Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
A look at Republican and Democrat voter statistics
Published on February 3, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

I tend to be pretty caustic on debates because I don't have much patience for people who confuse their personal experiences or their feelings as facts. I like statistics but I understand why many if not most people stay away from them. Statistics can be manipulated to come about to nearly any conclusion. So it often takes a lot of time and effort to sift through the crap to get to actual meaningful data.

Even exit polls are full of stuff that are useless.  For instance, they talk about things like "What class do you consider yourself part of"  Other than for its psychological value, it is fairly meaningless.  But demographic data is hard to twist.  Things like "How much do you make" or "Are you married". It's very hard to twist that around.

Some stats of interest from the last election.

Are You Married? All Gore Bush Buchanan Nader
Yes 65 % 44 % 53 % 1 % 2 %
No 35 % 57 % 38 % 0 % 4 %

Married people preferred Bush 53 to 38.


Vote by Income All Gore Bush Buchanan Nader
Under $15,000 7 % 57 % 37 % 1 % 4 %
$15-30,000 16 % 54 % 41 % 1 % 3 %
$30-50,000 24 % 49 % 48 % 0 % 2 %
$50-75,000 25 % 46 % 51 % 0 % 2 %
$75-100,000 13 % 45 % 52 % 0 % 2 %
Over $100,000 15 % 43 % 54 % 0 % 2 %

People who pay federal taxes (people making over $30k per year -- $28k and below generally get fed taxes back at tax refund time) supported Bush. Only reason why last election was close was because "the poor" overwhelmingly supported Gore.


Vote by Education All Gore Bush Buchanan Nader
No H.S. Degree 5 % 59 % 39 % 1 % 1 %
High School Graduate 21 % 48 % 49 % 1 % 1 %
Some College 32 % 45 % 51 % 0 % 3 %
College Graduate 24 % 45 % 51 % 0 % 3 %
Post-Graduate Degree 18 % 52 % 44 % 0 % 3 %

Similarly while those in academia overwhelmingly liked Gore, those who just went to college to get out into the real world overwhelmingly liked Bush.

People who didn't even graduate from high school overwhelmingly liked Gore.

You see the correlation though - people who don't finish high school end up poor and need public assistance and end up voting for the candidate of the party promising to take from the producers to give to them.

I don't pretend to care about fairness in results. When someone yelled that Gore won the popular vote, that meant nothing to me. I don't care. Because I knew these stats. The margin for Gore's popular vote came from people who are on the dole. My greatest fear for my country is that over time we will become a nation of dependents. Look at those stats. The people who don't finish high school and end up poor are overwhelmingly supportive of Democrats. Over time, as services creep up into the middle class, you will slowly erode our freedoms and end up with a nation of dependents.  Take the adults who actually work for a living and the election wasn't really that close. Take the people who finished high school on up (Even those in academia) put them together and Bush won there too.

If you go through all the exit polls and start thinking about what the numbers mean you start to get a pretty clear picture of things.  The nation isn't as evenly divided (not in 2000 anyway) as some say. You have a slight but definite majority of those who work for a living, finished high school, and are living responsible lives in support of Bush. And you have a massive majority of those who have made poor choices in life who have their hands out waiting for the government to be their mom voting for Gore. And because there's now enough people who fit into that category, it has the effect of making elections quite close.

Which puts the Democrats in a position of wanting people to fail because as people fail in life, they inevitably become dependents of the government and hence constituents of the Democrats.  The only major exception to that are those in Academia or others who are exquisitely well educated who, in my opinion, are divorced from practical reality who imagine the down-trodden as victims of the rich or victims of powerful interests.

There are lots of ways to fail in life. But if you actually meet 1000 people who fall into the poor/uneducated/dependent category you'll find that the majority of them (if you don't believe this, use Google, this data is readily available) did at least 2 of the following:

1) Got pregnant before marriage

2) Didn't finish high school

3) Became addicted to a controlled substance

Note that I said two, not one. Everyone makes mistakes, but those who end up dependents of the government are typically guilty of having made two of those mistakes.  Sure, there are plenty of exceptions to that (so don't write letters about how your 28 year old friend's husband died leaving her with 4 kids, yes, there are legitimate victims in this). But in generally this is what causes someone to be dependent.

