Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
New movie to serve as a barometer of kooky left wing interest
Published on June 22, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Fahrenheit 9/11's success or failure will provide a good measure of the political temperature of the United States. In my mind, Michael Moore is a villain. An unscrupulous opportunist who brings new meaning the to the phrase "the end justifies the means".  The end, of course, being the ouster of George W. Bush.  The means, in his own small petty way, is his new smear movie, Fahrenheit 9/11.

This review at Slate takes the movie apart bit by bit. I highly recommend reading it. If his propaganda piece on gun violence in America (Bowling for Columbine) was harmless, this propaganda substance is not. The central premise behind Bowling for Columbine was that "white America" has had a long obsession with guns and gun violence (largely due to being afraid of stuff). Forget that gun violence of "white America" is essentially the same as it is in peace-loving Canada, that doesn't fit into Moore's agenda. 

This time around, Moore's premise is that the Bush family is enthralled to the Saudis in various nefarious ways (as well to the Bin Laden family). Forget that the premise is absurd to begin with. What's really amazing is that Moore actually expects people to ignore the contradictions with these concepts.  After all, how can Bush be in the pocket of Saudi interests and be going directly against Saudi wishes by going into Iraq?

But Moore, far from being the "common man", seems to believe that the common man is a fool. A dupe. A chump. Even a year after 9/11, Moore wasn't convinced that Al Qaeda (or Bin Laden) was behind the WTC attack. And yet somehow he became convinced that we should have done more in Afghanistan? Good grief. Unfortunately, serious leaders can't wait years to take decisive action.

As Christopher Hitchen writes:

In late 2002, almost a year after the al-Qaida assault on American society, I had an onstage debate with Michael Moore at the Telluride Film Festival. In the course of this exchange, he stated his view that Osama Bin Laden should be considered innocent until proven guilty. This was, he said, the American way. The intervention in Afghanistan, he maintained, had been at least to that extent unjustified. Something—I cannot guess what, since we knew as much then as we do now—has since apparently persuaded Moore that Osama Bin Laden is as guilty as hell. Indeed, Osama is suddenly so guilty and so all-powerful that any other discussion of any other topic is a dangerous "distraction" from the fight against him. I believe that I understand the convenience of this late conversion.

But it's not just there that Moore wants to have it both ways with history. Bush, regularly portrayed as someone anxious to go to war is also shown as being stunned into stupidity and inaction at the news of the WTC attack. Well which is it? Either he's an empty headed moron robot or he's a warmongering neoconservative looking to settle dad's scores.  How about this alternative explanation: Like millions of normal Americans, the attack on the WTC left him stunned and for several minutes he had to contemplate what to do next.  I consider myself pretty sharp but I remember just watching slack-jawed on TV when that second plane struck the World trade center. I was dumfounded. And I was dumfounded for more than 7 minutes.

Most disgusting is Moore's sympathy to Saddam.  According to Moore, Saddam's Iraq was no threat to any American. Really? Is this the same Saddam who tried to have Bush Sr. assassinated?  The same Iraq that regularly fired on US planes patrolling the no-fly zone? Is Moore so out of touch with the "average American" that he can't see how many of us considered Saddam a long term threat that could no longer be tolerated in a post-9/11 world?

Moore, author of "Stupid White Men" can't help but take morbid stabs at the assumed cowardice of white people (perhaps he projects too much of his own self?). In an interview, he opines that if the passengers of those flights on 9/11 had had mostly black people, they would have fought back. What a racist, gratuitous slam on the victims of 9/11.

Hitchen writes:

In a recent interview, he yelled that if the hijacked civilians of 9/11 had been black, they would have fought back, unlike the stupid and presumably cowardly white men and women (and children). Never mind for now how many black passengers were on those planes—we happen to know what Moore does not care to mention: that Todd Beamer and a few of his co-passengers, shouting "Let's roll," rammed the hijackers with a trolley, fought them tooth and nail, and helped bring down a United Airlines plane, in Pennsylvania, that was speeding toward either the White House or the Capitol. There are no words for real, impromptu bravery like that, which helped save our republic from worse than actually befell

But if that doesn't take the cake for disgusting attitudes, Moore has apparently made public his intent to aggressively go after his critics, legally if necessary. Ah, it is important to observe his right to smear his enemies (real and imagined) with impunity but any criticism returned needs to be cut off at the knees eh?  More and more, Moore makes himself the poster child of the left-wing of American culture. Dishonest, disingenuous, cynical, elitist, and hypocritical. 

