Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on November 4, 2008 By Draginol In Democrat

As I get ready to simmer down for the evening for a hectic day tomorrow, it appears Obama has it in the bag. They've just called Ohio for Obama which means it's over.  Congratulations to Obama on his historic victory.  It will be interesting to see how things progress from here.

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on Nov 04, 2008

Terrible day for America in my opinion.  People want a nanny state, then I guess they will get it. 

on Nov 04, 2008

We will just have to whether the storm.

on Nov 04, 2008

I didn't vote for McCain or Obama. I voted for the libertarian candidate out of protest.

That said, I have no problem with an Obama victory. It signals a new age for the United States where the American people fully support getting whatever we can get from the government.  Beware what you wish for. 

on Nov 04, 2008

I'm not surprised but still disappointed.  I'm an optimist so I was holding out hope.  Hopefully Obama will be able to unite Americans the way he and his followers seem to claim.  I just have a sick feeling at the moment.

MI going to the Democrat is never surprising but OH really bummed me out

on Nov 04, 2008

Terrible day for America in my opinion. People want a nanny state, then I guess they will get it.

My husband met with a Doctor today from India.  This very articulate intelligent Doctor shook his head saying he didn't understand Americans.  He can't understand why we want a Socialist nation.  He said he knew what that was like and believe him we have no idea what we're voting for.  He also said he took all his money out of the market and is putting it into property out of the country right now until he sees exactly what Obama is going to do..

I also talked to a guy today who said people have been leavning the states in the tune of 350,000 a year because they are jumping a sinking ship. 

Time will tell. 

on Nov 04, 2008

I'm totally bumming now.  But hey, at least Americans will see what happens with a Democrat run House and Senate with the Anti-Christ in the White-house.

on Nov 04, 2008

Its the equivalent of a death.


on Nov 04, 2008

I was more surprised about PA than OH.  I mean, the Dems totally insulted these people, and they still voted blue.  I understand that many people feel like the Republicans are a sinking ship, but I feel like we've leaped out of the frying pan right into the fire.

on Nov 04, 2008

Any thoughts on the future of JU once the fairness doctrine gets reinstated?

on Nov 04, 2008

MI going to the Democrat is never surprising but OH really bummed me out

You and me both.  I am disappointed in Ohio.


on Nov 04, 2008

Congratulations, President-Elect Obama.  I can't believe this election is finally over...what a relief.

on Nov 04, 2008

Happy for the fact that a black man can win the election in this country.  However, terrified of what the inexperienced man will do.

on Nov 04, 2008

As I get ready to simmer down for the evening for a hectic day tomorrow, it appears Obama has it in the bag. They've just called Ohio for Obama which means it's over.  Congratulations to Obama on his historic victory.  It will be interesting to see how things progress from here.

on Nov 04, 2008

so taking all their money out is going to help our country?  Jumping a sinking ship will help us too?>  Wow, what patriots!  I can understnad the wait and see, we all will do that obviously.  But wow....disappointment is a given, but dang people, is this not the land that we love? I guess not anymore!

on Nov 04, 2008

I feel some people aren’t ready of a black president and ant-black groups will go after him. I personally don’t mind a black president; I wouldn’t have minded a woman, Mexican, Asian, or even a Native American. That what I like about 2008 almost anyone can run for president as long as they were born in the U.S. or to U.S. born parents and the right age. I just have one concern if Obam does what he says about ending the war in the Middle East, I hope the Terries stay over there. Because that all we need another September 11, or worse because all they want is to kill anyone how doesn’t believe the way they do. Now I hope Obam realize that and dose what is need, I also hop he doesn’t get killed, I have family how live in the south and right now I just know how upset this make them they don’t like blacks at all so Obam being president is probably going over like a fart in church with them. Now as I said before I don’t care how is president as long as they do what is right for the county and not cause Clive unrest where it is everyone for them self’s. That is the last thing we would need however Obam being president it may not be so bad will just have to see what he does after he is sworn in next year.               

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