You should definitely pass this around: Update: More here:
Tonight's debate scored by me. Q 1: How do you feel about the financial bail out package. Barack: 9. Good answer. McCain: 5. Lame. Q 2: What do you think of the plan. Barack: 6. He says he warned against this disaster. A bit lame in that he blames Republicans exclusively. McCain: 8. Better. Barack (followup): 8 articulate. McCAin (followup): 5. Cliches. Q 3: What should we do about government? McCain: 7. ...
Joe Biden had the audacity to say that it's time for the rich (those making $250k or more according to him) to be more patriotic and pay more taxes for the sake of the country. Of course, what Biden, like most clueless government types doesn't realize is that the government is an anchor, a parasite living off the earnings of patriotic Americans who actually make our country successful. The more we tax, the more we bog down our economy. Hence, a responsible government should try to be a...
I don't like McCain. I make no bones about it. I am not inclined to vote for him and I still don't plan to. But this article at RightWingNews really does speak for me pretty well. However, the real problem with Obama isn't just that he's incompetent, it's that he's an incompetent who seems to think he's a genius. Never has a man so unaccomplished been so overly proud of his non-achievements. Compare him to say, Jimmy Carter, who was far too naive to be President ...
I've written about this many times in the past but one of the more off putting features of American liberals is their smugness. If you disagree with them it is only because you are either ignorant or evil. This tends to result in them losing elections. Often. I just read a very interesting blog about this that I thought I'd share here: This conceit of liberals -- which sometimes I think is all that sustains them, and all that keeps them liberals in the first place -- that libera...
Republicans believe that individuals are responsible for helping their fellow man. Democrats believe that it's "someone else's" job to help others and vote to empower the government to make someone else do it.
Funny and insightful article..
I often have discussion with family and friends about how "we" should help the poor, the sick, and the incompetent. Usually, I end up taking the role of the villain because my view is that society can decide what it values through the individual contributions of its citizens. That is, I don't think my government has the right to forcibly confiscate my property to hand to someone else. If people want to support giving health care to everyone, then they can start or supp...
Each month it seems another significant figure in the scientific community comes forward to express skepticism about human-induced "global warming" (now re-branded as "climate change" since it's tougher to disprove). I think this year will be the year we look back and say "Hah, remember when there was this huge movement of self-righteous but scientifically clueless lay people running around screaming about human induced global warming despite so little evidence?&quo...
The revelations that Obama's paster is a rabidly anti-American who clearly hates this country on their own wouldn't be that damaging. But when combined with Obama's wife's statements that she has never been proud of this country until recently and Obama's own issues with the pledge of allegiance, flag pin wearing, etc. you begin to see a pattern. Personally, I don't think the man likes the United States at all. I think he is like a significant percentage of the Democratic left that thi...
Peggy Noonan, one of my heroes, has an outstanding column in today's Wallstreet Journal about George W. Bush and how he has torn the Republican party asunder. It has always amazed me to see Bush haters trying to paint Bush as a "typical" Republican or "typical" conservative. He is neither. His out of control spending, his preference for loyalty over competency, his incompotent handling of Iraq, his left-of center views on federal education, immigration, and even welfare make him not a Repu...
Almost exactly a year ago I wrote an article about the Politics of Labels . I argued that American politics is really broken down more accurately into 6 categories. But in most discussions, we end up funneling everything into left vs. right or liberal vs. conservative. The more simplified you make these labels, the less accurate they are. Yet, it turns out that most people are able to identify themselves into one or the other. No one is purely a conservative and no one is pure...
Helen Valois has an excellent article about what "Cut and Run Conservatism" is. Now that Rush Limbaugh has chosen to demonize conservatives acting as conservatives instead as as Republican sheep, he may discover that outside his ditto-head bubble that there are many out there unimpressed with his rhetoric. Valois writes: And just what is a "cut-and-run conservative"? From what I can tell, this label applies to anyone who holds the (to Rush) illogical opinion that Republicans ought to ...
The Governor.. Staying with local Michigan politics further, Jennifer Granholm has somehow managed to keep a 7%+ lead. The reason this is shocking is that Michigan's economy is the worst in the nation. We're the only state that has kept losing jobs for the past four years. I actually like Grandholm -- as a person. I think she carries herself well. But I don't thnk she has the faintest idea on economics and business. Here is the thing a lot of people ignore at the state lev...