Speaking as a fellow-Michigander who actually did grow up in a blue-collar area (down river eastern Michigan), I find Moore's elitism disgusting particularly as he tries to portray himself as just a "joe American".

If his movie is a box office hit, it will send a chilling signal that the the American culture has an appetite for petty vindictive overtly left-wing propaganda.  I fear that like his last Oscar-winning drek, that some people will walk out of the theater having bought into the manipulated "facts". I fear a repeat of the same ill-informed thinking of "Agree with him or not, his movie gives you a lot to think about".  Because in reality, they really don't give you much to "think about". Quite the opposite. These are films that are designed to indoctrinate.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 16, 2004
I believe that Fahrenheit 911 has 27 out of 33 positive reviews

An article originally from the Washington Times suggests that some are not happy at all with Moore's propaganda piece.

The family of U.S. Air Force Maj. Gregory Stone was shocked to learn that video footage of the major's Arlington National Cemetery burial was included by Michael Moore in his movie "Fahrenheit 9/11." Maj. Stone was killed in March 2003 by a grenade that officials said was thrown into his tent by Sgt. Hasan K. Akbar, who is on trial for murder. "It's been a big shock, and we are not very happy about it, to say the least," Kandi Gallagher, Maj. Stone's aunt and family spokeswoman, tells Washington Times reporter Audrey Hudson. "We are furious that Greg was in that casket and cannot defend himself, and my sister, Greg's mother, is just beside herself," Miss Gallagher said. "She is furious. She called him a 'maggot that eats off the dead.' " The movie, described by critics as political propaganda during an election year, shows video footage of the funeral and Maj. Stone's fiancee, Tammie Eslinger, kissing her hand and placing it on his coffin. The family does not know how Mr. Moore obtained the video, and Miss Gallagher said they did not give permission and are considering legal recourse. She described her nephew as a "totally conservative Republican" and said he would have found the film to be "putrid." "I'm sure he would have some choice words for Michael Moore," she said. "Michael Moore would have a hard time asking our family for a glass of water if he were thirsty."

Miss Gallaghers discription of Moore as a maggot that eats off the dead is, in my opinion, fairly accurate.
on Jul 16, 2004
Michael Moore does not have a subtle bone in his body. In addition, he's no great intellect. He's sort of a bumbling left wing slob, an associative thinker. He's not all that different in style from Rush Limbaugh. Where Limbaugh gives the right exactly what they want without really having to prove any of his points, Moore aims at the left.

The first two-thirds of the movie are pretty incoherent. Who cares if Bin Ladens' cousins left the country? Who knows how far the Bush's compliticty with the Saudis reaches? But the last third of the movie is really good. The scenes of the American military in Iraq, the scenes of wounded soldiers, coffins, bombed Iraqis and a middle American mother who lost her son in Iraq all present a much different viewpoint than the one we were subject to by the mainstream media who acted, for the most part, as cheerleaders for the war until quite recently.

If the entire movie were built around that last third it might have been verey powerful indeed but as is, most of those on the right won't get past the first third if they watch it, and most will never watch it. As a recent poll shows, those who watch Fox news do not watch CNN. Those who watch CNN do not watch Fox.
on Jul 16, 2004

The family of U.S. Air Force Maj. Gregory Stone was shocked to learn that video footage of the major's Arlington National Cemetery burial was included

Moore is completely void of endearing quality as far as I can tell.  He uses footage without regard.  He takes quotes totally out of context to serve whatever purpose he has at the time.  He even disregarded Ray Bradbury who dissaproved of the title.  He is a total scum ball and I am with LW in the sentiment that I wouldn't willingly put a dime in his pocket.  There is no way in hell I would lend financial support to him spreading his crap.

on Jul 16, 2004
I think the case could be made that a pro-Bush movie simply couldn't get made right now in pro-Kerry Hollywood. I don't think you'd have gotten any backing for it, and I doubt any studio would have made it. Moore has openly stated that he hopes his movie is a deciding factor in the election. Soros has spent millions on and such.

When will people see that this is all really just soft money for Kerry? Of course he is running a "clean" campaign. He has Soros, Moore and the like sponsering a global smear campaign and he doesn't have to spend a dime for it.

