Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In CES 2008
January 26, 2008 by Draginol
What is the ideal ultra-portable? What is the minimum functionality for a device that you could truly use on the road? Here are my specs: Must be able to run Windows Vista or whatever is the current desktop Microsoft OS. NOT Windows Mobile. The keyboard has to be big enough to be able to touch type comfortably. It should have a trackpoint (little eraser thing that Thinkpads have) so that i don't require an extra mouse or lose space to a touch pad. Lots of ports and support for 3...
January 12, 2008 by Draginol
It was a good trip this year at CES but it is time to go. I've got so much to write, sorry that I haven't had more up lately but I've been so busy visiting booths that I haven't had time to actually post articles. Will address that shortly.
January 9, 2008 by Draginol
Voltaic has announced at CES a new laptop bag that is solar powered and is able to actually charge the laptop.  Of course, the bag has to be in the sun to do this which I'm not sure how keen I am about that. But imagine a scenario where you're outside for a long period of time. This would be quite helpful then. At $599, it isn't cheap so you would have to really need this capability to justify the cost. I'd be more inclined to just bring an extra battery with me. My laptop gets 5 hour...
January 9, 2008 by Draginol
I'm not going to cover specific media player gadgets. I'll leave that to others, I just can't get that excited over music players. Just not my bag. But one trend I noticed with MP3 players is the addition of new features such as iRiver's W7 incorporating GPS into their player.  My ideal portable device would let me play music and videos, use GPS, have 802.11 support, optional 3G support, a fantastic web browser and be relatively small with maximum screen size.  Or put another wa...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
One of the cooler things I saw at CES this year was the arrival of mini laptops that didn't suck. Over the past couple of years, I've seen more and more people (including myself) starting to use full-sized laptops as their main machines. I think there's a reasonable chance that these mini laptops (laptops weighing less than 2 pounds) might be the next step.  Two in particular stood out. OQO Model 2 First there is the OQO Model 2 . Running Windows Vista, it seemed reasonabl...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
To prove I'm not narrow minded about Microsoft Sync, I would be willing to take this Sync-equipped car off their hands because that's just the kind of guy I am this week.
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
Okay, that's pretty cool.
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
Almost everything I saw from Microsoft at the show was pretty impressive. But Sync was underwhelming. Sync is Microsoft's technology for integrating technology into cars. It's a great idea. But the execution is the problem.  The Sync issues are similar to the issues I have with Windows Mobile. Over-engineering, design by committee and inelegant. Their demo of voice recognition really highlights the klunkiness of the system. (paraphrased) Person: Phone Car: Phone ready ...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
For those people who have been wanting to jump into high definition video viewing on their fancy new HD televisions but didn't want to have to pick between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray can pick up LG's new "Super Blu" (BH200). It's a bit pricey at $999 but for those who want to jump in now but don't want to be the owner of Betamax v2, it's the first dual player of its kind. LG also had a ton of really other cool things to show that I wish I could give them all adequate attention.  A wireles...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
Garmin had several new GPS devices to show off.  For those who have been thinking of picking up geo caching or getting a GPS for their car but wanted to wait a little longer, you need wait no longer. nuvi 880 The 880 adds speech recognition for navigation on the road. It makes use of MSN Direct services for getting the latest data from the net. Thanks to its use of MSN Direct, it gains features such as traffic conditions, fuel prices, weather reports, movie listings, local events...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
Intel had one of the most impressive displays at CES and one of the more impressive showcases was the myriad of real-world uses of the Intel Mobile Core Duo processor. In one example, a eco-PC using it along with the 950gm Express chipset achieved an impressive PC experience while using less than 60 watts of power (i.e. less than a common light bulb). In addition to being able to be used for eco-friendly PCs, they can be used in extremely small form factor PCs. The PC that the Intel...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
  DeskScapes is a program that allows users to play animated wallpaper on their desktop. For the past year, it has been available exclusively for Windows Vista Ultimate users as way for users of Windows DreamScene to play dynamic animated wallpaper in addition to video content. On January 16th, Stardock intends to make DeskScapes 2.0 available in beta form to users of Object Desktop. DeskScapes 2.0 will include dynamic animated wallpaper with the program and supports all versions of Wi...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
  The Samsung booth has some really amazing video cameras coming out.  The one that really caught my eye -- the SC-HMX20C.  First, it's quite small. Far smaller than my current camcorder (it weighs less than 1 pound).  Secondly, it uses flash memory for storing video and will accept external flash memory modules.  And third, it records at 1080p.  One advantage it has that other high-definition cameras do not have is that it records natively at 1920x1080 as op...
January 8, 2008 by Draginol
It took over 2 hours to get to CES today. The size of the show this year seems to, but doesn't necessarily, dwarf previous years.  So I just got to the show and have just finished visiting the Microsoft and LG booths. There's some really cool stuff being shown. I'll write more about it when I get to the press room er I mean, blogger room. Incidentally, bloggers are definitely not treated at the same level as press (our badges are white, press is read).  Which is ironic since many if...
January 7, 2008 by Draginol
At CES there are companies from all around the world. And the respect people have for intellectual property seems to depend on the culture.  There's nothing quite like walking the show floor only to see your stuff on some computer's screen without permission. The above photo doesn't really show it well but Chinese Computer Manufacturer "Lime Computer" was showing their full screen weather application on their PCs. It's cool but it's using Stardock's copyrighted weather images. ...