Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles In Politics » Page 11
September 23, 2009 by Draginol
My father in law is the most easy going guy you’d ever meet. He’s gentle. Kind. Thoughtful. But don’t mistake those attributes as weakness. He simply picks his battles because in the apocalypse, this is one guy you’d want to have your back. Politics sometimes is like this. People will rail against "the rich" or corporations and assume wrongly think they have leverage when they don't. This is typically seen with the American left who gleefully hope for higher taxes...
September 4, 2009 by Draginol Hilarious article in which a doctor turns the table on lawyers when it comes to “reform”.
September 4, 2009 by Draginol
Anyone who regularly reads my blogs knows that my views on the world are all over the place.  Not a week has gone by over the past decade or so that someone hasn’t contacted us saying they will never purchase something from my employer because I, being said employer’s CEO, offended them with something I said. I have no doubt that over the years, my blogs, comments, writings, what have you have cost our company thousands of dollars because I take those people at their word.  So why...
September 4, 2009 by Draginol
Let’s say one day the public voted in politicians who vowed for the top 1% of income earners to have 100% of their income paid in as taxes. Would this be slavery? Those people could move to another country. Those people aren’t in chains. So would this be oppressive? I think we could agree it would be counterproductive to the economy but that’s not the question. Would it be slavery or oppressive? What do you think?
August 29, 2009 by Draginol
Everyone’s Hitler these days.  And everyone is looking for comparison to Hitler. In this article , I said that Obama creeps me out. He creeps me out because he seems to encourage the cult of personality much the same as Adolph Hitler did.  That doesn’t make Obama Hitler, but it should send up a flag that people are supporting a set of policies but rather are supporting a man and I find that dangerous.   It creeps me out when any political leader tries to ass...
August 8, 2009 by Draginol
I wrote this almost 3 years ago: “What happens if the earth starts cooling?” Of course, we have since found since then that yep, the earth’s mean temperature is starting to go down again despite all the claims of the global warming zealots who claimed it would be a steady rise. I wonder how long it will take for the whole “climate change” zealotry to start to die out? I imagine the comments area will contain tons of people who disagre...
August 8, 2009 by Draginol
The current system has its flaws but it does something profoundly right: Most people who have health insurance are paying for their own individual health insurance either directly or indirectly through their employer. They are paying into the system for what they get back. Obama supporters dream of a different system where taxes pay for health insurance instead. The problem with that is that nearly half the population pay no net federal income taxes.  People get this and the...
August 7, 2009 by Draginol

Clearly sent there by “big insurance companies”…

July 24, 2009 by Draginol
Right now we have N people with insurance and Y doctors. Obama’s plan would be N+40 million with the same number of doctors. That doesn’t sound like a good deal to me. The counter argument is always that we’re already paying for those 40 million people.  Well, if that is truly the case, then problem solved we don’t need to provide them with health insurance.  But in reality, no, those 40 million uninsured don’t have even remotely the same access as those with health insu...
July 14, 2009 by Draginol
July 11, 2009 by Draginol
In no particular order… Scientists are Democrats…right? Pew Research says that 55% of scientists say they are Democrats, 6% Republicans . Gosh, must mean people who value the scientific method are Democrats while Republicans are just a bunch of religious nut jobs right? Strangely, the left-wingers who have commented on it don’t seem to be that concerned as to how the survey identified who a “scientist” was.  Is a scientist someone who works at a university doing pure sci...
June 5, 2009 by Draginol
One of the sites I hang out on is called .  People who know me in person know that I’m pretty into helping the environment.  However, I just don’t find the evidence of humans materially affecting the climate to be persuasive. Most of the discussions are about things like making your home more energy efficient or how to improve your local environment. But every now and then, you get a global warming discussion and the militancy of the global warming advocates c...
June 2, 2009 by Draginol Evidence is mounting that the Obama administration is closing Chrysler dealerships based on whether or not they donated to Republicans or not.
May 31, 2009 by Draginol
Wow. I mean, wow! San Diego county is demanding that people stop inviting friends over to their home for a bible study on the grounds that they do not have a permit. This is why, I don’t care where you stand on most political issues, I fear government power. A lot of people view politics as either liberal or conservative. I view it as the tug of war between those who push for anarchy and those who push for tyranny.  We live in the relatively comfortable area in-betwee...
May 27, 2009 by Draginol
A very interesting video on media bias.