If you're interested in seeing how Galactic Civilizations II is progressing, check out the Galactic Civilizations II developer journals pages. It'll give you a week by week outline of what's going on and where things are going.
I don't know about you guys, but I am looking forward to Supreme Commander. For those of you not familiar with it, it's a RTS being made by Chris Taylor's Gas Powered Games. CT made the game Total Annihilation back in the late 90s which IMO is by far the best RTS that has ever been produced. Rather than relying on a rock-paper-scissors type system, Total Annihilation introduced two pretty innovative concepts -- 1) Damage handled by the physics engine and 2) Pay as you go spending.
Even before humans decided that capitalism was their religion, the Ishendi were different. Their colony had originally been founded by members of a philosophical sect dedicated to living a more principled life. Over time, the Ishendi came to be seen as more militaristic than some of the other members of the TEC. The Ishendi tended to have little patience with the subtleties of contracts when some of the more slippery members of Trader Space did not fulfill their end of bargains. A thousand ye...
Sins of a Solar Empire is shaping up nicely. An RTS with turn-based level depth that allows users to manage huge empires in real-time without getting bogged down in micro management. Here are some screenshots from today's play. Each race gets its own technology tree. Tech trees are a feature from 4X strategy games. RTS's usually don't have them. To keep micro management down, the techs have a cost associated with them but also require a certain number of labs to be built in ...
The ads for Sins of a Solar Empire of are starting to arrive in the magazines in a big way. 2-page spreads in PC Gamer and Games for Windows (CGW) are here. Moreover, the initial orders from retail have started to arrive. WalMart, Best Buy, EB, and GameStop are all on board. Most gamers have no idea just how difficult it is to get a PC game onto store shelves (or any product for that matter). Next time you're at the store, look at the makers of most PC games. They'...
Years ago, I used to be very "into" RTSs. I spent countless weekends and weeknights playing Warcraft, Total Annihilation, Starcraft and tons of lesser known RTSs. And in most of them, particularly the ones with peons, what seperated the top players from the rest was knowledge of a simple game mechanic: Multiplication of resources. Which translates to - send forces to disrupt the first couple of minutes of production of your enemy and you will win. We're not talking abou...