Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
tagline for the expansion
Published on May 29, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

One of the nice things about being an indie title that isn't incredibly mainstream is that you can do things that wouldn't necessarily appeal to the casual player.

For instance, the expansion pack for GalCiv II has gotten its features, story, plot, etc. mapped out now.  We'll talk about that more soon.

But it will contain a campaign and it will be dark. Very dark.  Two of the major civilizations in GalCiv II will be wiped out. Eliminated. You'll still be able to play them in GalCiv II but come GalCiv III, they won't exist. Eradicated.  Individuals of the two races may still exist and show up in GalCiv III but as playable races, their histories will come to an end.

Two new civilizations will be introduced in the expansion pack which will have the native ability to make use of planets that the others can't use without research (the expansion will introduce the concept of special planet types that can't be colonized until you've researched the appropriate environment technology). A third civilization will be added too which  will act as the main villain (well, of course the Drengin are villains too but, well you'll see).

And if you think the blood thirsty Drengin are bad with their desire to enslave all the galaxy as "slavelings", there are worse things than the Drengin and we're not talking about the Dread Lords.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 29, 2006

I am happy....

but please... fix the research aspect of the story line... the starting over of research every time is annoying
on May 29, 2006
sounds good brad, nice to see some of people's ideas put to use... the using planets thing.... like the sound of a dark, dark game haha. as moiiska said... Bravo
on May 29, 2006

"Two new civilizations will be introduced in the expansion pack which will have the native ability to make use of planets that the others can't use without research (the expansion will introduce the concept of special planet types that can't be colonized until you've researched the appropriate environment technology"

Is this a silicoid life form ?

on May 29, 2006
I'd like to see gaseous life forms, like N-1 of the Yor mentions sometimes in the trade window. And a race of beings made of energy patterns, like the Shikadi from the Commander Keen series (in fact, my custom race is the Shikadi). And really small advanced civilizations (not necessarily microscopic, but around 18 inches, like a barbie doll) would be cool.

We need more diversity in the galaxy. To paraphrase N-1, every sapient life form (except for the Yor, and Dark Yor if you count minor races) is talking meat. I doubt everything out there is going to be an omnivorous animal.

And I hope that the Iconians are not one of the two races eradicated by this new threat. They already got their ass handed to them by the Yor, give them a break.
on May 29, 2006
Starting over in the research is not annoying to me. That's just the way this game works, there's a build up. What's the most fun is starting with several advanced technologies so that you have a chance to do the regular build up, with the extra power of better government or large hulls. I suppose you could do a couple scenarios where you start out very very advanced in research, and that would be fun since not many games get to the point of very very advanced research or they are decided before then.

Just don't know where you find the time for this stuff. But I am glad there is campaign stuff in it, that's what I most wanted to see.
on May 29, 2006
that seems very interesting
I didn't try the galciv2 campaign yet

dark stories are the best !

remember StarCraft ????
well the story was quite dark too and was very enjoyable
I loved how kerrigan transformed herself in the queen of evil

also, another thing that was interesting was the cute yet short video's after a number of missions
kept us wanting to know what happens next

thinking about it, StarCraft was mainstream yet dark....
on May 29, 2006
All this sounds good. I like that you can terraform an unhabitable planet into a habitable one. It keeps the game and the universe more dynamic, in the move. It won't start feeling static and that would be bad. Right now GC2 is very solid, but perhaps even a bit too so. It'd be great if there would be totally different races that each would really function in a different way and not just have +20 in research instead of +5 or +0. Then different inventions could/would different value to certain races than others, certain event might be beneficial to race A, harmful to race B and not affect at all the race C. That would certainly add a twist in the strategies. This probably is GC3 stuff, but one of my day dreams anyway.
on May 29, 2006
And if you think the blood thirsty Drengin are bad with their desire to enslave all the galaxy as "slavelings", there are worse things than the Drengin and we're not talking about the Dread Lords.

I've always thought of an enemy that is really terrifying as something like the Ithkul, also called Harvesters, in Master of Orion 3. They remind me of the aliens in the Alien series of movies and of the Zerg, biological technology aliens in Starcraft.

The Ithkul were genetically engineered from a parasite to nearly the size of a human. They look like a spider/crab/snake thing. (The creatures that affect humans primal, instinctive fear.) An Ithkul latches onto the frontal portion of it's victim, covering any breathing oraface. It takes control of the body to use it as it's own. The Ithkul absorbs all the knowledge from the victims brain. It slowly absorbs the body as food. It uses the body as transportation like controlling a machine. It then discards what is left of the victim when it desires more.

The victims body is used for knowledge, food, and transportation and then abandoned as trash... The Ithkul are the ultimate users. A parasite. A bacteria to an extreme.


on May 29, 2006
I think that the two civilizations to be removed will be the Arceans and the Altarians.
But why not leave the current civilizations in and just add the new ones? Is it because the current game code only allows nine?

on May 29, 2006
Aah!!! I nearly soiled myself. Two races for the axe!!?? So, who's for the chop then? Personally the Thalans and Korx are my least favourites. OMG, fingers crossed that they get destroyed. The others are too cool. Ah!!!
on May 29, 2006
The expansion sounds great. It will be fun to play as the Drengin in the campaign.

Two of the major civilizations in GalCiv II will be wiped out. Eliminated. You'll still be able to play them in GalCiv II but come GalCiv III, they won't exist.

So they will still be available in sandbox mode, Wade.
on May 29, 2006
I so know all about evil sometimes winning.
on May 29, 2006

"muwhahahaha" seeps almost undiscernibly from my lips. "Rubs hands with malice" - many dark things to come... will there be any forces of the Righteousness to stand in there way? -cue ominous voice-, "or will it even matter..."
on May 29, 2006
I so know all about evil sometimes winning.
on May 29, 2006
You can say that again.
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