Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles » Page 45
March 16, 2008 by Draginol
I have found a great community for talking to people about ways to decrease my impact on the environment. The new home my wife and I are building is one I want to try to reduce the amount of energy it uses (despite the fact that it's ridiculously big). If you're interested in green solutions, it's a great site.
March 16, 2008 by Draginol
I have found a great community for talking to people about ways to decrease my impact on the environment. The new home my wife and I are building is one I want to try to reduce the amount of energy it uses (despite the fact that it's ridiculously big). If you're interested in green solutions, it's a great site.
March 13, 2008 by Draginol
I was reading a debate on global warming today and the smugness and arrogance of the human-produced global warming crowd always seems to try to try to bolster their argument by trying to make believing in global warming to be akin to believing in evolution. To which I responded: Kurt, there’s a lot more evidence supporting evolution than human produced global warming. Global warming “theory” essentially argues that CO2 is a green house gas and it has been going u...
March 13, 2008 by Draginol
Anyone notice some of the subtle improvements to JU this week? More coming next week.
March 10, 2008 by Draginol
Recently there has been a lot of talk about how piracy affects PC gaming. And if you listen to game developers, it apparently is a foregone conclusion - if a high quality PC game doesn't sell as many copies as it should, it must be because of piracy. Now, I don't like piracy at all. It really bugs me when I see my game up on some torrent site just on the principle of the matter. And piracy certainly does cost sales.  But arguing that piracy is the primary factor in lower sales of well ma...
March 9, 2008 by Draginol
In terms of listing new articles and latest article comments, we need to make some distinctions: An article has a blog ID. A forum post does not. Therefore, newest articles and newest article comments should only be listing things that have a blog ID. We should use that as an opportunity to display both the latest articles, latest article comments, and latest forum activity. I think one of the frustrations (Certainly one of mine) with the new JU is being whisked away to...
March 9, 2008 by Draginol
One of the most exciting things going on in our household is what we call "Future House".  While most people who know me personally know that silliness is the core of my being (by contrast, on-line my persona is stuck as crutchety stereo type authority figure), I do take major life plans serious to the point of insanity. When my wife and I got married, nearly 15 years ago, we had a plan. We would have 3 houses in our "effective lifetime" (only an engineer comes up with a term like that)....
March 9, 2008 by Draginol
As part of my growing flash light fetish, I picked up the Surefire Executive Defender E2D flashlight.  It's a small flash light that fits in the palm of your hand but provides serious utility. At 60 lumens of brightness, it will light a dark area extremely well. It is also designed for self-defense with enough brightness to blind an assailant immediately. The front and back are reinforced with a very very solid steel that is slightly surrated to ensure that anyone you whack it...
March 7, 2008 by Draginol
It is the time of the Twilight of the Arnor. Or, more specifically, time to start going through the AI for enhancements for the new expansion pack. Today, I'm going to play and show BUGS in our stuff as I play. Here we go. I'm playing a Tournament game for this. Now you all will be able to play Drengin-Human Wars. Bug 1 , the name provided should be based on the title of the campaign (Drengin Human Wars) not on file names. Drengin vs. Humans   The Dre...
March 6, 2008 by Draginol
I wrote this last year: "What if the earth starts cooling" Since 1998, the temperature has been pretty flat. This year, it's looking like it's going to take a dip (and it may be that 2007 was a bit down as well) even as CO2 rates increase. So... All those smug global warming you think any of them will apologize for being so obnoxious with their half-baked theory? I am not arguing that there isn't global warming...
March 3, 2008 by Draginol
March 3, 2008 by Draginol
I know I'm very happy with how well Sins of a Solar Empire has done. For its pre-release marketing, we d did a lot more with it in terms of screenshots. The game is really really pretty. I wonder how much of its success is due to the fact it just looks so darn cool?
March 2, 2008 by Draginol
Do you have a flash light addiction? Crazy right? Well believe it or not, you wouldn't be alone. This weekend, I found myself drawn to buying a 10 million candle equivalent flash light. I don't know why I bought it. But I did. Here are some resources on the net: And the concensus by flash light zealots on the best 10 flash lights? Arc AAA Sure Fire E2 series Arc LS PT Surge SL Ultr...
March 2, 2008 by Draginol
You know what they say about a fool and his money. I purchased the Linksys wireless print server. I can now say it's a total piece of crap. It works as designed it's just designed horribly.  Each machine that connects to it has to have a special highly-proprietary driver installed to access the print server which makes it a pain in the butt to use. IF I had been thinking, I would have just hooked up one of the old laptops I have sitting around and used that as a wireless print ser...
February 29, 2008 by Draginol
