now got a really decent shot to create something perfectly fitting for this gametype and from what Ive seen this far I will not be disappointed.

P.S Fix the big DEMIGOD logo on top of the site so you can click it to go back to Home.
on Aug 10, 2008
is an incredibly clever game conceptDota is hardly clever nor a concept. It's an old, wore down idea that is played mostly by 7 year old ADD players with no friends.My experiance in playing dota was not a good one. I've tried on 3 separate occasions to play a game of it;First game I was kicked in the first 10 minutes because I didn't choose the right item. Even though I was kicked, everyone left the game shortly afterwards because of how I had ruined it.Second game I was a melee hero and I killed 2 creeps; the game was than abandoned because that's not what pros do. Third game (and the last) I got about 20 minutes into the game before being kicked for having the lowest score.Even trying to have fun, the game was horribly boring to me. It was predictable, nothing special.Dota is a half decent game, but it's overplayed and overhyped.EDIT: Also, their triggers are horrid to look at. I've seen some bad jass, but still.

DotA stemmed from the Aeon of Strife map which was made for StarCraft. Really nice idea, and I'm glad that the numerous guys and their predecessors made the map to what it is today.
Sounds like you're just bitter, or joined a pro or expert game. You don't get kicked out in noob/beginner/regular players' games. What makes me play it? It's not really predictable, every game is different. Here, variety is key, and how you use it to your advantage.

Good for you, for being the bitter, bitter man like you are, while we have fun instead of "even trying to have fun"
Matter of taste I guess.
on Aug 10, 2008
While I haven't played it in Starcraft, I loved the Aeon of Strife map in WC3. I especially liked it how you could upgrade the units.
DotA however, I never liked it. It's all about overpowered heroes.
on Aug 10, 2008
It's all about overpowered heroes.

Heh, isn't this what Demigod is all about?
on Aug 10, 2008
I know that to people who only tried Dota a handful of times the experience can be lacking. But for those of us who have been playing for months and years we know that there is a lot of hidden depth to Dota and a lot of needed Team Work, Skill and Timing.

The Overpowered heroes statement is the type of comment that comes from inexperienced players. The great thing about Dota is when you know the ins and outs, selecting the right skills at level ups and building yourself up with the right items it doesn't really matter what hero you have, you can make a winning hero.

Some heroes get imbalanced yes, and that's why the map stays in development, constantly tweaking the balance, adding new items and heroes, etc.

There is an annoying community issue I agree. It reminds me of the old Barrens chat in WoW. Used to drive me nuts. The Chuck Norris jokes were funny for a while, but 2/3 years later holy crap are they old...

If you want to try Dota in a fun atmosphere and learn the game while you wait for Demigod message me and I'll introduce you to a mature crowd that plays for fun and who won't call you noob or kick you for making a mistake.
on Aug 10, 2008
Agree on that. DotA is pretty addictive and fast paced game, that despite its fast pace offers surprisingly deep gameplay. When you chance on a well playing, mature enough not to abuse people, it is real plasure to play.

About Demigod now. All the information mentioned in the press releases and interviews by developers and Stardock seems very promising , BUT one thing that concerns me pretty much. I am talking about that u will have only 2 types of heroes. That doesn't seem enough to me to offer the level of customization per hero, which would delight the regular DotA player. I know that the game has a variety of other aspects that will be much deeper integrated in Demigod, than they are in DotA, but anyway take a look at DotA. The funniest part is the wide variety of heroes u can choose between, and the many different way to build up each one of them with so many items available.
That i doubt will be that good implemented in Demigod, with only 2 types of heroes.
Please surprise me, and prove me wrong:)
on Aug 10, 2008
TheKop in Dota there is only 1 type of different hero. Their is no general type hero in dota who builds his own army (an army not 1-4 minions) and barracks.
on Aug 10, 2008
[quote]2 things, DotA is a game that is not for the casual player (unless you know how to pay), there are 91 current heroes, and each takes time to learn and master, I have heard my friends say (and they play it alot) that DotA has about a year learning curve, no joke, and I would agree, DotA has actual depth that I am suprised at, if you think it doesnt, then your not thinking of it all: ganking, juking, fogging, creep juggling, orb walking, dening, last hitting... I could go on, but ya, to know what to do for each hero takes a while (OFF NOTE: in the original DotA it was all about tower killing and winning, back dooring was legal [and encouraged] in those days)

2nd: heres something that I might help out a few of you with the DotA heroes being influences, I asked a few interview questions back in the day, so heres one:

Me: GPG is a supposed fan of DotA, do you have a favorite hero? why? and did it have any impact on making any of the Demigods? (dont need to say which demigod)

Scathis: a tough one, I mean they're up to like 90 heroes now. I'm pretty partial to the Necrolyte , Shadow Shaman and the Ursa Warrior.
Some of them did. I will say that some of the heroes in DotA helped inspire the idea of creating the "General" demigods. Heroes like Keeper of Light, Phantom Lancer and Prophet who tend to have a lot of extra units to manage made us think there's a group of people who want to play the game like that. That was not the only reason we created the generals, we are an RTS developer after all.
on Aug 10, 2008
Because blizzard owns DoTA are they pissed that you made a game similar to DoTA? is there any type of legal issues there?
on Aug 10, 2008
Blizzard doesn't technically own DotA, the intellectual rights of the code, fluff, and new game play concepts belong to ice frog, or one of the other developers. But the map itself is blizzards technology so they technically own the technology, but DotA as a game is a third party mod owned by it's developers and community.

Also how do you know what the triggers of their newest versions look like? Either:

A) you're talking about an out dated version (about 2 years or so)
or you spent a lot of time cracking a map which you seem to find boring and stupid...

(I make and protect my maps my self, and have cracked a couple of maps to see how they do what they do, never succeeded at DotA though. Not that I tried hard)
on Aug 10, 2008
Right but the MOD is technically blizzards even though Ice frog came up with the idea.

I thought it worked like a contract. Example, even though I came up with a patent, it was my idea, but I was working with IBM, its now theirs more than it is mine. I'm the inventor, but they are the ones making money off it and its their intellectual property.

I guess its all in the fine print of bilzzard's copyright information. Depending on how they wrote it up, they might not also own the idea, just the mod itself, hence DEMIGOD has no legal obligation to blizzard.

I played DoTA once before, but that's it so I'm not familiar with the most recent version the one I played was years ago.

But if the Idea is Icefrogs, does he get anything from DEMIGOD for them using his idea and modifying it?

on Aug 10, 2008
Blizzards license agreement on the editor(all mentions, not the entire thing):
The Program also contains a 'World Editor' (the "Editor") that allows you to create custom levels or other materials for your personal use in connection with the Program ("New Materials"). All use of the Editor or any New Materials is subject to this License Agreement

2. Ownership. All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Program and any and all copies thereof (including, but not limited to, any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program) are owned by Blizzard Entertainment or its licensors. The Program is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international copyright treaties, and conventions and other laws. All rights are reserved. The Program contains certain licensed materials, and Blizzard's licensors may protect their rights in the event of any violation of this Agreement.

The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Program, Editor, and Manual(s) remains with the User;

Nowhere does it mention the editor or any property thereby created as their's except for "any titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialog, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, and "applets" incorporated into the Program" that they created. Nor does it seem that they care if you use the editor to create your own stuff, as long as you realize that all of that ^ that they created belongs to them

P.S. In the second half of my previous post I was talking to the guy who said DotA's JASS was horrible
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