All I can say is if Kerry can't win a campaign with the kind of money and effort that is being moved under the table, he is either devoid of public appeal or completely incompetant.

on Jul 17, 2004
First off...while Moore has the an extent to make this recent piece of utter horseshit...opps I mean propoganda..opps I mean documentary..opps I mean...what is the current name used to describe his movie this time?....that doesnt mean I feel the need to put another dollar into that socialist pigs bank to its validity....sad to say Moore once again uses half-truths and outright advance his political and social agenda....remember...he considers americans stupid....the insurgents in iraq akin to the minute men of our revolution....and has said that he wants more US deaths in iraq....this is the problem with the left in this country....and why the dems are learning that their overall voter base is in sharp decline....conservative and swing voters are quite the opposite...increasing.....

in the end Moore has become exactly what he so much hates....a rich, old, white man.....
on Jul 17, 2004
fahrenheit 9/11 is factual and bush people dont want to believe it cause they think if its not a bush thing its wrong. bush is a liar and a fraud. the bush administration does not care about this country. GO MOORE!
on Jul 17, 2004
Dubz: You've shown yourself in other discussions as someone who believes what they hear. For instance when you villified Florida for suddenly trying to prevent felons from voting when that is actually the law there and in other states and has been for a long time.

Have you done any research to back up your statement that " fahrenheit 9/11 is factual"? How, other than just swalling what was shoved in your mouth, do you know? Have you ever considered that you are just the kind of tool people like Moore and the mainstream anti-Bush movement count on? How does it feel to think people could count on you being a tool? What sort of people would do that?

on Jul 17, 2004
dubz, out of curiosity, how old are you?
on Jul 17, 2004
For instance when you villified Florida for suddenly trying to prevent felons from voting when that is actually the law there and in other states and has been for a long time.


The question (and I emphasize question, as I haven't checked into it much for its validity) on the felons in Florida has to do with allegations that some who were not felons but had the same name or similar social security numbers were denied the vote. Dubz may not have picked up on this, but that's where the question lies.

Personally, in my personal opinion, Bush would have gone a long way towards reestablishing credibility in my mind if he'd have appointed an independent investigator into the numerous fiascos that comprised the Florida 2000 election. It probably wouldn't have changed the mind of most libs, but it MIGHT have helped sway my vote, at least.
on Jul 17, 2004
GM: Should the President use his power to investigate election procedure in the states themselves, and does he even have the ability to do so? I think the states hold huge authority over the practical matters of teh voting themselves. Regardless, I don't think any investigation that Bush had a hand in, even in its creation, would have satisfied anyone that differed with the 2000 election. Even if it were left to the state, Jeb would have been a sufficent source of doubt for people unsatisfied by numerous recounts.
on Jul 17, 2004
Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh aim to indoctrinate.
on Jul 17, 2004

I agree with you Stevenedalus.  Each has their own faith, their own groupies, etc.

The difference is that none of them have movies being constantly thrown in our face by the media, winning prestigious awards, and being on the cover of magazines.

Heck, I've seen Moore's face on more magazines in the past month than those 3 guys have gotten combined. 

And what bugs me is that Moore isn't really anything special. He'd be just another left-wing kook on this site. He just happened to be talented at film making.


on Jul 17, 2004
Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh aim to indoctrinate

might be an extent...but all 3 are not reporters...but commentators ...and as such comment on topics based upon their that a hard concept to fixure for Rush in particular...i do get a bit of a kick when the left demonizes his viewers/listeners...especially when bout half are dems....but even though i'm conservative..i dont watch or listen to rush....does that mean i'm not indoctrinated??? damm now how am i gonna live without that pesky right-wing conspiracy indoctrination....and to think I've bit lax in paying my monthly dues.....
on Jul 18, 2004
And what bugs me is that Moore isn't really anything special. He'd be just another left-wing kook on this site. He just happened to be talented at film making.

Surely you don't think that the talented should be prevented from using their talents? That's not very democratic of you, and not very Christian either. (sorry for cherrypicking quotes, but I couldn't resist that one )
on Jul 18, 2004

Well since I'm agnostic I don't think I don't really care whether a comment is "Christian" of me.

I don't see how you can claim my comment was a call for the government to prevent Moore from making movies.  What I am saying is that typically someone who reaches his level of success in the political arena at least has a solid background to justify it.  But in reality, all these left wingers fawning over him are fawning over what is essentially just yet another far left kook who's only talent seems to be self-publicity and film making.

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