Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
New movie to serve as a barometer of kooky left wing interest
Published on June 22, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Fahrenheit 9/11's success or failure will provide a good measure of the political temperature of the United States. In my mind, Michael Moore is a villain. An unscrupulous opportunist who brings new meaning the to the phrase "the end justifies the means".  The end, of course, being the ouster of George W. Bush.  The means, in his own small petty way, is his new smear movie, Fahrenheit 9/11.

This review at Slate takes the movie apart bit by bit. I highly recommend reading it. If his propaganda piece on gun violence in America (Bowling for Columbine) was harmless, this propaganda substance is not. The central premise behind Bowling for Columbine was that "white America" has had a long obsession with guns and gun violence (largely due to being afraid of stuff). Forget that gun violence of "white America" is essentially the same as it is in peace-loving Canada, that doesn't fit into Moore's agenda. 

This time around, Moore's premise is that the Bush family is enthralled to the Saudis in various nefarious ways (as well to the Bin Laden family). Forget that the premise is absurd to begin with. What's really amazing is that Moore actually expects people to ignore the contradictions with these concepts.  After all, how can Bush be in the pocket of Saudi interests and be going directly against Saudi wishes by going into Iraq?

But Moore, far from being the "common man", seems to believe that the common man is a fool. A dupe. A chump. Even a year after 9/11, Moore wasn't convinced that Al Qaeda (or Bin Laden) was behind the WTC attack. And yet somehow he became convinced that we should have done more in Afghanistan? Good grief. Unfortunately, serious leaders can't wait years to take decisive action.

As Christopher Hitchen writes:

In late 2002, almost a year after the al-Qaida assault on American society, I had an onstage debate with Michael Moore at the Telluride Film Festival. In the course of this exchange, he stated his view that Osama Bin Laden should be considered innocent until proven guilty. This was, he said, the American way. The intervention in Afghanistan, he maintained, had been at least to that extent unjustified. Something—I cannot guess what, since we knew as much then as we do now—has since apparently persuaded Moore that Osama Bin Laden is as guilty as hell. Indeed, Osama is suddenly so guilty and so all-powerful that any other discussion of any other topic is a dangerous "distraction" from the fight against him. I believe that I understand the convenience of this late conversion.

But it's not just there that Moore wants to have it both ways with history. Bush, regularly portrayed as someone anxious to go to war is also shown as being stunned into stupidity and inaction at the news of the WTC attack. Well which is it? Either he's an empty headed moron robot or he's a warmongering neoconservative looking to settle dad's scores.  How about this alternative explanation: Like millions of normal Americans, the attack on the WTC left him stunned and for several minutes he had to contemplate what to do next.  I consider myself pretty sharp but I remember just watching slack-jawed on TV when that second plane struck the World trade center. I was dumfounded. And I was dumfounded for more than 7 minutes.

Most disgusting is Moore's sympathy to Saddam.  According to Moore, Saddam's Iraq was no threat to any American. Really? Is this the same Saddam who tried to have Bush Sr. assassinated?  The same Iraq that regularly fired on US planes patrolling the no-fly zone? Is Moore so out of touch with the "average American" that he can't see how many of us considered Saddam a long term threat that could no longer be tolerated in a post-9/11 world?

Moore, author of "Stupid White Men" can't help but take morbid stabs at the assumed cowardice of white people (perhaps he projects too much of his own self?). In an interview, he opines that if the passengers of those flights on 9/11 had had mostly black people, they would have fought back. What a racist, gratuitous slam on the victims of 9/11.

Hitchen writes:

In a recent interview, he yelled that if the hijacked civilians of 9/11 had been black, they would have fought back, unlike the stupid and presumably cowardly white men and women (and children). Never mind for now how many black passengers were on those planes—we happen to know what Moore does not care to mention: that Todd Beamer and a few of his co-passengers, shouting "Let's roll," rammed the hijackers with a trolley, fought them tooth and nail, and helped bring down a United Airlines plane, in Pennsylvania, that was speeding toward either the White House or the Capitol. There are no words for real, impromptu bravery like that, which helped save our republic from worse than actually befell

But if that doesn't take the cake for disgusting attitudes, Moore has apparently made public his intent to aggressively go after his critics, legally if necessary. Ah, it is important to observe his right to smear his enemies (real and imagined) with impunity but any criticism returned needs to be cut off at the knees eh?  More and more, Moore makes himself the poster child of the left-wing of American culture. Dishonest, disingenuous, cynical, elitist, and hypocritical. 

Speaking as a fellow-Michigander who actually did grow up in a blue-collar area (down river eastern Michigan), I find Moore's elitism disgusting particularly as he tries to portray himself as just a "joe American".

