Like most nerds or at least pseudo-nerds I have fantasized about being able to go back in time, knowing what I know now, and right wrongs. Over time, the fantasy has gotten increasingly less tempting. The first problem came after I got married. I didn't want to do anything that might cause me not to meet and marry my wife. After I had children, I realized that the whole fantasy was really doomed because even if I could go back in time and make sure to meet my wife at the right time, I ...
In Harry met Sally, the character Harry, played by Billy Crystal, asserts that men and women can't be friends because the sex thing always come into play. There's always a lot of debate on this subject and as I get more life experience, the more I can conclude a firm maybe. There are various levels of friendships and there are various forms those friendships can take. So the simple answer is, yes a guy can be just friends with a woman. But there are a lot of qualifiers to that a...
Ever taken a purity test? How pure are you? MOS = Member of opposite sex.