Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
tagline for the expansion
Published on May 29, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

One of the nice things about being an indie title that isn't incredibly mainstream is that you can do things that wouldn't necessarily appeal to the casual player.

For instance, the expansion pack for GalCiv II has gotten its features, story, plot, etc. mapped out now.  We'll talk about that more soon.

But it will contain a campaign and it will be dark. Very dark.  Two of the major civilizations in GalCiv II will be wiped out. Eliminated. You'll still be able to play them in GalCiv II but come GalCiv III, they won't exist. Eradicated.  Individuals of the two races may still exist and show up in GalCiv III but as playable races, their histories will come to an end.

Two new civilizations will be introduced in the expansion pack which will have the native ability to make use of planets that the others can't use without research (the expansion will introduce the concept of special planet types that can't be colonized until you've researched the appropriate environment technology). A third civilization will be added too which  will act as the main villain (well, of course the Drengin are villains too but, well you'll see).

And if you think the blood thirsty Drengin are bad with their desire to enslave all the galaxy as "slavelings", there are worse things than the Drengin and we're not talking about the Dread Lords.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Jun 01, 2006
it seems the Arceans are not especially memorable, despite supposedly being a neutral warrior race. Where's their story?

The Drengin tried to invade them once. The Terrans sprang to their defense (probably why the Drengin hate them so much). That's just the short version of course. I don't have the link to the backstory article.
on Jun 01, 2006
I hate those "Custom Race" guys that got introduced in 1.2 beta... I'd vote for killing them off
on Jun 01, 2006
For game balance I'd take the Yor and Drath as these are way more powerful (and therefore played) than any of the others.

Personally the Thalans and either the Korx or the Arceans would get my vote. Neutral is never as exciting as Good and Evil. (Off topic: how about truely introducing D&D style alignments making Chaotic hate Lawful and vice versa... just for interest).
on Jun 01, 2006
Considering how successful some of the races are and are not, I have to say my money's on the Altarians being wiped out, as they are just so blitheringly stupid about what they do. 'Hey, the Drengin have a military 10 times bigger and 10 times stronger than us, let's attack them'. I mean, I can understand them wanting to stop evil, but that's going a bit far.

As for the other one, I think either the Drath or the Yor, as the rest are either pretty smart, pretty powerful, or both, but these two have never really been known for being that major or wielding much influence (the Drath didn't even show up in the campaign, why's that?).
on Jun 01, 2006
Well, my opinion is that bad races can be improved, but uninteresting races are a dead end. I know Brad cares about the back story, as the idea for the game evolved from a story he was writing. I suspect he will kill off the ones that are boring and he can't find good material for (such as the Korx) or ones that have been resolved and are no longer needed (like the Altarians).
on Jun 01, 2006
One thing is sure.
It won't be Thalans.
Currently they are mistery race with no background.

I even think someone from Stardock said they story will be expanded in Galciv3.

Also, I doubt it will be any of signature races like Humans or Drenign.

Don't think it would be Iconians, they are already tragic race for so long time. Killing them off just when they finally got "awaken" would be... stupid... story wise.

Yor are just too cool to get out.

As for the rest, everything is possible:
Darth, Altarians, Korx, Torians, Aceans
I favor Korx the least.
on Jun 01, 2006
I wonder if u will still be able to use the races that get kicked in custom games
on Jun 02, 2006
You will, at least in GC2. Plus, you'll be able to use the other new races too. They just won't be in GC3 as a major race (maybe we'll bump into a little colony somewhere as a minor race )
on Jun 02, 2006
I wonder if u will still be able to use the races that get kicked in custom games

on Jun 02, 2006
I'd like to see two of these three candidates get wiped out:


Where can find the story for the campaign? I've only played a few of the missions, but it doesn't interest me that much. Is there a site that has the story available?
on Jun 02, 2006
I picked the Yor, since we all know what happens when you form an alliance with the main bad guy. But the Arceans seem like nothing more than a proud and mighty empire there for the Drengin to conquer, so now I think they're actually more likely to get the ax. On the other hand, we know what happens to the guy we thought was the bad guy when the real bad guy shows up, so maybe it's the Drengin whose days are numbered. Plus they were the clear winners in the last campaign, so poetic law requires them to be crushed this time.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Korx get stomped, but I don't think they're important enough. Might as well have it be the Bradians as the Korx. Nobody cares.
on Jun 02, 2006
Future Guy, I don't know of anybody who's condensed the story into an easy-to-read format, but every file in the campaigns directory is readable in Notepad, and the scenerio files contain all the text of the story.
on Jun 02, 2006
I never owned GalCiv 1 and Altarian Prophecy, so I don't really know how important the events contained therein are to guessing who gets the axe, but personally, my strongest opinion (as there are arguments for others) is that the Altarians and the Yor are going to get wiped out. At least one of those two. The title of this thread may be, " Sometimes evil wins.. " but that doesn't necessarily mean a complete victory. As it is, both the Altarians and the Yor occupy planets that don't really belong to them, and I think at least one of these scores is going to be settled. Perhaps the Dark Yor will become a full race in the expansion, as they might not rely on organic food like their original cousins, and thus would ne good candidates for inhabiting extreme worlds, while still retaining some of the Yor coolness (if they aquire a less goofy looking leader, than it).
on Jun 02, 2006
get rid of the drengin they call the terrans monkeys but have they taken a look at them selves? the have monkey written all over their face! the yor shouldnt be wiped out because their just to awsome to destroy, not to metion i feel the yor are more evil (did i say that right?) then the drengin. the torians should go freaken crazy and enilate the drengin!
on Jun 02, 2006
If you ask me, I want the Dregin dead!
They are either too powerful to the point I can't stop them, or so weak I could have them for breakfest, and still want 2 pancakes!
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