Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In US Domestic
September 24, 2005 by Draginol
(received this in my email today) For your review:  An outstanding rebuttal (published in National Review) to novelist and occasional New Orleans resident Anne Rice's op-ed which appeared in last week's New York Times. September 07, 2005, 8:26 a.m. We Failed You? Try Again. Anne Rice blames America , not local officials. "To my country I want to say this: During this crisis you failed us. You looked down on us; you dismi...
October 7, 2005 by Draginol
Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee I think pretty much seals it that Bush is really just an idiot.  I've had misgivings about him and was not a fan of his in the past but this nomination reeks of arrogance. The Roman emperor, Caligula, made his horse a senator.  I suppose now we know that reincarnation is possible though at least Bush's advisors managed to thwart any ideas of nominating a favorite horse to the supreme court.  Bush's croneyism is possibly the worst in the m...
June 1, 2007 by Draginol has a great article outlining just how bad this current Immigration bill in the senate would be for the United States. The most detrimental point of it is that it would immediately legalize the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country by giving them "Z-Visas".  As someone who has spent thousands of dollars trying to get a handful of visas for skilled labor, it's quite an outrage to see the government about to hand out free visas to people who broke our laws. It's s...
December 21, 2006 by Draginol
We have a big deficit and some people think the only way to reduce it is to raise taxes. The linked website below lets you play emperor with the budget. If given total power over the budget, could you reduce the deficit?  
October 30, 2006 by Brad Wardell
In the classic book, Atlas Shrugged, the government begins a program in which wealth is distributed based on need rather than merit. This requires that wealth is confiscated by those who are producing it to be handed to those who aren't.  The more productive a citizen you are, the less of what you produce you get to keep. The less productive you are, the more you receive. Eventually, the producers of America go on strike and the country collapses. The points made in the bo...