Every once in awhile you'll hear about a beloved website whose host has taken it down out of frustration with having to deal with Internet thugs. Internet thugs are, thankfully, not very common, but there are enough out there that they can wreck the experience in trying to admin a website. So what is an Internet thug? An Internet thug is basically a "griefer". Someone who gets off on trying to anger and upset other people. They do this in a variety of ways and the most common way is to take a...
If you work with people online, I’ve not found anything that touches the recent versions of Skype. Skype has gotten so good that I almost feel like they should change its name because a lot of people have come to remember Skype as being that thing for doing crappy video and audio calling. Over the past year it has become, imo, the best chat program (text, voice, video, whatever) out there.