One of the things that amazes me is when programs lack even 128x128 icons. WindowBlinds and DeskScapes had this boo boo which we are fixing for an update in the next couple weeks.
But Apple’s programs? Really? Shame on Apple for that.
http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/12/08/the-smoking-gun-at-darwin-zero/ Every time someone gets their hands on the raw data and then looks at the “Adjusted” data that the “consensus scientists” end up with, it’s pretty obvious that the data is being modified to fit a pre-determined conclusion. The above listed article shows how the climate centers that we rely on to tell us what the “average temperature” messed with the data by adding a literal stair-step “adjustment” to th...
Future house continues to move along and we’re using a material called “SEALECTION 500” for the insulation.
Basically, it’s like having your house filled with styrofoam (at least, that’s how it tastes..).
Here’s the FAQ on it.
Once in, it looks like this:
So do you have a list of gadgets that you discovered this year that really struck you? Here’s a list of some of the gadgets I”m using a lot now: 1. Verizon MyFy. Game changer for me because I now get reliable Internet wherever I go. 2. Jing Pro. Makes it very easy to get videos and screenshots up. 3. Google iPhone app. Its voice recognition for searching is unreal. What would be your list?
Tomorrow is the 20 year class reunion for my high school. I can’t believe it’s been that long. For me, high school was not fun. Even with the benefit of hindsight the best I could describe the overall high school experience was “horrible”. That it was horrible wasn’t due to my classmates (though certain classmates did make a bad situation worse but my main pain from high school is in prison serving a life sentence) but just the situation overall – I was a total nerd and HS isn’t...
Costs less than $100. Ink lasts quite a while. WiFi network support (i.e. doesn’t have to be connected to a PC), scanning, printing. Just a great printer. Got one for myself and then for my mom. Canon PIXMA MP560 Wireless Inkjet All-In-One Photo Printer (3747B002)
I don’t know about you guys but one thing I’ve become obsessed with is being able to change icons in devices and printers. I’ve figured out how to do it using a resource hacker but what I am looking for us to do is figure out a way to add a “change icon” option that lets me simply replace the icon. I’m surprised Microsoft doesn’t just do this.
It’s like being back in Baldur’s Gate except with today’s tech. If you liked Baldur’s Gate and don’t have Dragon Age I’m not saying you’re a bad person…but I’m not saying you’re not. I mean seriously, if you’re into RPGs then this is a no brainer.
Years ago I wrote “What if global warming zealots are wrong?” Will they apologize? Will they feel any shame for all the bile and nastiness they heaped on those who were merely skeptical? In the past couple of years, the evidence in favor of manmade global climate change has not worked out so well for the zealots. This past week saw what may be the beginning of the end for the whole global warming movement with the outting of hundreds of emails that allegedly detail countles...
Read http://rightwingnews.com/2009/11/tax-facts/ for analysis and http://www.taxfoundation.org/files/taxwatch-fall2009.pdf for the original data. No wonder people think government services are “free”. They are – for them. At least directly.
http://www.dailyfinance.com/2009/11/16/newsweek-fighting-for-survival-drifts-towards-irrelevancy/ I used to subscribe to Newsweek. From the time I was a teenager into my 30s I was a subscriber. I liked their news coverage. If I wanted in depth detail accounts of world events, Newsweek was fantastic about it. Then something happened after George W Bush got elected. They started to drift ever further to the left. More and more of their content became editorial (i.e. left wing ran...
To try out DeskScapes for yourself visit https://www.stardock.com/products/deskscapes
If you have a decent video card and Windows Vista or Windows 7, definitely try this. What makes DeskScapes so special is not just that it lets you have animated wallpaper but that it does it without slowing down your computer and it can do really cool effects to your existing static wallpaper.
Great article today at Town Hall. “4 reasons the American Dream will be over unless we act” Great quote: "In 1985, just 16.5% of filers paid no income tax." Today, " roughly 120 million Americans – 40 percent of the U.S. population – are outside of the federal income tax system." Meanwhile, the top 50% of income earners pay 97% percent of the income taxes. "In 1945, 41.9 workers supported each (Social Security recipient), while today o...
I was too lazy to do a clean install of Windows 7 on my Thinkpad T400. I didn’t want to monkey arounhd with reinstalling all my software. In hindsight, I probably would have been better off doing so as there’s so much crud on my system sucking away its life that I am regretting my decision not to just start from scratch.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091103121605.htm So it increasingly looks like sugar is really really bad for you – at least in the quanitites that the typical American now consumes. I consume more than my share of sugar and I hate to sound unconcerned about my own health but you know, I might lose some years of life becaue of my love of sugar but I’d rather have sugar than a life lacking in sweetness.