But many people choose not to learn about these things. It's a lot easier to say that Republicans are just a bunch of cold heartless bastards who are so greedy with their money that they don't want to help the downtrodden. The reality is that you will always have a certain percentage of the population that are just..well frankly just a bunch of losers. Throw money at them and they'll squander it and end up losers anyway. And when 60% of federal outlays now are about taking money from one person to give to another, I think it's fair to say that conservatives are already giving a lot.

Let's look at the stats again:

15% of the voters  makes over $100,000. Bush got their votes 54-43. That's a 11% margin (a massive landslide). Those people pay 54% of the federal taxes in this country. Heck, 90+% of the taxes are paid by those who make $50,000 or more which are all overwhelmingly Bush voters.  Like it or not, the picture is pretty darn clear -- the ones who vote for politicians for free goodies are, by and large, not paying for those goodies. They are basically using the federal government as a tool for self-enrichment.  Next time someone calls conservatives greedy, keep that in mind. It's not conservative (generally) voting for politicians promising to confiscate other people's money to hand over to them.

Will the United States eventually become a nation of dependents? It sure seems we're heading down that path. Now we have Bush and the Democrats both trying to outbid one another to hand out freebies to people.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 03, 2004
BTW, I agree, reading the other stats makes an even more damning case. I stuck with stats that were undeniable whereas others were more subjective. I invite everyone to look thorugh the stats (I was the one who linked to them after all).
on Feb 03, 2004
j swift: Given that is Republicans, not Democrats, who overwhelmingly support the poor with REAL ACTION, I'd be careful about throwing stones from your glass house.
on Feb 03, 2004
If you're poor, it's more than likely a result of your own gross incompetence. Saying that you have a drug addiction is just giving up before the game's even started. Anybody can get rich, there's enough grants from the US to fund any business. It seems to me that a lot of people just let life push them around, and then when something bad happens, they don't take the blame, they blame it on their circumstances. Those people, are, in my opinion, complete LOSERS. In short, I wholeheartedly agree with Brad Wardell's points.
on Feb 03, 2004
j swift: In the real world, people are expected to work for their keep. It might be wrong for people not to benefit off the hard work of others and expect them to be responsible though. Of course, I guess when it's somebody else's money, there's nothing wrong with taking it for ourselves.

Also, I've noticed while searching articles on how much the wealthy pay compared to the poor, and I noticed (besides the rich paying most of the taxes) that those against tax cuts for the rich NEVER mention how much they pay, only how much they'll save. I guess it'd undermine their cause though.
on Feb 03, 2004
Just like the democrats to think of yet another way government can impose itself in your lives by starting a branch called (wilwin)..Haha..I know you were being sarcastic, but that is One branch of government I would be happy to have.
on Feb 03, 2004
State your sources, if you don't mind, but otherwise very insightful
on Feb 03, 2004
The sources are the exit polls listed at the top of the article.
on Feb 03, 2004
Crummy Site eats my custom tags!!

on Feb 03, 2004
Too bad the exit poll didn't include a question:

"Are you now or have you ever been the recipient of government entitlement?"

Then the debatirade would be settled!! An interesting proxy, included in the poll under the table "Vote by Class":

Lower Class - [All] 2% - [Gore/Bush/Buchanan/Nader] - 0%

Heheh - They get a "special box" to put their vote in

"I once mistook my superiority for mere arrogance."

- anon
on Feb 03, 2004
Messy Buu and Brad, If you don't get the point underlying the satire, just say so I will put it in more black and white terms.

