Well for the first time in 4 years I have dropped under 170 pounds. My slow diet has a total of 11 lost pounds in 11 weeks. The main thing I’ve been doing is greatly reducing my liquid calories. I was not aware of how many calories I was consuming by drinking juices and pop a day until I measured it. The other thing has been a family-wide re-design of our dinners to be much lighter, healthier and frankly tastier.
About 10 weeks ago, I started a diet called 10 pounds in 10 weeks. I was 180 pounds. 10 weeks later (technically 11, I took a week off for a trade show) I’m down 10 pounds. I’m going to see if I can get down to 165 pounds (another 5 pounds).
Today marked week 4 of my pound a week diet. I started at 180 and this week I weighed in at 175.8 pounds. I’m definitely not an over-achiever. I find it easier to lower my calories than I do exercising. When I get home from work, I’m tired. I don’t want to work out. And I’m too lazy to get up early enough to go running. I do manage to get some working out in during the week but no where near what I had planned to do. Probably the best thing I’ve done is stop drin...
2009 sucked. There. I said it. Deaths. Stress. It was just a bad year. And I gained weight. My ideal weight is 165lbs. I’m now 180lbs. My goal is to get to 170lbs in 10 weeks. 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 170 Each Monday I’ll weigh myself to see how I’m doing and update this post to display my shame (or progress). Since it’s a pretty modest diet, here’s the basic plan: Get 10,000 steps at leas...
I started back in September on a 7 week diet. With a beginning weight of 176, my goal was to get down to 165. This is the first diet I've ever really been on. At first, it went pretty well - a pound a week. But around week 5, I hit 171 and have not managed to get past that. To lose more weight I have to overcome one primary obstacle: Cold weather. While I have a treadmill and elliptical at home, I much prefer to exercise outside. So when the weather starte...
My wife and I got home from a romantic weekend and I discovered to my dismay that I was at 176 pounds. Now, my ideal weight is 165 given my height (5 foot 11) and this was the heaviest I've ever been. Mind you, it's not the health issues or even how I look, it's the clothes. I don't want to have to buy new clothes. So it's diet time. Let me tell you a few things about dieting that you probably already know: Going from 2 cokes a day to water is not fun. Exchanging ...
I recently got the results back on a routine cholesterol check. eGads, I'm dying. My total cholesterol was 260 which isn't great but the really awful number was the HDL "Good" cholesterol number -- 19. Any amount lower than 40 is considered bad and normal is 60 or higher. At 19, I'm at the 1%tile of HDL. Unlike bad cholesterol, good cholesterol is hard to improve. Diet has little effect on it. Excercise can help and there are some natural suplements that may help...
Going to Disney World may be hazardous to ones health. When our family went to the magic kingdom, I weight 161 pounds. This morning, I weighed 168 pounds. I admit, we..I..ate a lot. I had hoped all the walking would work it off and it is possible that building some muscle in my legs from walking contributed some to that weight. Oh well, either way, time for better diet and excercise..
My wife and I are on a diet. I'm trying to lose about 10 pounds this year. The diet we're following calls for it to start with 3 days of cleansing the system of starches and sugars. It's not so much fasting as it is trying to get us over our addiction to starches and sugars. And holy cow am I an addict. I never realized how much in starches and sugars I consume each day. I would start out the day with French toast. Then grab a glazed donut or two on the way to work. For lunch, Penara Bread. ...