Well our guild at one point had over 120 players in it. But as time has gone on, I've lost interest and so have my officers who have slowly quit or drifted off. I just don't find WoW compelling anymore but that's okay, it gave me many months of enjoyment which is more than can be said of most games that are released. To those who were part of the guild, thank you for sharing your characters with my character. It has been fun.
Guilds, as a general concept, are terrific for Massively Multiplayer games. And nearly all regular players in WoW are in some sort of guild. The problem, in my view, with guilds is that they don't have enough tools to organize events, manage resources, and etc. As a guild leader, I really don't have much real power. I can kick people out, promote people, and so forth. But it's not like I have in-game power to resolve disputes over loot or try to provide "stuff" for new m...
Blizzard has released the official World of Warcraft Desktop. The suite, created for Stardock Media by Apocalypse_67 and Adam Najmanowicz (lead developer of Stardock SkinStudio) combines both original artwork and in-game interface graphics from Blizzard's popular massively multiplayer game. The suite incorporates technology from Stardock's Object Desktop in the form of Theme Manager OEM which has been previously licensed by companies such as Microsoft, Alienware, ATI, nVidia,...
On Uther server on World of Warcraft we have a pretty good-sized guild called Myth, Inc. If you're part of our guild, feel free to visit http://mythincguild.joeuser.com and join our blog group. You can create your own free blog at JoeUser.com and and write blogs to it.
Guilds are great except for when people argue with one another. The most common argument I see in MMORPGs is fighting over item drops. Rogue gets some scepter of power that they can't use and other people assume that they should have to hand it over to someone in their party that can even if the Rogue won the "roll". It's a dicey thing - rare drops. That rare drop might be worth 30 gold to the rogue. Do they hand it over to some mage they're traveling with simply because ...
In the "skinning" world (for those of you not familiar with skinning, it's a large community of power users and techies who enjoy customizing their PC software and operating systems in unique ways) there are occasionals complaints that there are too many Stardock "groupies" or "fanboys" who defend everything Stardock does. Hah. Stardock may be "the Blizzard of skinning" but there is no substitute for Blizzard but Blizzard when it comes to having fanboys. I'm friends with people at Blizzard...
This week Blizzard updated its popular massively multplayer RPG game, World of Warcraft. The main changes was a "bug fix" that dramatically decreased the amount of damage the Paladin class was capable of doing. The change occurred in how the "Seal of the Crusader" is handled. Previously it allowed the Paladin to swing faster AND keep doing the damage he would normally do with each swing. Now, it's been changed so that the Paladin swings faster but each hit does less damage (so th...
So I'm now at 4 days and 10 hours of play time (type "/played" in the prompt and you can find out how much time you've played). Stormy Waters, the highest level player in our guild, is level 56 and has put in 18 days in. This is literally how many hours one has spent in the game. So you can get an idea of the time investment involved to get high up. ; and how addictive the game is.
http://wowvault.ign.com/?dir=guilds&content=tabards Based on feedback, we're going to go with design #20. Now, what colors? I was thinking something simple like white background with the symbol in gold. But what do you think? Here are a few combos I've put together. Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.
Often times it's much easier to chat voice than chat with the keyboard. To that end there is a program called Ventrilo. We have a server that we put up a long time ago that you are free to make use of. My friend Alex has a guild called Digital Marines (DIM). I let them use the ventrilo server as well and they're a good bunch of guys. First you'll need to download the Ventrilo client: [Download Here] Once you have it installed, it will need to point to a server: cs.stard...
We're up to 15 members now over on the Uther server for Myth Inc. Which means it's time to start thinking about Guild Tabards. What would you like to see?
Welcome to Myth Inc. The Guild has finally gotten started. For those of you who don't know me, let me introduce myself. I'm Draginol in the game, Brad Wardell in real life. I was an alpha tester and later beta tester on World of Warcraft so I'm fairly familiar with the game's various quests.I also run this website (JoeUser.com) along with Stardock.com, WinCustomize.com and several other sites. I'm a professional game developer having designed and helped program The Politi...
If you're playing World of Warcraft, join us on the Uther server (Pacific time zone) to join the Myth Inc. guild. Jeblackstar and Tandis are already on there and hopefully others will soon be part of the guild as well. Hope to see you there! Look for me Draginol or Tandis or Jeblackstar.