As I recall the last major legislation regarding the poor was the War on Poverty legislation of LBJ. A Democrat as I recall. I am honestly not up on more recent legislation regarding the poor. Can ya rattle off a list of it? Just the stuff the Republicans championed eh? Since we already know the Democrats ain't done nuthin.
on Feb 03, 2004

j-swift: Ideas are cheap. Execution isn't. Democrats have indeed "championed" (if coming up with ideas how to spend other people's money can be called "championed") most programs aimed at helping the poor.

It's just that it tends to be Republicans that end up doing the actual paying. 

If my son comes up with a way to help a neighbor who's having a hard time but I'm the one actually paying for the work. Who's really doing the help?

Poet: Let me try to explain this to you in words you'll understand since you apparently can't make the connection easily. 60% of government outlays currently go to redistribute the wealth. If you don't already know this, there are numerous federal .gov sites that I'm sure you can look this up for yourself. Who do you think receives this wealth?  Let me give you a clue: It's not people earning >$30k per year in income.  The best they can hope for is a tax rebate.

on Feb 03, 2004
I'll go you one better. 100% of government spending currently goes to redistribute wealth...

That social worker on the state pay working on the hopeless case with the mother of four who's addicted to heroin.

Those contracts to Halliburton. Heck, the military is one big welfare program providing a subsidized education to minorities!

The entire deparment of transportation grossly subsidizing the retail sector with cheap, efficient roads and air traffic infrastructure

power lines; dams; river dredging; blue-snails; checking for bombs in my shoes at Gate D; only in America would I make sick money doing what I love.

Perhaps my definition of "redistribute" is too generous?
on Feb 04, 2004
Hmmmm, Being a champion against gross misuse of statistics, in spite of what Brad says, it seems to me that, yes by gum, the statistics that are presented in fact do not prove any of Brad's points! Sorry to say, but I'm agreeing with the post that claims a difference of 1-3% between right-left is not statistically relevant. Alright, there may be more statistics being kept on the sidelines, but what exactly is your point? The wealthy pay for programs to benefit the poor? Good God No! You mean because poor people can't afford expensive rehab places like certain people sitting in the office of the president for himself and his daughters and neices we should cut them off? Or perhaps we should eliminate food stamps? Never mind a good number of people on food stamps are actually employed? And we should cut off mental patients at the state hospitals because they're not rich enough to pay for their own treatment? Or welfare, hmmm, a dicey issue to be sure, but since new regulations have come into affect, it's a lot harder to be a welfare mom with thirty kids collecting a check. For goodness sake, all of you, show some human kindness here. But then again, perhaps thats the reason why the government has to do it. Because certain well off people are unwilling to do it voluntarily....
And by the by, another one of the stats on that page proves that the Republican party is run by White Men.
on Feb 04, 2004
I got to say that I loved this stat enough to share it though. Now why wasn't it included in the original presentation of numbers?

Lieberman Religion Make Him All Gore Bush Buchanan Nader
Better V.P. 17 % 61 % 36 % 1 % 1 %
Worse V.P. 8 % 22 % 72 % 0 % 5 %
No Effect 72 % 49 % 47 % 0 % 3 %

and of course I can't figure out how to get it to fit right, but it's still a good statistic.
on Feb 04, 2004
I like what swift had to say originally. Too bad he/she had to remind us that it wasn't a serious suggestion. *le sigh*

Brad was right about the ways of 'failing in life'. Usually those who do get pregnant before marriage, don't finish high school, and become addicted to a controlled substance.
And usually one leads to the other. Controlled substance abuse leads to pregnant before marriage, then don't finish high school..And unless they turn their lives around..and work HARD to make up for lost time..they end up the poor uneducated hate mongering welfare receipiants that are absorbing precious OXYGEN from the rest of us.
Don't hate people because of race, gender, or creed..but hate them for being the absolute lowlifes who never ::try:: to rise up to something better..and then perpetuate the cycle by breeding more..and teaching their children it's okay to be that way. Those are the lowlifes...(they rarely vote, don't they?) who bring us all down.
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