What exactly is evolution? Evolution is a theory. It is not a hypothesis. A theory is a set of scientific principles that is supported by observable facts. A hypothesis, by contrast, is a statement not backed up by facts. The theory of evolution is as follows: Fact #1: Random mutations occur in nature. Fact #2: Mutations tend to be passed onto off-spring. Fact #3: If one organism is genetically different enough from another organism then they will not be able to reproduc...
It never ceases to amaze me how blinded some people are by their religion. They seem to be completely unaware of how their religion has biased them taking a more open-minded approach to scientific research. Let me give you a tale of two theories. Evolution is a theory that stipulates a set of principles on how life on earth changes (evolves) over time. It has a great deal of documented evidence to support it. However, because evolution contradicts the bible, many religi...
For years I thought I understood what causes heart attacks. The arteries narrow due to cholesterol build up and such until they get so blocked that eventually a blood clot gets stuck and voila. While that does happen, apparently in most cases apparently it’s inflammation that does us in. Specifically, cholesterol and such coat the arteries which then get covered by the body’s natural defense. Eventually, this will swell a bit and burst, releasing a substance that causes the blockage r...
I’m on the plane on my way to Seattle so i don’t have the book in front of me but I’m reading an interesting book by the same author of the Singularity who outlines his belief that if we can live until around 2024 that we’ll enter an age where dying becomes very rare. His position is that between now and 2024 we’ll reach a level of biotechnology where the big killers – cancer and heart disease will be well on their way out thanks to our exponentially increasing understanding of our living s...