If his movie is a box office hit, it will send a chilling signal that the the American culture has an appetite for petty vindictive overtly left-wing propaganda.  I fear that like his last Oscar-winning drek, that some people will walk out of the theater having bought into the manipulated "facts". I fear a repeat of the same ill-informed thinking of "Agree with him or not, his movie gives you a lot to think about".  Because in reality, they really don't give you much to "think about". Quite the opposite. These are films that are designed to indoctrinate.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jul 20, 2004
Sure but beyond all the right wing rhetoric can anyone please explain why America and Americans spend so much of their time and energy building bombs and killing people. Thats really the heart of the matter... Americas arrogance and bloodlust.

Why can't Americans confine their love of death and destruction to that region of the globe that falls within its own borders... and then perhaps the rest of the world wouldn't hate you all so much.

And it does hate you.

on Jul 20, 2004
hate us more, see if it makes us nicer...

I mean it is funny to see nations preaching that you can't solve anything with aggression and hate and all we seem to get when we interact with them is aggression and hate.

on Jul 20, 2004
Yeah well the key term there being "interact". Why dont you troll through the history books and flesh out the details of this "interaction". Thats a typically sanitised wording of the actual truth.

The really scary thing is that the US have set an insanely disasterous precedent that the Chinese are going to reflect upon in the coming years as a justification for their own greed and unilateral ways.

What an incredibly shortsighted superpower the US has been. Enjoy it while you can and thanks for nothing.

on Jul 20, 2004
"Enjoy it while you can and thanks for nothing."

Easily said when you are sitting in a world VASTLY inflenced by America and American innovation. I don't know where you are from, but I think the US has a lot more right to look at the world and say "Thanks for nothing" than the reverse.

Not that I really give a damn what you think anyway. You are just practicing the same biased aggression that you accuse America of practicing. The world has easily as much to lose from that kind of behavior as we do.
on Jul 20, 2004
"The same bias aggression"

A quick post in some blog site vrs decades of torture, murder, political assasinations, dead squad funding, near nuclear war waging etc etc.
How far up that arse of yours is your head.

I dunno why people like you dont have the balls to call a spade a spade... and then say "You dont care!".
Americans love to play the victim dont they. Absolutely love it.
The wrongs done unto you and yours.
Completely and utterly full of shit.

on Jul 20, 2004
And which inconsequential, impotent little nation do you come from?

It amazes me that other nations will just let us be such beasts. Why not take a stand if we are so awful? Everyone deplored our invasion of Iraq but no one sent a rowboat to stop it.
on Jul 20, 2004

It's pretty awe-inspiring to see someone so ignorant on 20th century history that they can use phrases like "short sighted" and "thanks for nothing" to describe US actions.

The nations who liberated Europe on D-Day were pretty the same ones who went into Iraq. Fortuntunately for MonsterMash, the US didn't worry so much about "unilateralism".  Of course, as he types his comments on the US invented Internet on a computer based on US technologies on a website built and run by Americans, one can't be surprised with such an attitude.

on Jul 21, 2004
"Why not take a stand if we are so awful?"

Hahh hahh! Well i dont known the last time you ever visited one of your airports but your Government seems to be believe there are people just lining up to "take a stand". Or is it just that you like to look at the pretty colors of the current "Terror Level", as you stand about stuffing your fat, pudgy, selfish little moushes with burger after burger of meat created by destroying hectre after hectre of Amazonian rainforest, so that you can graze your steriod ladden cattle for slaughter.

If your media wasn't such a bum sucking white house puppet and propaganda machine, you may have also noted the hundreds of thousands if not millions of citizens the world over who marched against your invasion of the Middle East. That would be a Democratic process and response, something you and yours clearly know very little about, as what you say you stand for and what you actually stand for are two entirely different things.... as different as fiction and fact.

And if no one is taking a stand why do you require so many troops to "Bring Freedom" to the region and why do you consistently need to use your Veto power in the UN to overrule the majority? Or is it only considered taking a stand when you up and kill someone? ...... aka "The American Way".

on Jul 21, 2004
I'd like those against the movie to consider the following, if you would:

1. How is it that the US and the UK both went into Iraq with the clear majority of the citizens of those countries opposing the action, even going so far in the UK to hold the largest anti-war demonstration in the country's history?
2. The reason for entering Iraq was WMDs. None were found. The first thing Bush did was to change the reason...huh? How could he have managed to get away with changing the aim of a mission from searching for the major threat to the American people and the western world, to "liberating the Iraq people", AFTER HAVING INVADED. Wouldn't a more appropriate response have been: "I made a mistake. I was told there were WMDs and none were found. We're outta here, sorry Iraq, you were right to have reservations UN." I can understand that the stance the Bush administration took was designed to save face for the president and the country he represents, but would you agree that there is a possibility their reaction has had just the opposite effect?

