Has anyone ever noticed that people, with pride, will often say that they would choose X over Y even if it were easier to get rich (or richer) if they chose Y but when they read about someone else doing the same they’re shocked?
Twitter still strikes me as not having enough meat. I like blogs. It’s a pity we were never able to get a more consistent blog format because I think there’s a market niche still to be filled by something that easily supports small articles.
ImpulseDriven.net is an alternative virtual community site much like JoeUser.com. There is a lot of overlap between the two in terms of content but ImpulseDriven has more game and software categories and excludes the political and religious categories. The two have considerably different UIs as well. So which UI do you prefer? a) JoeUser.com or ImpulseDriven.net
Hi all! Those of you who have a MySpace account, post here if you'd like and maybe we can add some friends to our networks. My account is www.myspace.com/draginol What's yours?
As I get older (read more experienced socially) I have gotten a lot better in determining whether someone is a winner or a loser. Without knowing how much they make, how well they get along with their families, how in order they have their lives, I can usually tell in the course of a conversation whether the person is basically a winner or a loser. So how can you tell? Here's some things I look for: A Winner… Leaves a given situation better than they found it. If you loan them ...
Stardock has updated its forums to support a new kind of view -- summary view. Now when you go to the forums, you will see at the top right, just under the search bar, a "Forum summary" link. Pressing this will display the forums in a different way -- it will display the last 5 active posts in each primary category in the forum. This view will allow users who are interested in browsing the forums as a whole a way to keep up to date easier with what's going on. Subsequent u...
Each week I participate on a podcast called PowerUser.TV. There's a lot of banter and for most listeners, I think the banter is the draw. But some people don't like all the banter and joking around and wish we'd "edit it". In fact, we do edit it a lot. A LOT. Yesterday we recorded the show that will show up on Monday (you can listen to the shows at PowerUser.TV). Below are two examples (of many) of what got edited out (transcript): Kristin: So Derek, were you there when ...