Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In The Political Machine 2004
August 27, 2004 by Draginol
It's cool to have a game at CompUSA (that's not me in the picture before you ask). Especially one getting so much exposure.  Way to go Ubi Soft who is kicking major butt.  The game is doing really well. Good reviews. Lots of interesting coverage. And people seem to like it. The only downer I've seen is that some people with really low end video cards have run into issues with it that we're trying to solve. But I can almost never get people to give me useful information.  It'...
October 26, 2004 by Draginol
Making computer games has its drawbacks. But one nice thing about them is that you know when they succeed. They can succeed commercially (i.e. make a profit) and they can succeed critically. With The Political Machine , it appears we've done both.  Which lets us breathe a sigh of relief because it was a very close thing for us.  I had the idea for the game floating around my head since the 2000 election. And even before that, I had given some thought to doing a game based on poli...
August 28, 2004 by Draginol
The Political Operative's Kit for The Political Machine provides, amongst other things, two editors. It doesn't come with the retail version of The Political Machine but can be purchased for $10 from Stardock (if you bought The Political Machine from Stardock at $29.95 it includes this kit). The first editor is the issue editor. The second is the interview question editor. The Issue Editor In the game, candidates compete on the issues. There are essentially two types of issues in ...