Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
tagline for the expansion
Published on May 29, 2006 By Draginol In GalCiv Journals

One of the nice things about being an indie title that isn't incredibly mainstream is that you can do things that wouldn't necessarily appeal to the casual player.

For instance, the expansion pack for GalCiv II has gotten its features, story, plot, etc. mapped out now.  We'll talk about that more soon.

But it will contain a campaign and it will be dark. Very dark.  Two of the major civilizations in GalCiv II will be wiped out. Eliminated. You'll still be able to play them in GalCiv II but come GalCiv III, they won't exist. Eradicated.  Individuals of the two races may still exist and show up in GalCiv III but as playable races, their histories will come to an end.

Two new civilizations will be introduced in the expansion pack which will have the native ability to make use of planets that the others can't use without research (the expansion will introduce the concept of special planet types that can't be colonized until you've researched the appropriate environment technology). A third civilization will be added too which  will act as the main villain (well, of course the Drengin are villains too but, well you'll see).

And if you think the blood thirsty Drengin are bad with their desire to enslave all the galaxy as "slavelings", there are worse things than the Drengin and we're not talking about the Dread Lords.

Comments (Page 5)
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on May 30, 2006
And if you think the blood thirsty Drengin are bad with their desire to enslave all the galaxy as "slavelings", there are worse things than the Drengin and we're not talking about the Dread Lords.

Oh sh*t - its going to be the invasion of the Lawyers.

on May 30, 2006
I'd love to see a (playable) race that only lives in giant space vessels or installations; an instant military advantage but civillian penalty. Although I suspect the changes required to allow research, shipbuilding etc plus bonuses would be far too big an addition for an expansion.
on May 30, 2006
i dont know if am going to waste my money on that i think i am waiting for suoreme commander to come out
on May 30, 2006
i dont know if am going to waste my money on that i think i am waiting for suoreme commander to come out

I'm going to waste my money on both.
on May 30, 2006
I bet the Thalen's are eliminated. Think of their 'coming back in time to stop something from happening...". Maybe they come back in time to stop the great evil, and die/disapear in the last battle.

on May 30, 2006
Give us the Snathi! They are the one race who could be more evil than the Drengin.

I think the most likely civs to be eliminated are on this list

Iconians and Thalans are too new. Altarians are too important to the story. If I had to guess, I would say the Arceans and Korx.
on May 30, 2006

i dont know if am going to waste my money on that i think i am waiting for suoreme commander to come out

I don't think SC comes out this year.  Once SC comes out, you won't be hearing much from me for awhile. I plan to take time off work the game play of that game at length.

on May 30, 2006
First game:
First Game Expansion:
Second Game:

I think that the higher up on this list they are, the more likely to be eliminated they are. I doubt they'd eliminate the new races (except maybe the Thalians.)

I'm starting to think Iconians are my favorite race in the game. I think I'm going to switch over to them once I win my 10th game as Terran.
on May 30, 2006
Once SC comes out, you won't be hearing much from me for awhile. I plan to take time off work the game play of that game at length.

LOL @ Frogboy. Yes, I believe I may be doing some "research" as well....

Personally, I think the Korx and Thalans will be the ones that get killed off. The Korx--to be honest--I find to be pretty boring and two-dimensional; and I think Scott Hayton may be right about the Thalans sacrificing themselves to save the future of the galaxy. Not that they will necessarily do so willingly or voluntarily, however.
on May 30, 2006
Please ! Please ! Don't kill the Torians ! I love them.

I love them too -- They are especially good with garlic toast.
E.T. tastes like chicken.
on May 30, 2006
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love all of this news about the expansion. I voted that I would be interested in a ship pieces only mini-expansion, but I'm happy that it's all being rolled into a bigger expansion. I desperately wanted a new campaign, and it sounds delicious. I can't wait to find out which races get the axe... preferably the Korx and Altarians. The Korx are rather boring/annoying to me; they seem like the Ferengi on ST:TNG. I think the Altarians should go because clearly some good race is going to (seems evident from the title) and somehow things that are almost human piss me off more than completely inhuman races. Also, I loathe how they throw up influence starbases near my planets even when we are allies. Jerks.

"...(the expansion will introduce the concept of special planet types that can't be colonized until you've researched the appropriate environment technology)." This is a great idea that shows once again that the devs actually listen to the players. Profoundly wonderful.