Every child knows that there is a limit to how much one can do to avoid admitting fault.
on Jul 21, 2004
"Or is it only considered taking a stand when you up and kill someone? ...."

No, I just consider it gutless to sit and bloviate and whine when you are supposedly trying to prevent "genocide", or the many other asinine characterizations that people like you belch over and over.

Who is worse, someone who kills because they believe it to be right, or people who stand idly by and allow people to kill others and can do nothing but talk. To me, monstermash, people like you are worse than terrorists. At least terrorists believe they are doing the right thing. You see what you believe to be horrific acts and sit and do nothing.

The anti-war voices are the voices of cowardice, in my opinion. Not because they won't agree with the US, but because they would stand by and allow what they consider to be "murder" without lifting their petite little finger to stop it.
on Jul 21, 2004
Michael Moore shows the cheating, lying, and the bad decision-making of our president, George W. Bush. I agree with him. When I went to Fahrenheit 911 at the end everybody cheered and clapped. The Bush Administration is full of bad advisors and friends of big company owners. George W. Bush has got to be one of the worst presidents this nation has ever elected ( I guess we didn't elect him- HE CHEATED). Michael Moore puts factual information into a documentary film. I know Michael Moore does stretch the truth in some areas, but 95% of the stats are true. Some Republicans are too biast and don't listen to any liberal politicians. Democrats tend to be less biast.
That's why Republicans haven't seen the movie because most of them our too biast.

on Jul 21, 2004
"I know Michael Moore does stretch the truth in some areas, but 95% of the stats are true. "

Some are saying that after the 9-11 commission re port comes out tomorrow, the percentage could be much lower. Evidently in addition to reasonable questions the commission also looked into many of the more popular conspiracy theories and cult mythology.

on Jul 21, 2004
"Not because they won't agree with the US, but because they would stand by and allow what they consider to be "murder" without lifting their petite little finger to stop it."

"trying to prevent "genocide"
Is that now the new reason you invaded Iraq....... I thought it was weapons of mass destruction? But i guess since you cant find any, even though their "just 45mins away from being launch ready", then you need something else to justify your bomb hurling bravado. If you are so concerned about genocide then why did you impose Oil export restrictions on Iraq. Its a UN documented fact that more children died as a result of malnutrition and preventable disease as a result of US approved and instigated embargos, than was ever the case under Saddm Hussain.

Didn't seem to care then?

What about when you were supplying him arms and other assorted weaponry, that he used to genocidally wipe out a village of 5000 kurds.... didn't seem to bother you then, only so much as a 6 week halt in trading of arms, just enough time for the domestic population to be distracted with, uh lemme see, wasn't it "a drug war, or was it still the "impending commie threat"?.

Either way we still need to build more bombs, 'cause we're under attack. In fact now we need to start putting them space too.....says America.... "cause we're under attack". Even though we're the ones doing all the bomb dropping, even though we are the only nation in history to use Nuclear weapons against another, we still need more guns and bombs, because we're America and we're under attack.

If any nation is gutless and scared BakerStreet, it's the US. Any 2nd rate psychologist will tell you that it's generally the playground bully whose the biggest wimp of all.

And so your solution to geneocide is World War?
If you dont agree with the US, go to war with them, is that it Baker?

Do you actually read what you post?
on Jul 21, 2004
Wow, great rant. You completely misunderstood what I said, though...

You guys are the ones that think the U.S. is out there being genocidal huns. It isn't important enough to get up off your nihilistic little ass and do anything about it? All the European nay-sayers didn't send so much as a rowboat to stop the evil US from being imperialist pigs. You think China couldn't have shifted a couple of boats and made a difference?

Pffft. Your misgivings are betrayed by your apathy. Pissed off intellectually, but limp from the neck down.
on Jul 21, 2004

Bakerstreet: Indeed. That is one of the more interesting things about this.

If Bush = Hitler like the left is saying, then why aren't they doing something about it besides, at most, demonstrating? Why aren't the Europeans marshalling troops to threaten the US with? Or how about at least economic sanctions? They're not doing anything at all.

I mean, heck, most Americans didn't think Saddam was equal to Hitler but we thought him bad enough to support taking him out.

It speaks volumes of the moral fiber of those who are certain that the US or at least Bush is the center of all evil and yet their response is to write some rant on a website. Either they aren't being serious or they're cowards. Which is it?

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