Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Draginol's Articles » Page 123
February 7, 2004 by Draginol
Steven Den Beste has taken aim at Michael Moore's upcoming mockumentary Fahrenheit 9-11. It's no secret that I have nothing but disdain for Michael Moore. I've only debated with him electronically once and my impression is essentially that he's a lot like many far left wingers I see on the blogsphere that are willing to distort things in order to further their preconceived agenda. But he has the fortitude to actually go through and make movies and books to spread his drivel to the general p...
February 7, 2004 by Draginol
My education background is in engineering so writing wasn't something that came naturally to me. And yet, without a doubt, I am convinced that learning to write effectively has been an important factor in helping me succeed professionally.  But learning to write well didn't come overnight. It took years of writing to get decent at it.  Let me save you some time and give you some quickies on how to improve your writing which will in turn help make your blog more effective. 1) Perfect...
February 7, 2004 by Draginol
JoeUser is growing in leaps and bounds. A month ago the average number of people on the site might be around 30 people. These days it's typically around 80 people at the same time with it being 175 as I type this. So things are going pretty well. Of course, we've also had a of technical glitches as the site has grown, we've had to make adjustments as we've started gaining unwanted attention from hackers, griefers, and other undesirables.  If you've had problems posting articles to your blog...
February 6, 2004 by Draginol
It's probably a little early but this is my quickie prediction of what the next election will go like barring some unforeseen turn of events. Red are Bush states, blue are Kerry states. Prediction: Kerry chooses Edwards as his running mate. Bad idea potential 1: Kerry chooses Gephardt What Kerry should have done: Kerry should pick Bob Graham of Florida as his VP. The key states of this election: Florida, Pennsylvania. Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania gives Bush enough of a chance t...
February 6, 2004 by Draginol
If you have a blog already and are having trouble posting, let us know what your symptoms are. Post here.
February 5, 2004 by Draginol
This is making its way around the net... New Chemical Element Discovered Called "Governmentium" A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been named "Governmentium." Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons and 11 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by v...
February 5, 2004 by Draginol
This is making its way around the net... New Chemical Element Discovered Called "Governmentium" A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been named "Governmentium." Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons and 11 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by v...
February 5, 2004 by Draginol
The United States is premised on the separation of church and state. But over time, what that separation means has changed.  The founding fathers wanted to ensure that people were free to practice whatever religion they wanted. Moreover, they wanted to ensure that the government did not establish any official religion. You will regularly hear the ACLU refer to the "establishment clause" of the US constitution as the basis for their various lawsuits against states. It's a sticky situation...
February 4, 2004 by Draginol
What a day.  So I got the the 9 missions for the Galactic Civilizations: Altarian Prophecy campaign completed today. That meant both the maps and scenarios. I have to say, it's going to rock. Anyone who's enjoyed GalCiv in the past is almost certainly going to like having the ability to play specific maps and scenarios as well as a campaign. And I also think those players who found GalCiv to not have enough "depth" will find the scenarios to bring in enough strategic and tac...
February 3, 2004 by Draginol
To organize the site better for future growth, we have implemented topics (sub-categories). There will be nested sub-topics as well.What we want to do is decrease the # of channels overall and instead let users post into those fewer channels on a wider range of topics. Users interested in those topics will be able to delve deeper and deeper into that category by going to a particular topic.Let me give you an example:Let's say you're really into history. You click on the history forum or channel ...
February 3, 2004 by Draginol
The Republican party hasn't changed nearly as much as the Democrats were. The Democrats bet the farm on slavery in the 1860s -- they wanted to protect it. They lost. So then they became the party of white power. Woodrow Wilson was incredibly racist for instance and undid many executive branch reforms brought in by Teddy Roosevelt and Taft. The KKK, the Jim Crowe laws, the seperate but equal schooling, seperate drinking fountains were all laws passed by Democrats over the objections of Republi...
February 3, 2004 by Draginol
At this point it seems pretty clear that Janet Jackson had every intention of pulling this stunt at the Super Bowl. The question is, what should be done? Based on the reaction there seems to be 3 basic views: Have the FCC impose a huge fine on whoever is responsible including MTV and CBS. Outraged viewers to push pressure on Viacom to punish those responsible. Lighten up, it's a bear breast. Get over it. The first option comes with lots of potential issues with it. First, the FCC...
February 3, 2004 by Draginol I tend to be pretty caustic on debates because I don't have much patience for people who confuse their personal experiences or their feelings as facts. I like statistics but I understand why many if not most people stay away from them. Statistics can be manipulated to come about to nearly any conclusion. So it often takes a lot of time and effort to sift through the crap to get to actual meaningful data. Even exit polls are ful...
February 2, 2004 by Draginol
This is making the rounds on the net. At about the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in the year 1787, Alexander Tyler (a Scottish history professor at The University of Edinborough) had this to say about "The Fall of The Athenian Republic" some 2,000 years prior. "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to ex...
January 30, 2004 by Draginol
I can't say I'm happy overall with the company's progress. It's no one's fault. It was just so many things are interconnected that it was bound that things would get off track. We got IconPackager 2.5 out which has the smarter packaging in it and the encrypted format so that we can protect our intellectual property better from quasi-warez companies. We then followed that up with IconDeveloper. Which we followed up with BootSkin. But it has bene DesktopX 2.1, the hugely ambitious upd...