I, for one, am curious has the Terran will have evolved in that pocket universe and on Earth.

I don't think the Altarians are up for chops just yet. They still have that odd familiarity with the Terrans to be revealed

Has anyone else thought that the Terrans slipping into that pocket universe might be the origin of the Altarians? Perhaps it will be revealed that they fell back in time and somehow lost the hyperdrive tech right before they are extinguished. Dunno, can't wait to find out.
on May 30, 2006
They ain't gonna kill of the new (GC2) races. Probably the Torians and Arceans/Altarians.
on May 31, 2006
don't think SC comes out this year. Once SC comes out, you won't be hearing much from me for awhile. I plan to take time off work the game play of that game at length.

VETO!!! Who takes than care of the bugs and problems of GC II and III ???

The Terrans will be only exsist like the GCII-Campain end...only on earth under a Shild...the rest is in the pocket-universe..will they come back?..than only as NPC-race like the DL because they will have much more power than all athers...
The DL will be perhaps now playable or they melt together with the Dregin?? they are still the mayor migth in the Galaxie when the Humans disapear to the pocket-universe...
And where are say that good and evil races are not able to work together against something they are both afraid of??
gameblance dosen't metter there i am often one of only 2 evil races in a 6 races game..and btw even good races like the Torians make war against ather good races like the Altarians. And even in the campain my allies get on my nerves they get "my" colonies or build starbases near by my planets and i can't build bases than by my self.

Take out the races you ever want it dosen't metter for me... only logical background will be nessesary.

Good to hear that the colony-tech-tree will be make possible to transform gasplanets to "normal" planets...even when one of the new races normaly life on gasplanets and will try to transform Normal planets to gasplanets ...i think the ather races will not be very happy about that .
on May 31, 2006
I haven't gotten to the end of the campaign yet...
on May 31, 2006
Why not just kill ALL the races then? It seems too many folks like them too much, so why not offend everyone equally and blow them all away?

Okay, bad joke, I know...

As for my race ideas...why not have the Torians and the Drengi wipe EACH OTHER out? They fight against these new beings, but tensions between them rise, their opponents realize that they can reduce the work on themselves by egging them on, arms are traded to both sides, the Torians and Drengin go to war on each other, get excessively powerful Dread Lord weapons, blow each other's major parts to smithereens, and the new races sweep in to clean up the debris.

A controversial idea, but in a way it makes always seem fitting that the two sides destroy each other. Or, alternatively, as has been suggested, the Drengin could re-enslave the Torians...

As for other races that could be axed...the Arceans as a race would probably get the axe because, let's face it, they have virtually NO story importance as far as I can tell. They seem strangely...generic. Apparently purely neutral civilizations don't really work in this game as well as they seems the Arceans are not especially memorable, despite supposedly being a neutral warrior race. Where's their story?

The Drengin and Torians are probably too important story-wise, in their own way...that tension between masters and freed slaves is always a good vehicle for conflict. The Altarians and Terrans are also pretty important, since there's the "look-alike" storyline there...although it's possible the Altarians would be thrown out, and replaced by...the REAL Altarians. Not the Drath, mind you, but the true form of the "human" Altarians, if they aren't really human-like at all but, as has been speculated, masters of illusion who use the humanoid form to deceive.

The Yor and Iconians are also pretty important, with their tensions and animosities, with some interesting stories there. (Personally, I have the strangely satisfying notion that it was the Yor who somehow made the Dread Lords disappear or be destroyed...Yor become programmed by Dread Lords, Yor destroy Iconians, Yor spot Arnor and Dread Lords, classify them as organics to be destroyed, Yor destroy Dread Lords...silly idea, I know, but it has some potential...tho it'd be strange for the Yor to be more powerful than the Dread Lords, huh? )

That leaves the Korx, the Thalan, and the Drath...but each has their own merits for being kicked off. In the case of the Korx, they seem too large for just mercenaries (even following a vaguely Ferengi-like model); the Thalan are a little too odd for some folks, and their story isn't always adequately explained - what are they there for anyway? As for the Drath...well, some folks want to see them retake Altaria, yes? The Drath were there first after all...

In the end, it seems that ALL of the races have reasons for and against them...except possibly the Terrans, for the simple fact that we, being human, sympathize almost COMPLETELY with the Terrans - no one REALLY wants to see them die out in a campaign, yes? It'd sort of defeat the point in a way.
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