Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles » Page 7
October 18, 2013 by Draginol
My daughter said the Raptors don’t like to be pet.
October 18, 2013 by Draginol
My daughter said the Raptors don’t like to be pet.
October 17, 2013 by Draginol
October 16, 2013 by Draginol
As part of my comprehensive settlement with state and local authorities I have been asked to make this public apology in an effort to help alleviate common misconceptions regarding the rights of citizens. I realize that things got out of control. I know that now. The numerous interventions, the visits from social services along with the highway patrol have all helped me understand that my understanding on certain legal…particulars was inaccurate. The following is a list of of common m...
October 16, 2013 by Draginol
As part of my comprehensive settlement with state and local authorities I have been asked to make this public apology in an effort to help alleviate common misconceptions regarding the rights of citizens. I realize that things got out of control. I know that now. The numerous interventions, the visits from social services along with the highway patrol have all helped me understand that my understanding on certain legal…particulars was inaccurate. The following is a list of of common m...
September 26, 2013 by Draginol
I can’t help but think of this video:
September 26, 2013 by Draginol
I can’t help but think of this video:
September 25, 2013 by Draginol
“People who say mean things should die in a fire!”
September 22, 2013 by Draginol
I can’t believe Fall is here.  I think I missed a month, at least! So before everything has changed, I took some pictures. Leaving work.    We picked apples to make into Apple Sauce and Apple crisp. Delicious!   Backup Power Generator.   Solar Array. Walls leading to house. Polaris Ranger EVs. We use these to work with the apple trees and bee hives and garden area. ...
September 15, 2013 by Draginol
Shortly after the Northeast blackout of 2003, my wife and I started to take disaster preparedness seriously.  The blackout only lasted a couple of days but we realized that had the blackout not occurred in the Summer and had the blackout lasted much longer, we would have been in serious trouble.  The journey from being totally unprepared to being aware of how totally unprepared we are could be be described as “The idiot’s journey”.  BIG DISCLAIMER :  Muich of th...
September 7, 2013 by Draginol
In October we turn 20 years.  As some of you know, Stardock started out as a 1-man shop. I was a college student paying my own way through school and I started my business to help pay for school until I could find a real job.  When I incorporated Stardock, I was 22 years old (I’m 42 now).  I had no idea what I was doing. I knew nothing on business. And ultimately, I gave up trying to get a “real job” because I was having too much fun doing Stardock.  During the p...
August 14, 2013 by Draginol
As pressure mounts to raise the wages of fast food workers, advocates may want to take note that such wage increases eventually pass a threshold where it makes financial sense to simply invest in automation. As Grocery Store cashiers learned, these jobs are not a given. We are all competing not just with each other but with robots.  One of the primary reasons that the gap between the rich and poor has increased so much in the past 20 years has been the rise in IT.  Once we pur...
August 13, 2013 by Draginol
About a year ago, I wrote “The lights go out: What happens if the grid goes down” .  It talked about what would likely happen if the power went out and works through the first 4 weeks.  In short, it’s not a pretty picture. Doomsday Scenarios Below are my opinions and just my opinions. They’re based on reading and researching these topics in my spare time out of morbid curiosity.  I define a doomsday scenario as a scenario where the civil society could potentially break do...
August 13, 2013 by Draginol
Wow! Lots of PMs and tweets regarding yesterday’s article on what would happen with the collapse of the grid . Let me first say that I make no claims to be an expert on EMP.  There are a lot of people who are convinced that a reasonably strong EMP would disable modern cars.   I don’t happen to agree with that view. Hopefully we’ll never find out. I’m going to assume that the most likely doomsday scenario people will likely face will be a long-term power...
August 12, 2013 by Draginol
We went to the reptile show this weekend.  We picked up a male and female Panther Chameleon.  The female, I believe is already ready to lay eggs. So I’m scrambling (no pun intended) to learn how to deal with that.       So the male (left) is like a peacock. It’s all colorful and impressive to attract females.  The female (right) I think is pregnant.  The question is how to tell if she’s ready to lay eggs or not.